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Chitchat Jialat! Marcus Chin pay $5000 every month for pumping SPG whore full tank! Really sexpensive!


So don’t think you @laksaboy are very clever very smart when you can’t even tell Marcus chin is not hokkien and that mistress may or may not be hokkien. You keep saying this and that evil conspiracy but you don’t even believe there is an evil conspiracy against me or maybe you are smart enough to believe but you still participate in it regardless, which means then you are not qualified to condemn those whatever evil conspiracy. Pui!
Ya what’s the point of hokkien heroes being good and kind hearted to help such cheap, mean and nasty people against imperialism, warlords and Japanese invaders? Not just no thank Hokkiens but any shit only very quick to blame and no qualms to participate in evil conspiracy and they will be proud to abuse you. It never pays to be kind.