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Justice Vincent Hoong sure made Davinder Singh look bad


I am sure it must have been really embarrasingh for Davinder Singh.
So he is no more top lawyer after lost this case? Shan is top lawyer now?


Alfrescian (Inf)
The Hoong judge better stay in the legal service forever because he will have a hard time getting a good job in the law firms. Don't mess with D Singh. His connection is massive.


You're either talking through your hat, or drinking too much of the PAP Kool-Aid. Our courts have been far from independent or neutral when it comes to politically charged cases.

Case in point:

"There is a law in Singapore that prohibits loitering "within 200m of a polling station" on elections day. In 1997, GCT, LHL and TT were loitering inside a polling station in Cheng San on elections day. A complaint was made. The Attorney-General of the day concluded that no offence had been committed because the law prohibited loitering "within 200m", which is not the same as loitering inside. That AG later became the Chief Justice 9 years later. Make of that what you will."
On the same vien .. sad to see a man reduced to shred by highe ups… share this article with u ..
You're either talking through your hat, or drinking too much of the PAP Kool-Aid. Our courts have been far from independent or neutral when it comes to politically charged cases.

Case in point:

"There is a law in Singapore that prohibits loitering "within 200m of a polling station" on elections day. In 1997, GCT, LHL and TT were loitering inside a polling station in Cheng San on elections day. A complaint was made. The Attorney-General of the day concluded that no offence had been committed because the law prohibited loitering "within 200m", which is not the same as loitering inside. That AG later became the Chief Justice 9 years later. Make of that what you will."
on the same note, Sad to see a man shredded by others with higher power ….

I am sad to know that his family suffered and is not in good health.

I am sad on his decision about PM LHL and GCT inside the polling station during the cooling period.

It shows he is on a leash and is manipulated. A man who loses his liberty and integrity.

Now what can he do to redeem himself. his family and his future generation.??

Break the shackles..spill the beans ( if any) and stand tall. Do not be forever fear and beholden to the forces above you. Forget the high post...Chief Justice, AG..etc...if the people of Singapore do not respect you for wrong decision you made and the cooling day blunder.

Remember, you have one life and there is not many years left for you. You are now already 80 years old.Leave your high post and live the remaining years with dignity and make redemption for yourself, family and your future generation.

I wish you can write a book to make apologies to the people of Singapore and can have the next 15 fruitful years doing yourself proud ,freeing from fear and anguish.

Then, the 15 years will be your best and one that your family and future generation will be proud of.

The people of Singapore then will know of these honorable deeds.

May God give you the strength and we wish you well.

Click to expand...

Chan Sek Keong is actually a Roman Catholic. Quite a religious one too from what I understand. He participated in the persecution of the so called Marxist conspirators at the katong Church. Now, I am sure this asshole must have gone to church frequently and talk to his priest numerous times as to why God is doing this to him. I am sure his eurasian wife also has gone to church and prayed for her health and the health of her child and also wondered why this is happening to them. Is he so stupid to think that there is no celestial punishment on earth for what he did to the so called marxist conspirators, and his worship of the false god Lee Fucking Yew? Did he conveniently forgot that he has sold his soul to the PAP for monetary gains, and his wife, herself a high powered lawyer also did the same?

I agree with you that he should atone. His god AKA Lee Kuan Yea/PAP cannot save him and have not been able to save his family. Perhaps he should write a memoir now, saying that the persecution of honest catholics was a sin and a mistake and apologize that he participated in it. And his wife should write the foreword. If Francis can write a tell all book, so can he. And also ask for forgiveness for all those people he sentenced to death.


The Hoong judge better stay in the legal service forever because he will have a hard time getting a good job in the law firms. Don't mess with D Singh. His connection is massive.
Upholding the law and bend the law need to see who is influential? Like that call what law? This Singh should be removed then. We do not need such people in the legal circle.


The judge made it look bad by “doubling” the sentences recommended by the prosecutor but actually 12 months is peanuts for this matter especially when you take into account the 36 charges originally faced by a corrupt free gahmen senior cabinet minister.

All a very good wayang for the low SES to watch.


Judge Vincent Hoong and Defence Lawyer Davinder Singh were actually classmates in NUS law faculty so they probably pah cut for this wayang show as well