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Jeremy Quek of SUPERFUTUREKIDS,TINITECH CO & SKINNYFATKIDS WORLDWIDE is criminal bully everyday smear and abuse Gansiokbin as slut whore mistress


View attachment 207850

It's gin double beef burger ads time again.. Anyone?
Look at how dumb ass big slut Gansiokbin gave excuses and blamed on her fat oar cb finger. On the keyboard pap and opp are totally 2 different area.
And I caught her modifying the statement within secs after she posted.
Pui your Cantonese dog son of prostitute SELF ADMITTED CBT THIEF mouth that dare not swear go round accusing me tell lies. I swear to die a violent death if I am telling lies on my typo mistake now your turn Pui!


For a moment, I thought you were proud that your hymen is still intact after all these years and despite being a slut.
Slut prostitute chicken mistress all you Jeremy Quek and @Houri SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT CANTONESE chicken mother that open leg big big gave birth no teach raised bastard bullies hide in rat hole do defamation crimes to Gansiokbin hokkien virgin as slut whore mistress Pui!