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Jeremy Quek of SUPERFUTUREKIDS,TINITECH CO & SKINNYFATKIDS WORLDWIDE is criminal bully everyday smear and abuse Gansiokbin as slut whore mistress


Hahaha LOSER son of hakka slut @slutty clone aka ah meng aka @SBFNews or Jeremy Quek or mark Andrew yeo Pui!


@ginfreely you dirty slut will have your cheebye ripped off, whole piece chopped off, cut off your breasts too, feed the rest of your filthy carcass to dogs.
You Jeremy Quek LOSER son of dirty cantonese hakka slut whore mistress cheap whore of Malaysian criminal syndicate dare not up this thread during peak hour 9.30 pm to 11.30 pm Pui!



You Loser Whore @Valium@CottonmouthJeremy Quek of failure biz SUPERFUTUREKIDS, TINITECH CO and SKINNYFATKIDS WORLDWIDE hide in rat hole fabricate lies and photos of Gansiokbin to smear Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress to win Pui!​

- 50 years old Catholic
- Queenstown Secondary School 1986 to 1989. Dropout from Singapore Polytechnic and also dropout from Institute of Management UK, both pursued and dropout after one year. Jealous loser attacked Gansiokbin a scholar degree holder as he is jealous of degree holder.
- Said in his Tinitech co want to “build human dignity” but did degrading and inhumane treatment of Gansiokbin for years, almost a decade.
- Said in his Superfuturekids co “leveraging on data… .to serve human needs” while he hide in his rat hole stealing Gansiokbin data from name, address, NRIC number, short hair and face features to everything to smear and abuse Gansiokbin, everyday spewing evil filthy lies to insult Gansiokbin and use a short hair porn woman photo to label name and address to pass off as Gansiokbin and smear Gansiokbin as slut whore mistress.
- Do prayer psalm 130 5 6 “more than just a watchman for daybreak” to seek assurance of forgiveness from God to let him go heaven despite doing daily smearing and abuse of Gansiokbin.
- Condemned “thieving muddled as creativity” in LinkedIn AND condemned people that think thieving is brilliant and cool yet ownself everyday and for years so proud of thieving Gansiokbin data and fabricated evil filthy lies and photos of Gansiokbin to smear Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress as if that’s creativity, cool and brilliant.
- Self claimed in LinkedIn that he is “not an asshole and one of the nicest people you will ever meet” while he everyday hide in rat hole to abuse, smear, trample and insult Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress.
- Despicable dog asshole criminal son of Cantonese whore that started threads - and use his clone @ginmother etc - to start threads smearing Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress to dirty Gansiokbin google search result and then after that turned around to accuse Gansiokbin is dirty prostitute and that’s why google search is dirty.

@ginfreely you dirty fucking slut, wash your toilet hole more often!! Boil some bleach and pour inside your smelly cunt!

I want to kick your cheebye and your fuckface! Tomorrow I will go Mayfair slit your throat and cut off your nipples.


@ginfreely you dirty slut will have your cheebye ripped off, whole piece chopped off, cut off your breasts too, feed the rest of your filthy carcass to dogs.
You LOSER criminal bully Jeremy Quek cheap whore of Malaysian criminal syndicate and son of Cantonese hakka slut whore mistress think you can hide in rat hole smear hokkien virgin as slut whore mistress with zero consequences. Pui!


You LOSER criminal bully mark Andrew yeo why don’t up your own thread? Already proven you are not @Valium Jeremy Quek. Now go up your own mark Andrew yeo thread to prove you are not mark Andrew yeo. Pui!View attachment 186939
No post ? So you are proven either mark Andrew yeo or son of hakka slut @slutty aka ahmeng. I will also open a thread for ah meng in return. Watch out for it to post your photos. Pui!


@ginfreely you dirty slut will have your cheebye ripped off, whole piece chopped off, cut off your breasts too, feed the rest of your filthy carcass to dogs.

You Loser Whore @Valium@CottonmouthJeremy Quek of failure biz SUPERFUTUREKIDS, TINITECH CO and SKINNYFATKIDS WORLDWIDE hide in rat hole fabricate lies and photos of Gansiokbin to smear Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress to win Pui!​

- 50 years old Catholic
- Queenstown Secondary School 1986 to 1989. Dropout from Singapore Polytechnic and also dropout from Institute of Management UK, both pursued and dropout after one year. Jealous loser attacked Gansiokbin a scholar degree holder as he is jealous of degree holder.
- Said in his Tinitech co want to “build human dignity” but did degrading and inhumane treatment of Gansiokbin for years, almost a decade.
- Said in his Superfuturekids co “leveraging on data… .to serve human needs” while he hide in his rat hole stealing Gansiokbin data from name, address, NRIC number, short hair and face features to everything to smear and abuse Gansiokbin, everyday spewing evil filthy lies to insult Gansiokbin and use a short hair porn woman photo to label name and address to pass off as Gansiokbin and smear Gansiokbin as slut whore mistress.
- Do prayer psalm 130 5 6 “more than just a watchman for daybreak” to seek assurance of forgiveness from God to let him go heaven despite doing daily smearing and abuse of Gansiokbin.
- Condemned “thieving muddled as creativity” in LinkedIn AND condemned people that think thieving is brilliant and cool yet ownself everyday and for years so proud of thieving Gansiokbin data and fabricated evil filthy lies and photos of Gansiokbin to smear Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress as if that’s creativity, cool and brilliant.
- Self claimed in LinkedIn that he is “not an asshole and one of the nicest people you will ever meet” while he everyday hide in rat hole to abuse, smear, trample and insult Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress.
- Despicable dog asshole criminal son of Cantonese whore that started threads - and use his clone @ginmother etc - to start threads smearing Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress to dirty Gansiokbin google search result and then after that turned around to accuse Gansiokbin is dirty prostitute and that’s why google search is dirty.