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Last kampung property owner is not even malay


They are less greedy and more simple-minded. They would have sold the land for a pack of nasi lemak.

The basic type of nasi lemak.

This would be 20c back then.



Owner of Singapore’s last “kampung” refuses to sell her land, now valued at nearly RM225 million (S$70 million)

  • 29-09- 2024 05:26 PM

Wan & Zal on TikTok/Grps on Wikipedia Wan & Zal on TikTok/Grps on Wikipedia

KAMPONG Lorong Buangkok, the last remaining village in Singapore valued at SGD 70 million (RM225 million), has gained attention recently on social media.
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In a TikTok video by Wan & Zal, a duo known for exploring properties in Singapore, they showcase the village and its place in the local landscape.
The village stands strong thanks to its owner, Sng Mui Hong.

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The land was purchased by her father, Sng Teow Koon, a traditional Chinese medicine seller in 1956 and offers a glimpse into the nation’s rural past.

“This village has been here for 69 years,“ Sng said, and despite tempting offers, she refuses to sell the land.

Her reason lies in a promise made by her late father.

“He wanted me to keep this land for his children and grandchildren,“ she adds.
According to the duo, the kampung’s freehold status means the government cannot acquire the land as long as Sng holds on to it, preserving this piece of history.
“Selling it for money is wrong,” she said, adding that there is no other village in the city-state besides this one.

Looking ahead, she is determined to maintain the village as long as she lives.
“After me, it is up to my relatives. They know my grandfather’s promise and said they want to keep the land as it is.”


The video showed that Sng’s commitment to preserving Kampong Lorong Buangkok has sparked a wave of positive feedback from viewers.

User iami_020 praised her, noting that she is “not driven by greed; she’s holding firm to her values and promises,“ commending Sng’s spirit in keeping the village alive despite lucrative offers.
Another user, your_inamorata, commented, “A true rich person living a simple life,“ while mopphit341 urged the preservation of the village, declaring it “one of a kind.”
Zaidi_99 echoed a similar sentiment, recognising the owner’s dedication by stating, “A good daughter honouring her father’s promise.” Additionally, mohdasri7613 added, “Such respectful loyalty! You are truly one in a million. Madam, you’re my idol.”


why no mention of the Annual Property Taxes ?
Would the Hidden Powers Raise the Property / Land Taxes to Financially-Stress Marginal Owners to let Go ?


yes, I think we can learn a little about financial planning from this story.

we read about stories of some descendants whose grandparents own large estates in Nee Soon, various rubber estates, coney island. Be it they sold freewillingly or acquired by government, most of their current wealth, can't match the $70m value of Lorong Kg Buangkok today.
That land worth 70m . Wow !!!!