Re: Kong hee Fark Choy! City Harvest raise $22.9 million building fund, Praise the Lo
An article from Straits Times stated that 1 in 10 Singaporeans are suffering from Mental related illness,
Religion can be defined as a strong belief in the supernatural power that holds the sole authority to control human destiny. It is an institution that helps to express our belief in a heavenly power. Religion is as old as the human civilization and came into existence when the human brain became superior to realize the significance of faith, and worship. Earlier humans lived in small groups, and each group recognized an icon that harmonized the ideologies of different people in the group. Rituals were an essential part of lives and were carried for natural resources icons such as moon, sun, fire, river, etc. since its beginning religion has been very beneficial for humans and it still holds an important place in the lives of people. The many benefits of religion include:
1.Helps in spiritual growth.
2.Aids in better mental health.
3.Provides a medium for friendship.
4.Improves creative skills.
5.Improves a person’s strength for adverse conditions.
6.Religion helps to sympathize people in grief.
7.Improves the physical health.
Religion is as old as the human civilization and came into existence when the human brain became superior to realize the significance of control . now im going to debunk all your 6 points by using my # 20 post
1.Helps in spiritual growth ? ( control you under the name of invisibleman )Spirituality for dummies.
If you have the awareness level of a snail, and your thinking is mired in shame and guilt (with perhaps a twist of drug abuse or suicidal thinking), then subscribing to a religion can help you climb to a higher level of awareness. your mindset, however, still remains incredibly dysfunctional you’ve merely swapped one form of erroneous thinking for another.for reasonably intelligent people who aren’t suffering from major issues with low self-esteem, religion is ridiculously consciousness-lowering. while some religious beliefs can be empowering, on the whole the decision to formally participate in a religion will merely burden your mind with a hefty load of false notions.when you subscribe to a religion, you substitute nebulous group-think for focused, independent thought. instead of learning to discern truth on your own, you’re told what to believe. this doesn’t accelerate your spiritual growth, on the contrary it puts the brakes on your continued conscious development. religion is the off-switch of the human mind.leave the mythology behind, and learn to think for yourself. your intellect is a better instrument of spiritual growth than any religious teachings.
2.Aids in better mental health? ( makes you mentally unstable to the extend of talking to yourself )
3.Provides a medium for friendship? ( provide a place to create MLM to con more members of their money )religions frequently promote inbred social networks. you’re encouraged to spend more time with people who share the same belief system while disengaging from those with incompatible beliefs. sometimes this is done subtly other times it’s more obvious. if you’re one of the saved, blessed, or otherwise enlightened individuals who stumbled upon the one true belief system, then supposedly everyone else remains in the dark. certain religions are overtly intolerant of outsiders, but to one degree or another, all major religions cast non-subscribers in a negative light. this helps to discourage members from abandoning the religion while still enabling them to proselytize. the main idea is to maintain social structures that reward loyalty and punish freedom of thought.this us-vs-them prejudice is totally incongruent with conscious living. it’s also downright moronic from a global perspective. but it remains a favored practice of those who pull the strings. when you’re taught to distrust other human beings, fear gets a foothold in your consciousness, and you become much easier to control.when you join a religion, your fellow mind-slaves will help to keep you in line, socially rewarding your continued obedience while punishing your disloyalty. why do they do this? it’s what they’ve been conditioned to do. tell your religious friends that you’re abandoning their religion because you want to think for yourself for a while, and watch the sparks fly. suddenly you’ve gone from best friend to evil demon. there’s no greater threat to religious people than to profess your desire to think for yourself.there are better ways to enjoy a sense of community than joining a slavery club. try making friends with conscious, free-thinking people for a change , people who are willing to connect with you regardless of how silly your beliefs are. you may find it intimidating at first, but it’s quite refreshing once you get used to it.
4.Improves creative skills? ( locking up your brain improving delusion )
5.Improves a person’s strength for adverse conditions? ( making a person weak by giving false hope )
6.Religion helps to sympathize people in grief ? eligious rules and laws invariably hamper the development of conscience. this causes all sorts of problems like pointless violence and warfare. those who preach nonviolence as a rule or law tend to be the most violent of all. such people cannot be trusted because they’ll violate their proclaimed values with the weakest of excuses.
when you externalize compassion into a set of rules and laws, what you’re left with isn’t compassion at all. True compassion is a matter of conscious choice, and that requires the absence of force-backed rules and laws.
the more religious a person becomes, the less compassionate s/he is. the illusion of compassion substitutes for the real thing. religious people tend to be the most bigoted and non-accepting people on earth. they’re the least trustworthy and suffer from the grossest character defects. they pretend they’re doing good, but they’re really collaborators in a system designed to push people into unconscious slavery to a “higher” authority. they are slaves promoting slavery.
Historically speaking, religious people love to fight each other. instead of unconditional love, they practice conditional loyalty. the only unconditional aspect is their thirst for blood. if you disagree with them, you’re a target… either for conversion or destruction (both of which are really the same thing).
if you value the ideal of unconditional love, you won’t find it in the practice of religion. real compassion doesn’t arise from believing in god, from practicing various rituals, or from studying the concept of karma. compassion can only result from conscious choice, and this requires the freedom to choose without the threat of punishment or the promise of reward. if you’re obedient to your faith, it’s a safe bet that compassion is absent from your life. you probably don’t even know what real compassion feels like.the more we collectively abandon all religion, the better off this planet will be. this doesn’t mean we have to abandon all spiritual pursuits. It just means we must stop turning spirituality into something it isn’t.
7.Improves the physical health ? you mean by praying ?