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Key policy shifts which will affect us once Trumps becomes Potus again


1) ICE and hybrid cars will be revived and EV companies will be farked so hard til their stocks will crash like hell, esp. Tesla.

2) Fed rates will likely drop, leading to lower housing loan interest rates. Else from the rate we are going with the Fed under Biden, now with SORA rate going at a crazy 3.6%, we are doomed.

3) Iran and Axis of Evil counties will be handled and suppressed with stoppage of wars once Trump take down these farkers one by one.

4) Stock market is going to rally and become bullish once again.

In other words, Ho Say Liao!!



5) Strict border controls put an end to illegal and mass immigration, review of all FTAs including SG-USA FTA

6) Sinkies must replace PAP to get rid of CECA and other 3rd world countries that took away PMET jobs


Alfrescian (Inf)
If it's Mr No More Mr Nice Trump and he destroys the Davos globalist cabal, Sinkieland is more or less habis, since it has been the shameless outpost of all globalist filth. Especially during the scamdemic, that should have opened many eyes.

Oh Lawrence, what were you thinking in taking the poisoned chalice job? :cool:
