What are they trying to prove?
After 36 years, they've finally telecast a local dialect production. What are they trying to prove?
They should have HK drama serials in Cantonese.
I will second it. When the mediacorp dubbed the HK dramas into mandarin, it didn't do the trick. The translation lacks the punch , innuendos and subtlety of the spoken dialect. We don't enjoy as much as watching the original.
They should have HK drama serials in Cantonese.
After 36 years, they've finally telecast a local dialect production. What are they trying to prove?
Sheeeehh......this is a known mistake in PAP's drive to kill all dialects in the early 80's by banning all such movies on national tv.
Now SG has a generation of youngsters yhat speaks Singlish, half-past-6 Mandarin, and knows not a single word of dialects.
It alienated the old folks whose only joy and companion was the tv and radio, as well the Redifussion.
Now that the older generation of PAP is mostly dead and gone, especially the kingpin, the younger monkeys need to link with the older generation whose votes are easier to obtain.
Seriously, the error in dialect policy wipes out an entire generation of multi-dialect/language youngsters and oldies.