KFC really taste good..but eat too much unhealthy....
They still using oil with trans fat. Even a little of trans fat is damaging to ones health.

KFC really taste good..but eat too much unhealthy....
i never like the kfc in singapore. will usually eat when i am in malaysia or thailand
KFC recipe, especially the Singapore version, give it to me free also I throw away as wastepaper, or to be more environmentally friendly, use the flipside to scribble messages to pass around.
They still using oil with trans fat. Even a little of trans fat is damaging to ones health.![]()
Food without trans fat tastes yucky. To hell with healthy eating.
Perhaps the reason why the singapore version sucks is becos of the type of chickenz used![]()
Screw KFC
Popeye's the future
For more than 20 years, the recipe has been tucked away in a filing cabinet equipped with two combination locks in company headquarters. To reach the cabinet, the keepers of the recipe would first open up a vault and unlock three locks on a door that stood in front of the cabinet.
So how many keys are needed over and above the combination locks?
Sounds like its more valuable than our entire reserves.![]()
KFC bolsters security - for secret recipe
Chicken chain relocates Colonel Sanders' handwritten recipe for first time in decades to undisclosed location.
September 9, 2008: 8:22 AM EDT
i never like the kfc in singapore. will usually eat when i am in malaysia or thailand[/QUOTE
Same here....the receipe they used here is copied from the ah soh, deep frying her 'ayam', in the food stalls, takes yucky!, tacky!...and where are the herbs?, must have used cow grass also.
I avoid KFC, unless, I am really desperate, hard pressed for time to eat, that goes for MacD...MacD used to be quite good, so was Burger King or even Long John Silver..
Nowadays, I get my 'junk food', fill, whenever I am in Malaysia & Thailand, I still adore A&W in Malaysia, the frothy root beers, the waffle with ice cream & the root beer floats...yummy!.
KFC Singapore recipe, no secret...'aunitie', won't even want to steal, she says, "hers better"...![]()
I don't understand why the taste of original KFC differs from country to country. Isn't it supposed to all the SAME recipe worldwide?!!?
colonel sanders will be very sad man if he eat the KFC in singapore now. i taste the colonel sander KFC when they just start in singapore, it was wonderful.
Now, with the present KFC in singapore, give me a break. It is no KFC secret recipe to me.
The original recipe doesn't taste as good as the hot and spicy version (limited periods only) over in NZ. The former tends to be soggy and oily whilst the latter is crispy, hot and tastier.
The Malaysians over in NZ like to eat as much KFC before visiting their relatives back in Malaysia because the Malaysian KFC recipe is inferior and the chicken pieces smaller and the meat lacks moisture content (dry and tasteless).
When they started, it taste better and whats more, it was a real restaurant with a real plate and metal cutlery. Unlike nowadays where one has to queue and use disposables to eat.:(