Kenneth Jeyaretnam
A great big thank you to all my friends and family who visited me and sent me kind messages during my recent hospitalisation. I'm out now and recovering well.
Is his hospital bill $8 LOL
by the way, anyone got any idea what kj was hospitalised for?
Cardio pulmonary disorder. Don't worry. OK already.
yes....but the parking $ 800
It's a pity. He is such a gentleman.We need such people in parliament - who speak good Queen's english!!!
he could be a gentleman but could be not so tactful at handling the people. there were many "talents" who quit his party after a brief stay. sometime to win a nation, perhaps the lst step is to conquer oneself before majority would back one up.
many were opportunists but i think those who left must have good reasons to do so. started off with a good potential but ended rather pathetically.....the PAP is still Singapores's Lumpar Uno!!!!