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Posted on 24 May 2010
K Box staff glare rudely at me for using shopping centre toilet outside their unit
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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Just because this K Box outlet is the only tenant on the third floor of Lucky Chinatown doesn't mean that they own the toilets there, says STOMPer Whylikedat, who was met with unfriendly glares when she entered the restrooms.
The toilets do not belong to K Box but to the management of the building since they are merely located on the same level as the karaoke lounge, says the sender, who was shocked when K Box staff tried to direct her to the restrooms on another level.
When she disregarded their advice, she found herself being glared at by a member of the staff, who then proceeded to lock the toilet doors immediately after she stepped out.
STOMPer Whylikedat says in an email:
"I was in for a rude shock last Saturday night when the escalator brought me to the third level of Lucky Chinatown.
"Before I could step off the escalator, the staff at K Box immediately greeted me with, 'Welcome, the toilet is at the floor below.' in Mandarin (欢迎。厕所在楼下).
"I was not only taken aback by such a remark but was too puzzled to react.
"I went ahead to use the toilet located on the same floor as the karaoke lounge anyway.
"When I emerged from the cubicle in the toilet, a K Box staff member was standing by the wash basin, staring at me.
"After I left the toilet, she went on to lock the toilet!
"First of all, the toilet is not located within the premise of its business. Given that they are the sole tenant of the entire floor; I do not however, think that they pay rent for the use of its toilet.
"If they do, then K Box should screen off the toilet area and put up a signage to state that the toilet is strictly for the usage of its guests only.
"Are tenants allowed to monopolise the toilet that is located on the same floor of their businesses?
"Moreover, this is a building that is open to the public (unlike an office or a private building).
"Don’t members of the public have a right to use the toilet on any of its floors?
"I find K Box’s behaviour appalling! I wonder what is becoming to our beloved Singapore".
K Box staff glare rudely at me for using shopping centre toilet outside their unit
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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Just because this K Box outlet is the only tenant on the third floor of Lucky Chinatown doesn't mean that they own the toilets there, says STOMPer Whylikedat, who was met with unfriendly glares when she entered the restrooms.
The toilets do not belong to K Box but to the management of the building since they are merely located on the same level as the karaoke lounge, says the sender, who was shocked when K Box staff tried to direct her to the restrooms on another level.
When she disregarded their advice, she found herself being glared at by a member of the staff, who then proceeded to lock the toilet doors immediately after she stepped out.
STOMPer Whylikedat says in an email:
"I was in for a rude shock last Saturday night when the escalator brought me to the third level of Lucky Chinatown.
"Before I could step off the escalator, the staff at K Box immediately greeted me with, 'Welcome, the toilet is at the floor below.' in Mandarin (欢迎。厕所在楼下).
"I was not only taken aback by such a remark but was too puzzled to react.
"I went ahead to use the toilet located on the same floor as the karaoke lounge anyway.
"When I emerged from the cubicle in the toilet, a K Box staff member was standing by the wash basin, staring at me.
"After I left the toilet, she went on to lock the toilet!
"First of all, the toilet is not located within the premise of its business. Given that they are the sole tenant of the entire floor; I do not however, think that they pay rent for the use of its toilet.
"If they do, then K Box should screen off the toilet area and put up a signage to state that the toilet is strictly for the usage of its guests only.
"Are tenants allowed to monopolise the toilet that is located on the same floor of their businesses?
"Moreover, this is a building that is open to the public (unlike an office or a private building).
"Don’t members of the public have a right to use the toilet on any of its floors?
"I find K Box’s behaviour appalling! I wonder what is becoming to our beloved Singapore".