Wah, damn sian man. Going back and forth with you. You are coming so out of left field I don't know what to say. OK calm down, you're sounding like a mad man you know. So emo siah.
If those folks in the middle east were so happy, then why did the Arab Spring come about? US and the west instigated it, right?
OK, Putin, Xi and their regime do not murder/poison/torture/jail their opponents and dissidents. They also do not employ the use of propaganda. It's the US and the west who are guilty of such despicable behaviour. I also wonder why russia and china have so many of their citizens living in exile overseas when they are such wonderful countries.
Go on lah, be the cheer leader for Putin, Russia, China, CCP, murderous tyrants, despot dictators. They are the best, can do no wrong. Whatever floats your boat. This is very tiresome.......