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Jia lat...siao liao...SIMPLE MAJORITY of 50% is all it takes...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Oh shit!.....I just realized that just 50% simple majority is all it takes for the govt to change the laws of increasing the minimum sum, the withdrawal age and other laws. Due to the party whip of PAP, all PAP MPs must follow the party whip, so they can easily gets the 50% simple majority to pass any bills and laws......siao liao, jia lat!

2/3 majority is needed for change of constitution, but not for other laws and policies, etc.


Why WP and PAP never tell us that? Why no party tell us that? This is so fucking important to jolt the people into taking action to vote and put more Opposition MPs into lumparliament, but why the silence?

Except SDP Dr Wong mentions it in her rally speech. This is something ALL Opposition parties must mention in their rallies. This point and the party whip issue MUST be made known to voters by ALL Opposition parties.

KNN, seems to me the parties are kelong.....and putting on a freaking show, except SDP....

Watch this by Dr Wong, SDP..it's all explained in her speech.....siao liao, jia lat, we are truly screwed by WP and PAP and all the other Opposition parties, because all never highlight this to the voters!!




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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You mean 50% of seats?

If simple majority, it could be less than 50% but more than 50% of seats, any political party or coalition can form the Government.

If you are still not sure what I mean, check out UMNO and BN's "majority" in matland Parliament.


This is the case for every democracy. All it takes is a simple majority to introduce bills like raising gst, income tax etc.

technically there is nothing opposition can do to stop them but by reducing pap majority to the bare minimum to say 46-43, they will be more wary when it comes to implement unpopular policies. Any slight shift in ground sentiment could result in lost of power.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Alright, I take back on what I said about WP.

Mr Png Yee Huat of WP mentioned about that 50% simple majority in his rally speech on 4th Sep (2nd) day.
You can hear him mentioning it at the 15:00 mark.

Would have like the mention of party whip too...hope other Opposition parties besides WP and SDP speakers can
mention this to the audience at the rally, because this will make the electorate wake up to how important it is
to vote for 46 MPs into lumparliament. Anything less is the same as giving PAP a blank cheque for another 5 years.

It is morally responsible and important to let the electorate know of this 50% simple majority. Very important!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Singaporeans man your battle stations!
Singapore needs you now!

Put your support for Singapore on Facebook
Twitter to your friends
WhatsApp to your friends
Get a tsunami of support for Singapore Singaporeans


Cleanse PAP Stinkapore into Singaporeans Singapore.
Vote only opposition
Vote out all the fucking corrupt PAPs

This fight is not just your voting for opposition, any opposition against the PAP
Singaporeans must do much more than just relying on their single vote.
Give them the money to support them in the fight.
Give them your time and energy to support them in the fight
They fight for you Singaporeans
They fight our common enemy
They fight the PAP and cronies, corrupt and rotten to the core, who stole over 180 billions from Singaporeans, and intent on stealing even more from us.

Support Opposition, any Opposition, all Opposition
Regardless if they have primary school, or O levels or A levels or PhD
Regardless if they wear singlets, or tuxedos
Support Opposition, any Opposition, all Opposition
Regardless if they wear slippers, or wear sneakers or shoes
Support Opposition, any Opposition, all Opposition
Even if a rat crawl out of a sewer and stand as Opposition
Even if a cockroach with 6 legs and 2 long feelers at the head become Opposition
They will be much better for Singaporeans than the fucking corrupt perverted PAPs who only think of laughing all the way to their banks and back from the banks
Under the fucking PAP, Singaporeans are the 4th class citizens in their own land stolen from them by PAP
PAPs are the 2nd class citizens with the Lee family as the first class aristocrazies
Fts are taken in as the 3rd class citizens kicking singaporeans into the 4th class and sinkies good only to go head down down and arseholes up high high to be fucked and tiewed by PAPs laughing all the way to their banks.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Jia lat ....... siao liao ......... I realised some years ago that having the best Parliamentary system in the world on paper is not enough ....... not if you have kiasu kiasi and kiagui populace ........ I ain't turning back until I see concrete signs that these people have repented ....... like by making PAP become the opposition ...........



Watch this by Dr Wong, SDP..it's all explained in her speech.....siao liao, jia lat, we are truly screwed by WP and PAP and all the other Opposition parties, because all never highlight this to the voters!!

