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Justice Vincent Hoong sure made Davinder Singh look bad

Aaron carter




Alfrescian (Inf)
It doesn't matter. It is a kangaroo court of a totalitarian shithole country.

You have no independent judiciary. The verdict doesn't matter. :cool:


That's not how I see it. He's indirectly telling Bahyi to appeal knowing that the Appellate Court is likely to reduce the sentence to what the Prosecution had originally proposed. In which case, the following purposes are achieved:
1. To show to the world that the laws of Sinkieland are extremely harsh when it comes to corruption.
2. But the court is also fair and sympathetic in it's sentencing which the court of appeal has had the opportunity to review.
3. If the appeal against sentencing is allowed and Iswaran's sentence is reduced, it'll look good on Bahyi. In fact, his reputation will be even better.
So, it's a win win situation for all parties.


What do you expect from a kangaroo court? Even if you got the best King's Counsel silks from the UK to represent Iswaran, they'd be humiliated. The way our judges interpret and execute the law is extremely arbitrary and subject the whims and vested interests of the executive.



The insignificant nobody me can't say the same for other Nations, but HERE in Singapore - Justice is BLIND - it FEARS OR FAVORS NONE.

While our judges are appointed, they are appointed thru ELECTED legislators & the Executive, to interprete legislated laws, from a WIDE field of proven successful & dedicated lawyers over YEARS in the country.

Only the best are selected, BUT it is a VOLUNTARY appointment. Most are due for retirement, & by their successes in the legal field to support & Upholding the Rule of Law in our Nation, NONE can begrudge them of their retirement. regardless of the pay or benefits for continued service beyond retirement.

Thus, those who volunteered to continue serving our Nation, must be respected for their wisdom & dedication in UPHOLDING the Rule of Law in our society, our Singapore Civilization & Nation.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Why corruption case got no fine
Greedy for money heavy fine is best deterrent
4 months inside can come out with ill gotten gains and pension all intact retire into sunset. What a great deal


The insignificant nobody me can't say the same for other Nations, but HERE in Singapore - Justice is BLIND - it FEARS OR FAVORS NONE.
You're either talking through your hat, or drinking too much of the PAP Kool-Aid. Our courts have been far from independent or neutral when it comes to politically charged cases.

Case in point:

"There is a law in Singapore that prohibits loitering "within 200m of a polling station" on elections day. In 1997, GCT, LHL and TT were loitering inside a polling station in Cheng San on elections day. A complaint was made. The Attorney-General of the day concluded that no offence had been committed because the law prohibited loitering "within 200m", which is not the same as loitering inside. That AG later became the Chief Justice 9 years later. Make of that what you will."
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You're either talking through your hat, or have drunk too much of the PAP Kool-Aid. Our courts have been far from independent or neutral when it comes to politically charged cases.

Case in point:

"There is a law in Singapore that prohibits loitering "within 200m of a polling station" on elections day. In 1997, GCT, LHL and TT were loitering inside a polling station in Cheng San on elections day. A complaint was made. The Attorney-General of the day concluded that no offence had been committed because the law prohibited loitering "within 200m", which is not the same as loitering inside. That AG later became the Chief Justice 9 years later. Make of that what you will."

That was an interesting case you brought up. It is a matter of SEMANTICS, with RELEVANCES to legislators getting the RIGHT wordings in place, so that there be NO disputes in question, & a learning lesson for other Elected legislatives - current or opposition - to take serious note of.

Ultimately, our Court is the 3rd arm of Democracy. Should our Courts - whom does not make laws but only interpret Legislated laws by Parliament, be not independent or neutral, that AG would had been appointed Chief Justice the NEXT day after elections.

But it took him 9 long arduous years, with PROVEN dedication in many, many more other legal disputes resolution, to uphold the Rule of Law in our Singapore Civilization, to be selected by legislators, Executive & peers, to become the Chief Justice, an ambition of EVERY lawyer but only one can make it.