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Below is a letter that I recently sent to all my children. If
you find something useable in it to share with your children,
please feel free to do so! Here is my letter to them:
Beloved Sons and Daughters,
This is a letter to all my children - Marquis and Dalina, Luis
and Neiel, Kirstie, Kristie, and Dale. I want you to know that
you mean the world to me! Your life, with your unique gift sets,
is a blessing to me and to everyone who has the pleasure of
meeting you. As Dad, it has been a joy to pour into your life. I
often wish we could go back and re-live some of our great
experiences together, but life marches steadily onward!
I am proud of who you are and who you are becoming! My desire
for you is that you are always content but never complacent!
Success and happiness are never an accident. They are honestly
the result of intentional living. You reap the harvest in your
future of the seeds you sow in your present!
You've heard me say before that victory does not come in a day,
it comes daily! The key to success is always found in your daily
routine! The key to focus is simply knowing what to say "NO" to.
So don't be driven by your problems, be led by your dreams!
Mohammed Ali said, "Champions are not made in the gym... they
have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision."
I want you to never forget that your destiny is ultimately
determined by your decisions. Your decisions determine your
With that in mind, I want to give you part of my greatest gift
from God-- my WISDOM. Here is a short list of some things that
will give you a tremendous advantage over others, if you
endeavor to put these concepts into practice on a daily basis.
These simple ideas will take your life to another level!
Meditate on these and incorporate them into your life to make
you an even more exceptional person:
Spend daily time in personal devotion to God-prayer, Bible
reading, singing in worship.
Spend 30 minutes every day reading for self-improvement. Almost
nobody does this. The ones who do are called rich people.
Don't watch more than an hour of TV every day. Why watch other
people's lives on TV when your lives are far more important?
Don't spend more than 30 minutes a day on Facebook or Twitter or
other Social Media/Internet sites, unless it's career-related.
Call everyone you know and want to maintain relationship with at
least once every three months just to say hello. Call everyone
who is meaningful to you on their birthday and call everyone who
matters to you whenever they experience a life event.
Relationships are everything in life. Develop and grow only
those relationships with people who are positive, happy, godly,
upbeat and focused and avoid those who are negative, depressed
and lack direction in life. Remember like attracts like. If you
want to be godly and successful hang around godly, successful
Exercise every day. Make sure to include 20 - 30 minutes of
aerobic exercise in with your routine. Aerobic exercise feeds
your brain with oxygen, gets your metabolism going and keeps the
weight off.
Volunteer at least 5 hours a month for some cause you believe
in. You'll not only be helping people but you will also develop
strong, long-lasting relationships with good people.
Watch what you eat. Don't eat more than 300 junk food calories a
Save 20% of your net pay and live off the remaining 80%. This
forces you to live below your means.
Avoid accumulating any credit card debt. If you are then this
means you are living above your means and you have to cut back.
Avoid negative addictive behaviors and substances.
Remember the 5:1 Rule. Listen for 5 minutes for every 1 minute
you talk.
Filter every thought you have before it comes out of your mouth.
Saying whatever is on your mind is a lack of self-control.
Control your thoughts. Thoughts become things. If you have
positive, upbeat thoughts your life will mirror your thoughts.
Do not let negative thoughts or sad thoughts into your mind.
Cancel them out and replace them with positive, upbeat thoughts.
Use daily affirmations to control your thinking.
Don't beat yourself up over mistakes you make. Mistakes are
good. They are the foundation upon which success is built. The
only thing you need to remember about your mistakes are what you
did wrong so you don't repeat the same mistake twice. Remember,
you WIN some and you LEARN some; you never LOSE until you fail
Control your emotions. Never lose your temper. Anger is a
negative habit that opens the door to Satan.
Be thankful for what you have. Every day look back on the
previous day and think of 5 things for which you are grateful.
This creates a bridge over which future blessings will be
brought into your life! Gratitude is the greatest deterrent to
unhealthy personal pride.
Don't confuse a wish with a goal. A goal is only a goal if it is
100% achievable and requires action or some physical activity.
Otherwise it's just a wish. Always have at least 1 major goal
you are working towards each year.
Don't gamble. Gambling is a poverty habit.
Listen to audio books when you're commuting or exercising.
Don't gossip. Gossip is negative and entertains an evil report
about others. Remember never to advertise anyone else's sins any
more than you would advertise your own!
Do these things and watch the difference they will make in your
life! It's doing the little things in life that makes the big
difference! I believe in you! Go to your destiny!
you find something useable in it to share with your children,
please feel free to do so! Here is my letter to them:
Beloved Sons and Daughters,
This is a letter to all my children - Marquis and Dalina, Luis
and Neiel, Kirstie, Kristie, and Dale. I want you to know that
you mean the world to me! Your life, with your unique gift sets,
is a blessing to me and to everyone who has the pleasure of
meeting you. As Dad, it has been a joy to pour into your life. I
often wish we could go back and re-live some of our great
experiences together, but life marches steadily onward!
I am proud of who you are and who you are becoming! My desire
for you is that you are always content but never complacent!
Success and happiness are never an accident. They are honestly
the result of intentional living. You reap the harvest in your
future of the seeds you sow in your present!
You've heard me say before that victory does not come in a day,
it comes daily! The key to success is always found in your daily
routine! The key to focus is simply knowing what to say "NO" to.
So don't be driven by your problems, be led by your dreams!
Mohammed Ali said, "Champions are not made in the gym... they
have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision."
I want you to never forget that your destiny is ultimately
determined by your decisions. Your decisions determine your
With that in mind, I want to give you part of my greatest gift
from God-- my WISDOM. Here is a short list of some things that
will give you a tremendous advantage over others, if you
endeavor to put these concepts into practice on a daily basis.
These simple ideas will take your life to another level!
Meditate on these and incorporate them into your life to make
you an even more exceptional person:
Spend daily time in personal devotion to God-prayer, Bible
reading, singing in worship.
Spend 30 minutes every day reading for self-improvement. Almost
nobody does this. The ones who do are called rich people.
Don't watch more than an hour of TV every day. Why watch other
people's lives on TV when your lives are far more important?
Don't spend more than 30 minutes a day on Facebook or Twitter or
other Social Media/Internet sites, unless it's career-related.
Call everyone you know and want to maintain relationship with at
least once every three months just to say hello. Call everyone
who is meaningful to you on their birthday and call everyone who
matters to you whenever they experience a life event.
Relationships are everything in life. Develop and grow only
those relationships with people who are positive, happy, godly,
upbeat and focused and avoid those who are negative, depressed
and lack direction in life. Remember like attracts like. If you
want to be godly and successful hang around godly, successful
Exercise every day. Make sure to include 20 - 30 minutes of
aerobic exercise in with your routine. Aerobic exercise feeds
your brain with oxygen, gets your metabolism going and keeps the
weight off.
Volunteer at least 5 hours a month for some cause you believe
in. You'll not only be helping people but you will also develop
strong, long-lasting relationships with good people.
Watch what you eat. Don't eat more than 300 junk food calories a
Save 20% of your net pay and live off the remaining 80%. This
forces you to live below your means.
Avoid accumulating any credit card debt. If you are then this
means you are living above your means and you have to cut back.
Avoid negative addictive behaviors and substances.
Remember the 5:1 Rule. Listen for 5 minutes for every 1 minute
you talk.
Filter every thought you have before it comes out of your mouth.
Saying whatever is on your mind is a lack of self-control.
Control your thoughts. Thoughts become things. If you have
positive, upbeat thoughts your life will mirror your thoughts.
Do not let negative thoughts or sad thoughts into your mind.
Cancel them out and replace them with positive, upbeat thoughts.
Use daily affirmations to control your thinking.
Don't beat yourself up over mistakes you make. Mistakes are
good. They are the foundation upon which success is built. The
only thing you need to remember about your mistakes are what you
did wrong so you don't repeat the same mistake twice. Remember,
you WIN some and you LEARN some; you never LOSE until you fail
Control your emotions. Never lose your temper. Anger is a
negative habit that opens the door to Satan.
Be thankful for what you have. Every day look back on the
previous day and think of 5 things for which you are grateful.
This creates a bridge over which future blessings will be
brought into your life! Gratitude is the greatest deterrent to
unhealthy personal pride.
Don't confuse a wish with a goal. A goal is only a goal if it is
100% achievable and requires action or some physical activity.
Otherwise it's just a wish. Always have at least 1 major goal
you are working towards each year.
Don't gamble. Gambling is a poverty habit.
Listen to audio books when you're commuting or exercising.
Don't gossip. Gossip is negative and entertains an evil report
about others. Remember never to advertise anyone else's sins any
more than you would advertise your own!
Do these things and watch the difference they will make in your
life! It's doing the little things in life that makes the big
difference! I believe in you! Go to your destiny!