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4000+ visitor comments below the article. Here are some of the comments (excluding replies to these comments).
MarkMark5 hours ago
Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam all signed unto The American TPP trade proposal designed to isolate the Chinese. The agreement contained strict controls over the zero tariff conditions and iron clad IP protections. The strategy, originally proposed during the Bush administration, was to force China into the new stricter rules and away from the WTO's "developing economy" rules that permit China to practice what many consider to be unfair trading practice. Trump cancelled it in the first month of his presidency.
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Josh NJosh N6 hours ago
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—A man with no identifiable skills is deeply worried that a recession could cause him to lose his job, people close to the man have confirmed.
The man, who has barely clung to his job for the past two and a half years, is justified in believing that an economic downturn would result in his unemployment, experts said.
“When the economy is good, it’s possible for someone like him to hold down a job for which he is woefully unqualified,” Harland Dorrinson, a human-resources specialist, said. “But when the economy goes south, look out.”
Dorrinson said that the unskilled man’s résumé, which lists six bankruptcies and multiple business failures, could come under scrutiny in the event of a recession.
“His employers might find themselves asking, ‘How did he get this job in the first place?’ ” Dorrinson said.
Additionally, the man’s near-total lack of education—evidenced by his inability to spell common one-syllable words or to identify the century in which the airplane was invented—could make him vulnerable to termination, the human-resources expert said.
“On the plus side, he enjoys watching television for eight hours a day,” Dorrinson said. “During a recession, he’ll be able to do even more of that."
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MontanaMontana3 hours ago
Factual Moscow Times Headline on Nov.8, 2016, 'Russian Parliament Erupts in Standing Ovation Upon Announcement of trump Victory '. True Fact, GOOGLE IT...
kyrakyra6 hours ago
Trump said, "Yeah. For sure," Trump told reporters when asked if he has second thoughts about escalating the trade dispute, adding he has "second thoughts about everything." My question to the voters, Are you having regrets voting for man yet? He's not only hurting this country- he's hurting the world.
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MarkMark6 hours ago
China has over three times the population and three times the GDP. They are also 20 years ahead of the US in industrial and civil infrastructure and they now have the world's largest consumer market. We do need to get a more balanced trading agreement, all of China's trading partners do and that was what TPP was all about. But no trade agreement is going to prevent China from becoming the dominant economic power in the world. That's just something Americans are going to have to come to terms with.
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tedted9 hours ago
Mr Trump has second thoughts about his tariffs?
When did he have first thoughts?
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ConservativeLoonConservativeLoon9 hours ago
Conservative Doublethink:
"Trump is the world's greatest negotiator and only he can bring everyone together"
"It's everyone else's fault that we are heading to a global recession".
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Vince ValiantVince Valiant6 hours ago
I'm reading a lot of jokes here, but the reality is that this president is making huge mistakes that will affect the future of our country. What we do also affect the entire world economies.
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JamesJames7 hours ago
"If I want, I could declare a national emergency," Trump said. He cited China's theft of intellectual property and the large U.S. trade deficit with China, saying "in many ways that's an emergency."
His overuse of so called national emergencies will open the door for next Democrat president to use it for gun control, climate change, higher taxes on rich Etc...
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E pluribus unumE pluribus unum7 hours ago
"Trump signals some regret on China trade war" Okay, let's be clear: Trump's 'regret' is not about the trade wars that he starts or the tariffs that he imposes. The 'regret' is that people aren't 'loving' him for something he said or did. Remember his motto is not 'America First'. It is 'Trump First'.
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BLBL8 hours ago
LOL....trump told all of us just the other day that the economy is going good, then we found out his administration lied about the new jobs numbers by over half a million jobs. I would say trump tries to convince people they aren't experiencing what they are experiencing. LOL Yes, he just lies, quite often for no reason other than to lie I guess. It's just what he does and he seems to like it so much he doesn't care if he's recorded or not. You could show trump a video of his own self telling a specific lie that was captured as it happened with witnesses to the lie and he would tell you it wasn't him in the video. He just lies, his brain is wired wrong. trump is no longer electable. I have seen to much of who he really is and he is not presidential in any way. He has degraded the office of president and our country at the same time. He is no longer electable.
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The dotard says “I have been treated beautifully” it is all about him. He could care less about the world economy. (including USA's)
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Chris DChris D7 hours ago
But I thought trump was an amazing businessman who hired the best people and made the best deals? Just look at Trump University, Trump Steaks, the Taj Majal, and all 3 of his marriages.
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GLJMGLJM3 hours ago
Trump obviously got his degree in Economics from "Trump University".
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YeahYeah8 hours ago
You know, if Donald Trump says it’s ‘going well’, you can take those words to heart. Just like trade wars are easy, infrastructure is easy, building a ‘great beautiful wall’ is easy, health care is easy, his administration is full of great, stable people. Why would you ever doubt this man? Hmm.
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MikeMike6 hours ago
Most of the furnishings at Trump's hotels are made in China, that hasn't changed.
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thomasthomas7 hours ago
Starting Oct lst we are all going to be paying much more for what we buy due to his tariffs on China. No longer a Trump supporter.
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PaulPaul5 hours ago
I'd like to hear the President regret what he's done to US citizens. He can't seem to understand that adding tariffs to Chinese goods, just raises prices when Americans buy Chinese products. It doesn't punish the Chinese, it punishes US consumers. I heard we all pay an extra $650 a year, thanks to Trumps misguided approach to negotiating with our trade partners. Farmers are already suffering, because Trump canceled soy bean sales to China. The Chinese don't mind, just found another source. The fantasy Trump keeps suggesting is, "Tariffs will move jobs back to the USA." No, that's not how it works. The only time tariffs create jobs here, is when tariffs are used to keep jobs here. The tariffs make a similar foreign product, a bit more expensive than an American product. Like the tariffs on motorcycles. Tariffs made large foreign bikes, noticeably more expensive than they had to be, just to protect Harley Davidson sales in the USA.
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MAGA=Cognitive DissonanceMAGA=Cognitive Dissonance5 hours ago
What does a six time business failure know about successfully maneuvering in tariffs and trade wars?
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MybałłšhurtMybałłšhurt9 hours ago
Trade wars are very easy to win ??
Isn’t that what the chosen one said ?
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LisaLisa9 hours ago
"I negotiated strongly,... very very strongly. And all the leaders said I was the best deal maker possibly in the history of the universe. That chick from Denmark gave me her hotel key, but I'll be staying with my beautiful wife, Ivanka. Because when you look at it... everybody is saying...we haven't seen anything like this before. And hurricanes are very wet, from the standpoint of water. Believe me ! NO COLLUSION!!! NO OBSTRUCTION!!!
His ways are higher than our ways. How can mere mortals ever hope to parse the profound wisdom of the Very Stable Genius Second Coming of God ?
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DianneDianne8 hours ago
Trump's definition of diplomacy is to threaten tariffs on everyone before he get there then when he get there he plays the victim. Now, he wants other countries to do something to spur growth so that the US economy looks better but he doesn't realize he is doing it. It has to be crazy for these leaders to try to work with Trump when they know he will say one thing at the G7 but it get twisted when he leave.
Danny BerschDanny Bersch6 hours ago
Let's be crystal clear about this. Mr. Trump has no regrets about the trade war. He regrets that his popularity numbers are slipping. It has NEVER been about the issues so much as the accolades.
RBRB8 hours ago
In TrumpSpeak, "going well" means the other world leaders have shut him out by discussing topics way outside his narrowminded understanding.
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PatrickPatrick6 hours ago
Will he declare a national emergency after he loses the 2020 election?
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BobBob9 hours ago
It's no surprise that every single one of Trump's businesses ended up in bankruptcy court.
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J.S.J.S.9 hours ago
China owns over a trillion dollars of our Treasury notes. Trump doesn't seem to understand the hold a few cards.
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heckuvajobheckuvajob9 hours ago
When the leaders expressed their concerns, regarding the Amazon fires, Donnie said he’d send his regards to Jeff Bezos.
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J.S.J.S.9 hours ago
China can just wait until 2020 until they make a deal with the new president.
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EllenEllen3 hours ago
Its important for leaders of all other G7 members to remember that the opinions expressed by Trump are NOT the opinions of US citizens. Again, Trump was not elected to the office of President of the United States. Throughout his campaign and his tenure in the office of President he has, on a daily basis, displayed clear and obvious signs of Dementia/Alzheimer's and is clearly unfit to hold the office. The rest of the leaders of the G7 need to make decisions in the best interest of the planet that we all share specifically excluding the mad ravings of Trump. They need to be assured that, we the people, will vote Trump out of office in 2020 and move forward with protections in the best interest of all of the species that share the planet Earth. Thank you to all other leaders for your patience and understanding in this very dire, dark time for the United States but rest assured we will correct this in 2020.
RaiderRaider10 hours ago
Remember Trump borrowed over 600 million from Deutsche bank in Germany before he got elected so he wants to pay but with no interest.
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MarkMark6 hours ago
He could actually just announce that China has agreed to everything and claim "Mission Accomplished". It's not like his base would notice.
Bob ZBob Z9 hours ago
Macron, asked Trump, if he liked escargot? Trump, replied; "No, but there should be a tariff on them".
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StudleyStudley7 hours ago
Of course, Trump will save farmers with more subsidies. AKA, socialism.
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jonjon9 hours ago
Great results from North Korea and China too...simply fantastic.
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StephenAStephenA6 hours ago
I look at it like this, the U.S was doing great economically without this personal trade war between the U.S and China, so then why fix something that isn't broken. What I wish the U.S would focus more on is their cyber-security to protect us from countries who countries like China and Russia who constantly interfere with the business of the U.S.
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DavidDavid7 hours ago
2021 will see beginning of the rescue of the American economy by an incoming Democratic president -- part two. Talk about Deja Vu.
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joka13joka138 hours ago
No 45 has "second thoughts about everything?"
Is THAT REALLY something you want to hear from the "leader" who claims to KNOW EVVERYTHING? That DOES NOT allow people to challenge him? Who can watch a video of himself saying something, and then he denies he said it? The one who called himself a "military genius" because he went to a military school (because he was too out of control for his parents, natch)?
I thought Mr. "I'm-the-best-president-this-country-has-ever-seen" knew EVERYTHING, and made the BEST decisions the FIRST time?
Let's give him the out he so desperately is seeking next year: vote for ANY opponent, or at least don't vote for the top position on the ballot. You have that right to skip offices while at least participating in voting overall, you know.
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Hugh B McAloonHugh B McAloon8 hours ago
I keep thinking of that Steve Carrell SNL skit: "The Art of the Deal - the only book with four Chapter Elevens."
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BillBill7 hours ago
Trump simply knows nothing of the economic deal we've had with China for the last 30 years. They bought our debt and gave us enough money to buy the products they made. The dollar is the reserve currency but that is going to change and when it does people in the US will suffer. Trump has no understanding of how things work. He's going to cause much trouble for the US.
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joejoe7 hours ago
First, Trump tells Putin, his immediate family, and Kim to buy all in on stocks, then he might tweet he is postponing the Sept 1 tariffs.
paulpaul9 hours ago
As long as Trump gets to Eat n Tweet" it a great meeting....
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BillBill8 hours ago
Trump only sees what he wants, that's why he has stated he has accomplished more than any president in the history of the US.
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Stariy PerduneStariy Perdune10 hours ago
Great picture, Macron saying "See that way is Russia, don't go there"
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RebeccaRebecca9 hours ago
why doesn't this site say that trump asked if russia can rejoin the group, all the countries said no
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anonymousanonymous9 hours ago
It's quite telling when Boris Johnson is the voice of reason towards tRump.
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MikeMike5 hours ago
The first thing that Trump did after the election was to sign his own personal Trademark deals with China so that none of these tariffs would affect him or his family.
EdwardEdward10 hours ago
They gave him a Happy Meal and put him at the kid's table.
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JamesJames9 hours ago
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JamesJames7 hours ago
Did he finally wake up and realize he's in a no win situation because China is not going to back down and if a recession starts, it's squarely on his shoulders. Now he's trying to save face.
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MadiboMadibo7 hours ago
The other World leaders are privately joking and laughing at Trump, that is why he did not want to go to G-7 Summit.
SbgraceSbgrace3 hours ago
We're approaching our busy shopping season with the lead up to Christmas. Those tariffs are going to affect spending which in turn leads to a downturn in the economy, which will have a bearing on new jobs created, and then the beginning of the rise of unemployment because businesses aren't making money they can't afford to hire new people and then they'll cut the hours of the people they already have, those people can't pay their mortgages, the bottom drops out of the housing market, foreclosures begin to rise, banks are being saddled with high debt from faltering mortgage loans, prices rise on products and then the great recession returns. Something like that in that order. We still aren't winning, morale in the United States tanks, and then we are prime picking for the type of self-destructive behavior that puts all of America and our democracy in harm's way. Presently Hong Kong is fighting for democracy, soon we will be fighting for our very existence as a country. Thank you 45, your ineptitude and your continued deplorable business practices will destroy our country from within.
MikeMike5 hours ago
Trump's entire wardrobe is made or trademarked in China.
tedted9 hours ago
Maybe after Mr Trump leaves the adults can get some real work done.
Virgil VirguleVirgil Virgule2 hours ago
Now Walmart has to raise prices to cover Trump's tariffs.
tomtom6 hours ago
This trade war between China needs to stop!
My company lost 65% of international sales because this trade war, not to mention holidays around the corner got to fill the oil tank up for heat and we're not getting a cost-of-living increase because of the trade tariff war.
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L’idiotduvillageL’idiotduvillage9 hours ago
“Getting along very well with China”.
“The leaders of the G7 are getting along very well”.
What a difference a day makes!!!!
Wait until he comes back. He will change again.
His followers want WINNING. How do you win if there are no wars?
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State Of MnState Of Mn6 hours ago
Wait....6 out of 7 of the group of 7 leaders feel the worlds economies are slowing and they blame trump and the trumpturds here in America think it's all fake news and he's doing great. Got it!
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Tom GTom G9 hours ago
Since we already KNOW that whatever Trump says the EXACT OPPOSITE IS THE TRUTH, this summit must be falling apart for our country.
AnthonyAnthony7 hours ago
those second thoughts about the trade war will evaporate as soon as he gets back to Fox today
TheOracleTheOracle9 hours ago
"Despite reports of tensions, Trump says G-7 'going well'"
Once you reach "Trump says...", you can pretty much ignore everything that follows and not miss anything.
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PaulPaul9 hours ago
Trump is like the one Uncle every family has, you feel obligated to invite him to family events but hope he doesn't show up.
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DavidDavid2 hours ago
Why did the other leaders attend. They should have shown trump the same respect he shows them - none.
ButchButch7 hours ago
It's going to be interesting to hear what Trump tells us about how things went when he gets back home.
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Pennywise the ClownPennywise the Clown4 hours ago
Trump meant he regretted not taxing us common folks higher to fund his 1%!
TomTom6 hours ago
Everyone of his department heads told him tariffs were a bad idea, but of course Lying Donald doesn't listen to anybody. He knows more than the Fed, knows more than the Generals, knows more about technology than anyone, but he is nothing more than a blow hard failure who makes kneejerk decisions without any forethought. Thank you Trumpers for crushing our economy that had been going extremely well, I hope you get laid off.
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J.S.J.S.9 hours ago
Tariff wars are easy to win ... oh wait.
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NickDNickD4 hours ago
One cannot discuss fair trade without also discussing human rights and the environment... Our planet has reached the point where we have to decide on how humanity is going to work together. We can still have competitive markets, but we all need to play by the same rules, with penalties for those who cheat by mis treating their citizens.
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MikeMike6 hours ago
President Obama must have built a strong economy to withstand all of this meddling by Trump.
JakeJake7 hours ago
Trade wars are easy to win, remember?!?
carlcarl3 hours ago
Obama was a lawyer and had smart people surrounding him. He had to bail out banks and auto makers to prevent a depression. They paid billiions back. Drump gave tax break to corporates and rich who didnt need. Now he stuck in a rock and hard place with the biggest deficit ever and havent accomplished anythink. Not only do we need to vote him out but the gop congress and senate members who back him including moscow. Mitch and gram. They dont represent all Americans loyalty not to america , but to dotard and his dotard disciples.my list of greatest. Presidents. FDr, Lincoln,Kennedy and Obama. Drump doesnt make the cut
MwMw7 hours ago
Don has "second thoughts about everything"? Unlikely.
We're still waiting for the first genuine thought about anything.
Mule HeadedMule Headed6 hours ago
I am wearing my MAGA hat to the unemployment line. I hope there is enough money to fund unemployment benefits!
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GregGreg10 hours ago
So, Trump picks a fight with half the world, then presumes to gather world leaders and tell them they need to stimulate the world economy that his trade war slowed down before it makes him look bad in an election year? Yep, sounds like Donald.
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RichardRRichardR8 hours ago
Trump wants other leaders to stimulate their economies while his trade war is part of the reason for the global slowdown. Sanctions and tariffs are not tools used to generate growth in any economy and although Dingle-Berry doesn't seem to realize that, other leaders do. These leaders are not willing to increase their national debt like Trump did to get a growth spurt that has now slowed back to normal, and contrary to Trump, that is a conservative view. Very, very complicated problems can not be solved by simplistic solutions which is all Trump has.
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AnonymousAnonymous8 hours ago
He can dispute all he wants, reading a German newspaper tells me a different story which tramp doesn't want the US to know.
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StuartStuart7 hours ago
Who could have guessed that a reality TV con man doesn't know anything about trade wars ?
DavidDavid9 hours ago
Can't help but wonder if one of the common questions asked in private among the other heads-of-state at this meeting isn't, "Doesn't he have a golf outing somewhere to attend?"
Bronco FanBronco Fan9 hours ago
No matter what he said, or claims he said today tomorrow or Monday he'll say something different or deny all of it and call it Fake News.
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DanoDano4 hours ago
She said Trump only responded "in the affirmative — because he regrets not destroying the nation further."
SamSam5 hours ago
Remember when President Obama was facing all this tension at G-7? Me neither!
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LL5 hours ago
The real national emergency is that Trump is president.
NgiamNgiam9 hours ago
Trump vision is only America n himself. Can't handle world economic affairs. Always think countries have to bow to America . Under Trump, America has lost the leadership.
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J.S.J.S.9 hours ago
No one is choosing "The Chosen One".
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864586457 hours ago
America signals a lot of regret for electing Trump.
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arthurarthur5 hours ago
Melania is jealous seeing how other world leaders treat their wives and show respect to other world leaders .
PiperPiper4 hours ago
How are those Made in China MAGA hats holding up?
EdwardEdward10 hours ago
Lying again. Every single time he goes abroad he comes back with some big tale and people from where he came from quickly deny any of it happening.
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James LJames L9 hours ago
When Boris Johnson tells Trump to back-off, there might be a problem.
DogDaysDogDays3 hours ago
Trump doesn't even understand that just his or, the WH's "clarification" of what he meant that he regrets not going higher, is provocation to China to have them up the ante, once again, resulting in Trump doing the same, despite, advocacy from the G7 for Free Trade, US farmers being devastated, US consumers paying more, indications of a Trump recession, global economies being negatively impacted. Trump just marches along oblivious in his delusion rhetoric that the US is "winning". Yep, the "chosen one" is only chosen to be the one who loses on Nov 3, 2020. And, that's America "winning"!!!
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Jesse SnowboardJesse Snowboard8 hours ago
Saying "If I want, I could declare a national emergency," proves that he doesn't believe it's a "national emergency".
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RickRick5 hours ago
I can't wait till Monday to see how much I lose in the market cause the chosen one has no clue
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AnonymousAnonymous6 hours ago
President Joe Biden 2020 NEEDED STAT!
KoeKoe7 hours ago
The man is so unstable he might drop all tariffs today and rise them back tomorrow. Who would dare to sign a trade deal with him? Totally erratic.
Jan NoneJan None2 hours ago
Still no tariffs on the voting machines that Ivanka is manufacturing in China.....................the only question now is.....................which red states are buying them?
snoodsnood6 hours ago
Still no tariff on trump family made in communist china goods
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NaughtyNaughty3 hours ago
Anytime Trump makes a statement. 3 or 4 White house officials have to Translate it into English
JakeJake5 hours ago
Macron is telling trump "And the sun comes up in the east, that's this direction".
CaptainCaptain4 hours ago
"the White House later reversed that message saying the president was misinterpreted"
Meaning; "the president again had difficulty "doing words" and said something different from what he meant".
Historic West End Atl.Historic West End Atl.10 hours ago
In other words, the meeting is accomplishing nothing.
MarketMarket7 hours ago
Regrets? I thought this was all about MAGA. Does he now regret being POTUS?
AnonymousAnonymous7 hours ago
Paper Tiger......
President Donald Trump signaled regret Sunday for an escalating trade war with China, as he faces a tense reception from world leaders meeting amid mounting anxiety of a global economic slowdown at the Group of Seven summit in France.
GLJMGLJM4 hours ago
Trump to the public: "The talk of a Recession is a Democratic plot"
Trump to his Cabinet " How can we stop the Recession from coming before the 2020 election? "
SteveSteve3 hours ago
Is ivanka Going To Bring Her Chinese Footwear And Clothing Manufacturing Businesses Back To The USA ???
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C DubC Dub2 hours ago
So The Dotard® starts a recession with his tariffs, then runs to world leaders to up their economies to help stabilize the recession he started.
ScottScott9 hours ago
Trump said the G7 leaders were getting on quite well together — without him
ErnieMErnieM3 hours ago
The world probably can't wait 'til Trump is out of the office! The negotiation can truly begin then!
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marcmarc9 hours ago
There is a National Emergency. And it started on January 20th 2017.
markmark3 hours ago
Just give him a prime time hour an FOX and half an acre in downtown Moscow and maybe he will resign lets say for health reasons.
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And once again the White House feels the need to explain what Trump actually meant to say. Don't look behind the curtain Dorothy.
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Made in AmericaMade in America2 hours ago
So how high is the tariff on Donald's and Ivanka's products that are made in China ?
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ChrisChris9 hours ago
I'm sure nothing will get accomplished.
ColinColin3 hours ago
Then hours later, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham issued a statement saying the news media had "greatly misinterpreted" Trump's response. Grisham said the president only responded "in the affirmative - because he regrets not raising the tariffs higher."
Stephanie Grisham has proven throughout her career as a "spokesperson" to be a professional liar. So, no matter what she says, the opposite is probably true. I love Kudlow's response; so why doesn't the POTUS wear a hearing aid? Lot's of 73 year old people wear them because they have hearing loss.
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BobBob9 hours ago
The media reporting is always more accurate than Trump reporting. Trump lacks awareness.
maureenmaureen8 hours ago
I advise people to take their xmas money now and buy before everything goes thru the roof with trade war
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HH1 hour ago
Does any of Trump followers know what is the purpose of this trade war? For "fair trade"? What is fair to you? You do understand the US does not have to buy anything from China, right? But it does because it sees the benefit. The US trade deficit with China hit a record high last year.
Or your mean fair trade means: you must buy from us as much as we buy from you?
4000+ visitor comments below the article. Here are some of the comments (excluding replies to these comments).
MarkMark5 hours ago
Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam all signed unto The American TPP trade proposal designed to isolate the Chinese. The agreement contained strict controls over the zero tariff conditions and iron clad IP protections. The strategy, originally proposed during the Bush administration, was to force China into the new stricter rules and away from the WTO's "developing economy" rules that permit China to practice what many consider to be unfair trading practice. Trump cancelled it in the first month of his presidency.
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Josh NJosh N6 hours ago
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—A man with no identifiable skills is deeply worried that a recession could cause him to lose his job, people close to the man have confirmed.
The man, who has barely clung to his job for the past two and a half years, is justified in believing that an economic downturn would result in his unemployment, experts said.
“When the economy is good, it’s possible for someone like him to hold down a job for which he is woefully unqualified,” Harland Dorrinson, a human-resources specialist, said. “But when the economy goes south, look out.”
Dorrinson said that the unskilled man’s résumé, which lists six bankruptcies and multiple business failures, could come under scrutiny in the event of a recession.
“His employers might find themselves asking, ‘How did he get this job in the first place?’ ” Dorrinson said.
Additionally, the man’s near-total lack of education—evidenced by his inability to spell common one-syllable words or to identify the century in which the airplane was invented—could make him vulnerable to termination, the human-resources expert said.
“On the plus side, he enjoys watching television for eight hours a day,” Dorrinson said. “During a recession, he’ll be able to do even more of that."
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MontanaMontana3 hours ago
Factual Moscow Times Headline on Nov.8, 2016, 'Russian Parliament Erupts in Standing Ovation Upon Announcement of trump Victory '. True Fact, GOOGLE IT...
kyrakyra6 hours ago
Trump said, "Yeah. For sure," Trump told reporters when asked if he has second thoughts about escalating the trade dispute, adding he has "second thoughts about everything." My question to the voters, Are you having regrets voting for man yet? He's not only hurting this country- he's hurting the world.
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MarkMark6 hours ago
China has over three times the population and three times the GDP. They are also 20 years ahead of the US in industrial and civil infrastructure and they now have the world's largest consumer market. We do need to get a more balanced trading agreement, all of China's trading partners do and that was what TPP was all about. But no trade agreement is going to prevent China from becoming the dominant economic power in the world. That's just something Americans are going to have to come to terms with.
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tedted9 hours ago
Mr Trump has second thoughts about his tariffs?
When did he have first thoughts?
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ConservativeLoonConservativeLoon9 hours ago
Conservative Doublethink:
"Trump is the world's greatest negotiator and only he can bring everyone together"
"It's everyone else's fault that we are heading to a global recession".
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Vince ValiantVince Valiant6 hours ago
I'm reading a lot of jokes here, but the reality is that this president is making huge mistakes that will affect the future of our country. What we do also affect the entire world economies.
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JamesJames7 hours ago
"If I want, I could declare a national emergency," Trump said. He cited China's theft of intellectual property and the large U.S. trade deficit with China, saying "in many ways that's an emergency."
His overuse of so called national emergencies will open the door for next Democrat president to use it for gun control, climate change, higher taxes on rich Etc...
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E pluribus unumE pluribus unum7 hours ago
"Trump signals some regret on China trade war" Okay, let's be clear: Trump's 'regret' is not about the trade wars that he starts or the tariffs that he imposes. The 'regret' is that people aren't 'loving' him for something he said or did. Remember his motto is not 'America First'. It is 'Trump First'.
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BLBL8 hours ago
LOL....trump told all of us just the other day that the economy is going good, then we found out his administration lied about the new jobs numbers by over half a million jobs. I would say trump tries to convince people they aren't experiencing what they are experiencing. LOL Yes, he just lies, quite often for no reason other than to lie I guess. It's just what he does and he seems to like it so much he doesn't care if he's recorded or not. You could show trump a video of his own self telling a specific lie that was captured as it happened with witnesses to the lie and he would tell you it wasn't him in the video. He just lies, his brain is wired wrong. trump is no longer electable. I have seen to much of who he really is and he is not presidential in any way. He has degraded the office of president and our country at the same time. He is no longer electable.
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The dotard says “I have been treated beautifully” it is all about him. He could care less about the world economy. (including USA's)
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Chris DChris D7 hours ago
But I thought trump was an amazing businessman who hired the best people and made the best deals? Just look at Trump University, Trump Steaks, the Taj Majal, and all 3 of his marriages.
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GLJMGLJM3 hours ago
Trump obviously got his degree in Economics from "Trump University".
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YeahYeah8 hours ago
You know, if Donald Trump says it’s ‘going well’, you can take those words to heart. Just like trade wars are easy, infrastructure is easy, building a ‘great beautiful wall’ is easy, health care is easy, his administration is full of great, stable people. Why would you ever doubt this man? Hmm.
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MikeMike6 hours ago
Most of the furnishings at Trump's hotels are made in China, that hasn't changed.
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thomasthomas7 hours ago
Starting Oct lst we are all going to be paying much more for what we buy due to his tariffs on China. No longer a Trump supporter.
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PaulPaul5 hours ago
I'd like to hear the President regret what he's done to US citizens. He can't seem to understand that adding tariffs to Chinese goods, just raises prices when Americans buy Chinese products. It doesn't punish the Chinese, it punishes US consumers. I heard we all pay an extra $650 a year, thanks to Trumps misguided approach to negotiating with our trade partners. Farmers are already suffering, because Trump canceled soy bean sales to China. The Chinese don't mind, just found another source. The fantasy Trump keeps suggesting is, "Tariffs will move jobs back to the USA." No, that's not how it works. The only time tariffs create jobs here, is when tariffs are used to keep jobs here. The tariffs make a similar foreign product, a bit more expensive than an American product. Like the tariffs on motorcycles. Tariffs made large foreign bikes, noticeably more expensive than they had to be, just to protect Harley Davidson sales in the USA.
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MAGA=Cognitive DissonanceMAGA=Cognitive Dissonance5 hours ago
What does a six time business failure know about successfully maneuvering in tariffs and trade wars?
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MybałłšhurtMybałłšhurt9 hours ago
Trade wars are very easy to win ??
Isn’t that what the chosen one said ?
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LisaLisa9 hours ago
"I negotiated strongly,... very very strongly. And all the leaders said I was the best deal maker possibly in the history of the universe. That chick from Denmark gave me her hotel key, but I'll be staying with my beautiful wife, Ivanka. Because when you look at it... everybody is saying...we haven't seen anything like this before. And hurricanes are very wet, from the standpoint of water. Believe me ! NO COLLUSION!!! NO OBSTRUCTION!!!
His ways are higher than our ways. How can mere mortals ever hope to parse the profound wisdom of the Very Stable Genius Second Coming of God ?
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DianneDianne8 hours ago
Trump's definition of diplomacy is to threaten tariffs on everyone before he get there then when he get there he plays the victim. Now, he wants other countries to do something to spur growth so that the US economy looks better but he doesn't realize he is doing it. It has to be crazy for these leaders to try to work with Trump when they know he will say one thing at the G7 but it get twisted when he leave.
Danny BerschDanny Bersch6 hours ago
Let's be crystal clear about this. Mr. Trump has no regrets about the trade war. He regrets that his popularity numbers are slipping. It has NEVER been about the issues so much as the accolades.
RBRB8 hours ago
In TrumpSpeak, "going well" means the other world leaders have shut him out by discussing topics way outside his narrowminded understanding.
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PatrickPatrick6 hours ago
Will he declare a national emergency after he loses the 2020 election?
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BobBob9 hours ago
It's no surprise that every single one of Trump's businesses ended up in bankruptcy court.
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J.S.J.S.9 hours ago
China owns over a trillion dollars of our Treasury notes. Trump doesn't seem to understand the hold a few cards.
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heckuvajobheckuvajob9 hours ago
When the leaders expressed their concerns, regarding the Amazon fires, Donnie said he’d send his regards to Jeff Bezos.
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J.S.J.S.9 hours ago
China can just wait until 2020 until they make a deal with the new president.
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EllenEllen3 hours ago
Its important for leaders of all other G7 members to remember that the opinions expressed by Trump are NOT the opinions of US citizens. Again, Trump was not elected to the office of President of the United States. Throughout his campaign and his tenure in the office of President he has, on a daily basis, displayed clear and obvious signs of Dementia/Alzheimer's and is clearly unfit to hold the office. The rest of the leaders of the G7 need to make decisions in the best interest of the planet that we all share specifically excluding the mad ravings of Trump. They need to be assured that, we the people, will vote Trump out of office in 2020 and move forward with protections in the best interest of all of the species that share the planet Earth. Thank you to all other leaders for your patience and understanding in this very dire, dark time for the United States but rest assured we will correct this in 2020.
RaiderRaider10 hours ago
Remember Trump borrowed over 600 million from Deutsche bank in Germany before he got elected so he wants to pay but with no interest.
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MarkMark6 hours ago
He could actually just announce that China has agreed to everything and claim "Mission Accomplished". It's not like his base would notice.
Bob ZBob Z9 hours ago
Macron, asked Trump, if he liked escargot? Trump, replied; "No, but there should be a tariff on them".
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StudleyStudley7 hours ago
Of course, Trump will save farmers with more subsidies. AKA, socialism.
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jonjon9 hours ago
Great results from North Korea and China too...simply fantastic.
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StephenAStephenA6 hours ago
I look at it like this, the U.S was doing great economically without this personal trade war between the U.S and China, so then why fix something that isn't broken. What I wish the U.S would focus more on is their cyber-security to protect us from countries who countries like China and Russia who constantly interfere with the business of the U.S.
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DavidDavid7 hours ago
2021 will see beginning of the rescue of the American economy by an incoming Democratic president -- part two. Talk about Deja Vu.
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joka13joka138 hours ago
No 45 has "second thoughts about everything?"
Is THAT REALLY something you want to hear from the "leader" who claims to KNOW EVVERYTHING? That DOES NOT allow people to challenge him? Who can watch a video of himself saying something, and then he denies he said it? The one who called himself a "military genius" because he went to a military school (because he was too out of control for his parents, natch)?
I thought Mr. "I'm-the-best-president-this-country-has-ever-seen" knew EVERYTHING, and made the BEST decisions the FIRST time?
Let's give him the out he so desperately is seeking next year: vote for ANY opponent, or at least don't vote for the top position on the ballot. You have that right to skip offices while at least participating in voting overall, you know.
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Hugh B McAloonHugh B McAloon8 hours ago
I keep thinking of that Steve Carrell SNL skit: "The Art of the Deal - the only book with four Chapter Elevens."
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BillBill7 hours ago
Trump simply knows nothing of the economic deal we've had with China for the last 30 years. They bought our debt and gave us enough money to buy the products they made. The dollar is the reserve currency but that is going to change and when it does people in the US will suffer. Trump has no understanding of how things work. He's going to cause much trouble for the US.
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joejoe7 hours ago
First, Trump tells Putin, his immediate family, and Kim to buy all in on stocks, then he might tweet he is postponing the Sept 1 tariffs.
paulpaul9 hours ago
As long as Trump gets to Eat n Tweet" it a great meeting....
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BillBill8 hours ago
Trump only sees what he wants, that's why he has stated he has accomplished more than any president in the history of the US.
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Stariy PerduneStariy Perdune10 hours ago
Great picture, Macron saying "See that way is Russia, don't go there"
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RebeccaRebecca9 hours ago
why doesn't this site say that trump asked if russia can rejoin the group, all the countries said no
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anonymousanonymous9 hours ago
It's quite telling when Boris Johnson is the voice of reason towards tRump.
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MikeMike5 hours ago
The first thing that Trump did after the election was to sign his own personal Trademark deals with China so that none of these tariffs would affect him or his family.
EdwardEdward10 hours ago
They gave him a Happy Meal and put him at the kid's table.
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JamesJames9 hours ago
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JamesJames7 hours ago
Did he finally wake up and realize he's in a no win situation because China is not going to back down and if a recession starts, it's squarely on his shoulders. Now he's trying to save face.
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MadiboMadibo7 hours ago
The other World leaders are privately joking and laughing at Trump, that is why he did not want to go to G-7 Summit.
SbgraceSbgrace3 hours ago
We're approaching our busy shopping season with the lead up to Christmas. Those tariffs are going to affect spending which in turn leads to a downturn in the economy, which will have a bearing on new jobs created, and then the beginning of the rise of unemployment because businesses aren't making money they can't afford to hire new people and then they'll cut the hours of the people they already have, those people can't pay their mortgages, the bottom drops out of the housing market, foreclosures begin to rise, banks are being saddled with high debt from faltering mortgage loans, prices rise on products and then the great recession returns. Something like that in that order. We still aren't winning, morale in the United States tanks, and then we are prime picking for the type of self-destructive behavior that puts all of America and our democracy in harm's way. Presently Hong Kong is fighting for democracy, soon we will be fighting for our very existence as a country. Thank you 45, your ineptitude and your continued deplorable business practices will destroy our country from within.
MikeMike5 hours ago
Trump's entire wardrobe is made or trademarked in China.
tedted9 hours ago
Maybe after Mr Trump leaves the adults can get some real work done.
Virgil VirguleVirgil Virgule2 hours ago
Now Walmart has to raise prices to cover Trump's tariffs.
tomtom6 hours ago
This trade war between China needs to stop!
My company lost 65% of international sales because this trade war, not to mention holidays around the corner got to fill the oil tank up for heat and we're not getting a cost-of-living increase because of the trade tariff war.
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L’idiotduvillageL’idiotduvillage9 hours ago
“Getting along very well with China”.
“The leaders of the G7 are getting along very well”.
What a difference a day makes!!!!
Wait until he comes back. He will change again.
His followers want WINNING. How do you win if there are no wars?
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State Of MnState Of Mn6 hours ago
Wait....6 out of 7 of the group of 7 leaders feel the worlds economies are slowing and they blame trump and the trumpturds here in America think it's all fake news and he's doing great. Got it!
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Tom GTom G9 hours ago
Since we already KNOW that whatever Trump says the EXACT OPPOSITE IS THE TRUTH, this summit must be falling apart for our country.
AnthonyAnthony7 hours ago
those second thoughts about the trade war will evaporate as soon as he gets back to Fox today
TheOracleTheOracle9 hours ago
"Despite reports of tensions, Trump says G-7 'going well'"
Once you reach "Trump says...", you can pretty much ignore everything that follows and not miss anything.
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PaulPaul9 hours ago
Trump is like the one Uncle every family has, you feel obligated to invite him to family events but hope he doesn't show up.
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DavidDavid2 hours ago
Why did the other leaders attend. They should have shown trump the same respect he shows them - none.
ButchButch7 hours ago
It's going to be interesting to hear what Trump tells us about how things went when he gets back home.
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Pennywise the ClownPennywise the Clown4 hours ago
Trump meant he regretted not taxing us common folks higher to fund his 1%!
TomTom6 hours ago
Everyone of his department heads told him tariffs were a bad idea, but of course Lying Donald doesn't listen to anybody. He knows more than the Fed, knows more than the Generals, knows more about technology than anyone, but he is nothing more than a blow hard failure who makes kneejerk decisions without any forethought. Thank you Trumpers for crushing our economy that had been going extremely well, I hope you get laid off.
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J.S.J.S.9 hours ago
Tariff wars are easy to win ... oh wait.
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NickDNickD4 hours ago
One cannot discuss fair trade without also discussing human rights and the environment... Our planet has reached the point where we have to decide on how humanity is going to work together. We can still have competitive markets, but we all need to play by the same rules, with penalties for those who cheat by mis treating their citizens.
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MikeMike6 hours ago
President Obama must have built a strong economy to withstand all of this meddling by Trump.
JakeJake7 hours ago
Trade wars are easy to win, remember?!?
carlcarl3 hours ago
Obama was a lawyer and had smart people surrounding him. He had to bail out banks and auto makers to prevent a depression. They paid billiions back. Drump gave tax break to corporates and rich who didnt need. Now he stuck in a rock and hard place with the biggest deficit ever and havent accomplished anythink. Not only do we need to vote him out but the gop congress and senate members who back him including moscow. Mitch and gram. They dont represent all Americans loyalty not to america , but to dotard and his dotard disciples.my list of greatest. Presidents. FDr, Lincoln,Kennedy and Obama. Drump doesnt make the cut
MwMw7 hours ago
Don has "second thoughts about everything"? Unlikely.
We're still waiting for the first genuine thought about anything.
Mule HeadedMule Headed6 hours ago
I am wearing my MAGA hat to the unemployment line. I hope there is enough money to fund unemployment benefits!
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GregGreg10 hours ago
So, Trump picks a fight with half the world, then presumes to gather world leaders and tell them they need to stimulate the world economy that his trade war slowed down before it makes him look bad in an election year? Yep, sounds like Donald.
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RichardRRichardR8 hours ago
Trump wants other leaders to stimulate their economies while his trade war is part of the reason for the global slowdown. Sanctions and tariffs are not tools used to generate growth in any economy and although Dingle-Berry doesn't seem to realize that, other leaders do. These leaders are not willing to increase their national debt like Trump did to get a growth spurt that has now slowed back to normal, and contrary to Trump, that is a conservative view. Very, very complicated problems can not be solved by simplistic solutions which is all Trump has.
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AnonymousAnonymous8 hours ago
He can dispute all he wants, reading a German newspaper tells me a different story which tramp doesn't want the US to know.
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StuartStuart7 hours ago
Who could have guessed that a reality TV con man doesn't know anything about trade wars ?
DavidDavid9 hours ago
Can't help but wonder if one of the common questions asked in private among the other heads-of-state at this meeting isn't, "Doesn't he have a golf outing somewhere to attend?"
Bronco FanBronco Fan9 hours ago
No matter what he said, or claims he said today tomorrow or Monday he'll say something different or deny all of it and call it Fake News.
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DanoDano4 hours ago
She said Trump only responded "in the affirmative — because he regrets not destroying the nation further."
SamSam5 hours ago
Remember when President Obama was facing all this tension at G-7? Me neither!
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LL5 hours ago
The real national emergency is that Trump is president.
NgiamNgiam9 hours ago
Trump vision is only America n himself. Can't handle world economic affairs. Always think countries have to bow to America . Under Trump, America has lost the leadership.
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J.S.J.S.9 hours ago
No one is choosing "The Chosen One".
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864586457 hours ago
America signals a lot of regret for electing Trump.
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arthurarthur5 hours ago
Melania is jealous seeing how other world leaders treat their wives and show respect to other world leaders .
PiperPiper4 hours ago
How are those Made in China MAGA hats holding up?
EdwardEdward10 hours ago
Lying again. Every single time he goes abroad he comes back with some big tale and people from where he came from quickly deny any of it happening.
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James LJames L9 hours ago
When Boris Johnson tells Trump to back-off, there might be a problem.
DogDaysDogDays3 hours ago
Trump doesn't even understand that just his or, the WH's "clarification" of what he meant that he regrets not going higher, is provocation to China to have them up the ante, once again, resulting in Trump doing the same, despite, advocacy from the G7 for Free Trade, US farmers being devastated, US consumers paying more, indications of a Trump recession, global economies being negatively impacted. Trump just marches along oblivious in his delusion rhetoric that the US is "winning". Yep, the "chosen one" is only chosen to be the one who loses on Nov 3, 2020. And, that's America "winning"!!!
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Jesse SnowboardJesse Snowboard8 hours ago
Saying "If I want, I could declare a national emergency," proves that he doesn't believe it's a "national emergency".
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RickRick5 hours ago
I can't wait till Monday to see how much I lose in the market cause the chosen one has no clue
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AnonymousAnonymous6 hours ago
President Joe Biden 2020 NEEDED STAT!
KoeKoe7 hours ago
The man is so unstable he might drop all tariffs today and rise them back tomorrow. Who would dare to sign a trade deal with him? Totally erratic.
Jan NoneJan None2 hours ago
Still no tariffs on the voting machines that Ivanka is manufacturing in China.....................the only question now is.....................which red states are buying them?
snoodsnood6 hours ago
Still no tariff on trump family made in communist china goods
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NaughtyNaughty3 hours ago
Anytime Trump makes a statement. 3 or 4 White house officials have to Translate it into English
JakeJake5 hours ago
Macron is telling trump "And the sun comes up in the east, that's this direction".
CaptainCaptain4 hours ago
"the White House later reversed that message saying the president was misinterpreted"
Meaning; "the president again had difficulty "doing words" and said something different from what he meant".
Historic West End Atl.Historic West End Atl.10 hours ago
In other words, the meeting is accomplishing nothing.
MarketMarket7 hours ago
Regrets? I thought this was all about MAGA. Does he now regret being POTUS?
AnonymousAnonymous7 hours ago
Paper Tiger......
President Donald Trump signaled regret Sunday for an escalating trade war with China, as he faces a tense reception from world leaders meeting amid mounting anxiety of a global economic slowdown at the Group of Seven summit in France.
GLJMGLJM4 hours ago
Trump to the public: "The talk of a Recession is a Democratic plot"
Trump to his Cabinet " How can we stop the Recession from coming before the 2020 election? "
SteveSteve3 hours ago
Is ivanka Going To Bring Her Chinese Footwear And Clothing Manufacturing Businesses Back To The USA ???
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C DubC Dub2 hours ago
So The Dotard® starts a recession with his tariffs, then runs to world leaders to up their economies to help stabilize the recession he started.
ScottScott9 hours ago
Trump said the G7 leaders were getting on quite well together — without him
ErnieMErnieM3 hours ago
The world probably can't wait 'til Trump is out of the office! The negotiation can truly begin then!
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marcmarc9 hours ago
There is a National Emergency. And it started on January 20th 2017.
markmark3 hours ago
Just give him a prime time hour an FOX and half an acre in downtown Moscow and maybe he will resign lets say for health reasons.
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And once again the White House feels the need to explain what Trump actually meant to say. Don't look behind the curtain Dorothy.
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Made in AmericaMade in America2 hours ago
So how high is the tariff on Donald's and Ivanka's products that are made in China ?
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ChrisChris9 hours ago
I'm sure nothing will get accomplished.
ColinColin3 hours ago
Then hours later, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham issued a statement saying the news media had "greatly misinterpreted" Trump's response. Grisham said the president only responded "in the affirmative - because he regrets not raising the tariffs higher."
Stephanie Grisham has proven throughout her career as a "spokesperson" to be a professional liar. So, no matter what she says, the opposite is probably true. I love Kudlow's response; so why doesn't the POTUS wear a hearing aid? Lot's of 73 year old people wear them because they have hearing loss.
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BobBob9 hours ago
The media reporting is always more accurate than Trump reporting. Trump lacks awareness.
maureenmaureen8 hours ago
I advise people to take their xmas money now and buy before everything goes thru the roof with trade war
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HH1 hour ago
Does any of Trump followers know what is the purpose of this trade war? For "fair trade"? What is fair to you? You do understand the US does not have to buy anything from China, right? But it does because it sees the benefit. The US trade deficit with China hit a record high last year.
Or your mean fair trade means: you must buy from us as much as we buy from you?