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Kym Ng is childless by choice

blur sotong

Alfrescian (Inf)
Woman are best during her 20s give birth is easy as 123!
at 30 still ok have some difficulties sometimes..
at 40 here the problem, factory about to shut down, too much water
in your womb already,
So don't be too happy and taking things for granted...you want to stay till 50 than give
birth? that's hard to come by! by than you are considered Old woman...menapause ..
factory shut its door!

Bro Kuailan, the age 30 cut off is because 1st born after 30 years old generally carry greater risk for both the mother and the baby. But you are correct to say that the factory may shut down at the later stage - menopause. :o

blur sotong

Alfrescian (Inf)
Ng, who is in her 40s, told The New Paper: "I think I'm too selfish to have children. I want time for myself. I can't imagine the commitment involved in having to take care of kids.

She is not only too selfish to have children. She is definitely too selfish by ignoring her husband's wish too. :mad:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bro Huat-Ah, no, she simply don't want it. :mad:

Old crones in their 40s are strongly discouraged from attempting to conceive a baby.

Not only is there a low chance of success, any remaining eggs are also not fresh and the babies are at higher risk of birth defects and mental retardation.
Sarah Palin found out about this the hard way.

Don't forget the age gap too. Imagine growing up to be 20 years old, and your mother is already well into her 60s. That would suck.

I like women who don't want kids. Better than a woman with baby rabies who's plotting an 'oops' pregnancy.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Old crones in their 40s are strongly discouraged from attempting to conceive a baby.

Not only is there a low chance of success, any remaining eggs are also not fresh and the babies are at higher risk of birth defects and mental retardation.
Sarah Palin found out about this the hard way.

Don't forget the age gap too. Imagine growing up to be 20 years old, and your mother is already well into her 60s. That would suck.

I like women who don't want kids. Better than a woman with baby rabies who's plotting an 'oops' pregnancy.

Bro laksaboy ,

I have to disagree.
Known an ex colleague who gave birth to a baby boy when she was around 42.
She tried all available resources and spent a fortune trying to conceive.
Today her boy ( without any defects ) is around 21. Of course she's in her 60's.
I really admire her courage and determination.
My homie's wife got pregnant recently , after 7 years of trying and 1 miscarriage. She is 41.
A kid is God's gift to us all.
Changing diapers and feeding milk doesn't sound or look glam but it comes with the package.
Watching a kid grow day by day gives you the ultimate satisfaction.
Only those who have entered parenthood will know this.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
There is a typo...she applied 20 plus dose of semen not serum on her face every night hence no ammo to get pregnant


Super Moderator
Bro Kuailan, the age 30 cut off is because 1st born after 30 years old generally carry greater risk for both the mother and the baby. But you are correct to say that the factory may shut down at the later stage - menopause. :o

last me noted that pregnancy above 35 years of age carries higher risks. cut off age is around 33~34-ish


Super Moderator
A kid is God's gift to us all.
Changing diapers and feeding milk doesn't sound or look glam but it comes with the package.
Watching a kid grow day by day gives you the ultimate satisfaction.

more important to look after this gift and make sure this present doesn't turn into a brat in future. folks these days really allow their kiddos to run amok. :eek::eek::eek:


I'm very puzzled to why would TCS hire such a irritating voice and old person ( not bicth to be fair) to be host a program :confused:

You are quite right about this. My father and I don't really like her husky voice. And she was a singer before she became an actor ? That was weird. Could she sing ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
You are quite right about this. My father and I don't really like her husky voice. And she was a singer before she became an actor ? That was weird. Could she sing ?

Enough said. Torture your ears from 1:51

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7EZSxuh9qhU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Epic Failure !!

Enough said. Torture your ears from 1:51

Another Epic Failure. Cannot make it lah. She has a bad voice.
