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Jiuhu Chiobus scammed body and money by Man Driving Porsche!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Gold diggers beaten at their own game, still want to hold a press conference and pretend to be a victim? :o-o:

And see how the face mask is useful as an accessory to hide shame? You see people wearing them all the time as they walk out of the Sinkie courtroom. I guess shame is a kind of virus too. :rolleyes:


This guy is awesome. A true master of seduction. My hats off to him.

As for Ms Low, notice that she's trying to draw attention to her bra strap. Its like she's begging for some alpha to rip her bra off and devour her. What a slut.


judge never ask how long was his cock?
think total IQ in the room is low 50s......knn
just spend another 50k myr to break both his legs la


Assholes should be still virgin, definitely not virgin cheebyes, poked by the Porsche driving scAmmer.

This kind of trick never dies, drives sexpensive sports car, claimed to be CEO or biz man, these ChioBUs wet already.
Expensive cars and Chiobu...usually mix very well :smile: