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JB/SG Crimewatch

Funds Transfer

Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

When the gazelles, wildebeests and zebras need to graze on new plains, they need to cross the rivers full of crocs. Some make it, some don't. Such is the phenomenon of the Great Migration annually.


Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

naturally the best one.......not in the top 10 leh...... sure or not..........girl gets rape by neighbor ......rape happening almost everywhere one......
like what was mentioned.....the method of input can be easily manipulated and fluctuates.....check for yourself.
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Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

This is why I never jog outside my safety zone within Horizon Hills. I know this happened in KL but JB and KL are both similar cities. Please be careful

Why dont you move to SG? It's safe and convenient mah, and you will have peace of mind. Leave dangerous JB to pple like me!

Funds Transfer

Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

This is why I never jog outside my safety zone within Horizon Hills. I know this happened in KL but JB and KL are both similar cities. Please be careful

Rest in peace. Sad story.

But are the fences at Horizon Hills electrified? If not, there's really no guarantee that the crooks cannot scale them and attack the residents. But if it is not, is it a double layered fencing system? Better still, the concertina wire should be rolled across.


Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

Rest in peace. Sad story.

But are the fences at Horizon Hills electrified? If not, there's really no guarantee that the crooks cannot scale them and attack the residents. But if it is not, is it a double layered fencing system? Better still, the concertina wire should be rolled across.

Very sad.RIP.

Whoever wins ge13 must put stopping crime as top priority.


Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

Read somewhere that it may be murder because the robbers did not take any of the valuables.

yes it could well be murder. i also read in some blog written by the niece of deceased that she was stabbed first before any struggle took place with the "robbers". Seriously, they were jogging, the robbers cannot be so stupid to think that a lot of cash or valuables are being carried around.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

Some robbers are idiot.

I remember some thief stealing $2 from a homeless man. That is consider brave in Disney World.

yes it could well be murder. i also read in some blog written by the niece of deceased that she was stabbed first before any struggle took place with the "robbers". Seriously, they were jogging, the robbers cannot be so stupid to think that a lot of cash or valuables are being carried around.


Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

Mdm Irene Ong, Rest IN peace. You were a very brave and selfless person.

Here's the personal account of Mdm Irene ong's daughter; i could not read all the way, just halfway through I had to stop and regain my composure, tears welling up in my eyes.

Madam Ong (Image)

My Mother My Hero

“I remember. I remember everything.

A few months ago in English class, my teacher asked us to write about the person who we admire. I wrote about my mum. A month ago for my English March Test paper, the topic I wrote about was “My Hero”. I wrote about my mum. During my test, i had a writers block so I simply wrote out everything i knew about my mum: her childhood, achievements, etc. My mum is my hero. She always has been, she always will be.

20th April 2013.
Mama left early in the morning for some event her Kiwanis Club’s K-Kids had planned. She came back home with lunch for me and milo ais. I remember grumbling to her because I didn’t want to follow my parents jungle trekking. I did anyway. We had to set up a trail for my father’s running group so mama was carrying a bag with just plain paper in it. I remember grumbling to my mum as we went up and down the hills of Gasing. She told me we’d be out soon. After 2 hours of trekking in the jungle, we finally hit the road. It was the road in Gasing leading up to the temple. We decided to walk back down to the car.

As we walked down the steep road, there was nobody there. No people, no cars. Just the two of us. As we nearly reached the first house, we heard a motorbike sound from behind. We turned around and saw two men on a motorbike. Mama said walk further in the pavement so we did. As the motorbike drove past us, they stopped. The man from behind jumped off. My mum pushed me to the back and told me to go. The man attacked my mum straight away, without saying any words. The knife he used was just a normal kitchen knife, the blade was about 10cm long. As my mum tried to protect herself, she turned to her left, only to be stabbed twice on the back of her right shoulder. She was struggling to escape. The attacker then proceeded to stab the back of her left shoulder. Mama tried so hard to escape. She fell on the ground and the attacker pulled her on the road and stabbed her thigh. I tried to help but the attacker thrusted the knife my way so i ran back further. I couldn’t do anything but scream at the top of my lungs. I screamed and screamed. The attacker hopped on the bike and rode off.

I remember.
I remember watching my mums body lying on the road, all the blood oozing out. The attacker did not manage to get any of my mums belongings. She told me to call my dad. I ran down the hill looking for help. The first house i went to, the maid (who saw everything that happened) ran in and did not even try to help me. I ran further down and saw a car. They saw me and stopped. And I told them what happened. The driver, Mr Lai told me to get in and we drive up to my mum. Mr Lai called the ambulance and the police while i tried to keep my mum conscious. There was blood everywhere. My mum just kept saying “save me”. Her voice was so week. My dad reached the site 10 minutes later, after running all the way. Mama kept telling us that she couldn’t breathe. I prayed and prayed. She was slowly losing herself. We tried our best to keep her awake and conscious. The police arrived. We put her in the police car since the ambulance hadn’t arrived. As we reached down the road, the ambulance was there so they transferred mum into the ambulance.

I remember.
I remember sitting in the ambulance, holding my mums hand and trying to talk to her but she didn’t respond. I remember crying. The paramedics were doing all they could do at that point. I remember calling Eu Lim, who was at church to pray for my mum. We reached the hospital in 3 minutes. They rushed my mum to the emergency was. I wasn’t allowed to enter and i was so so scared. My dad had followed Mr Lai’s car and they hadn’t reached yet. I had to settle my mums registration and then i had to talk to the police. My dad arrived. Then my friends arrived. I sat at the doorway of the hospital, praying and praying. 10 minutes later, my dad came out and told me my mum didn’t make it. I dropped in the middle of the hospital floor, screaming. Everyone was looking at me, but i didn’t care. A bunch of doctors came out to get me, they took me to a special room. They questioned me and they told me about how my mum was already gone when we were in the ambulance. They tried their best to revive her.

I remember.
I remember coming home. My friends just sat in silence. I just sat in silence. I was covered in blood, mama’s blood. I had to get myself together. I had to bathe. We broke the news to my sister through Face Time and that was really hard to do. Slowly, people started coming. It was hard seeing my aunts and uncles cry, my parent’s close friends, my close friends & to know i had to keep it all together. It was really hard, telling my story to everyone. It’s really hard to even close my eyes for awhile because i see it replaying in my head over and over again. Watching my mum lying in her pool of blood and not being able to do anything. Not being able to save her.

People come, then people leave. All i hear are “I’m so sorry for your loss” or “my condolences”. All i hear are people questioning me about what happened, since i was the sole witness. But i am so tired of telling this story over and over again. I am so tired of hearing other people tell this story. This is my story. This is the truth. Newspapers and reporters may twist it around and exaggerate to the whole world, but this story will remain the truth forever.

I am truly grateful and appreciative to everyone who came, whether it was for a short period, or a long time. Thank you to those who’ve brought a little bit more of hope and joy to me, even though you guys didn’t try. Thank you to those who’ve brought food and drinks, and flowers. Thank you to everyone who called, texted, whatsapped, facebook-ed and tweeted me. I dont know how i became a trending topic overnight (#prayforhuiwei). I was mad at first, but then i realised how much my family had all of your love and support. Whether i know you or not, whether you knew my mum or not, all your kind words really helped. My mother was such an amazing and beautiful person.

I remember.
My mum’s last words to me were “I love you so much” dying there, on the road. I watched it all. I watched it all slip out of my hands. Now my life feels so empty. I keep thinking to myself that this is all a dream. Maybe I’d wake up and be able to avoid this from happening. Maybe if someone pinched me I’d wake up from this nightmare. But this is reality, and I have to face the facts. I have to face the fact that I’m alone now. I have to face the sounds of crying and wailing from the other room. I have to face the facts that I’m going to grow up motherless, clueless and confused. It won’t be easy, but I will get through this.

I love you so much. And I am so sorry I had to watch you die. I am so sorry I couldn’t save you. But you’re with God now. Ma you’re such a great person. Beautiful inside and out. And I thank you for teaching me your ways. Thank you for always teaching (scolding) me to be a better person. Even tho we’ve had our moments, and times we didn’t see eye to eye, you’ll always be my best friend. Who’s going to pick me up from school now. Who am I going to say “HEY MA” to and tell them about my day. Who’s going to cuddle up with me on the couch and be lazy for awhile.

Remember how you used to come into my room while I was studying, and hug me then tickle me. Remember how you used to sing me to sleep when I was young. Or how you used sing when you’re happy. You had a beautiful voice. Remember how we sat on the couch, looking for coloured beads to do arts & crafts. Remember every single day we spent together.

I just saw your body, lying in the coffin. You look so beautiful, peaceful, just like you’re sleeping. And I have the biggest urge to scream “wake up”. Thank you,Ma. For giving me life, for giving me love. You taught me everything good in my life. You were always selfless, God-fearing. You were my strong pillar of hope and love. And even though you’re no longer here with us, you’re with God. And you’re happy, just like how you appeared in Lissa’s dream. And I do hope justice will be served. They’re working on finding the criminals, ma. They will be caught.

We all miss you ma, we miss you so much. Goh Ee and Sar Ee has already appointed themselves as my ‘mama’ and I see you so much of you in them. And it’s not going to be the same anymore. Nothing will be the same anymore. You’re not going to watch me graduate, you’re not going to watch me get married. You’re not going to be there to take care of my children. But I know you are with us in spirit, and you’re always watching over us. Please give me the strength and courage to move forward with my life. Please give me the motivation to be better. To be more like you. To spread the love and joy. Papa, Tache and I will always be grateful for you are the biggest blessing God has given. And maybe you’ve done too much good so The Lord called you home. And you are safe now, safe with God. He will watch over you (and us) and protect you. You are safe from all the evil now.

I will make you proud, mama. I will make everyone proud. I love you so much. I’ll love you every single day of my life, and I’ll never forget whatever you’ve done for me. Thank you so much. Rest In Peace, mama, I love you.”

Our hearts go out to Hui Wei and her family.


Funds Transfer

Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

yes it could well be murder. i also read in some blog written by the niece of deceased that she was stabbed first before any struggle took place with the "robbers". Seriously, they were jogging, the robbers cannot be so stupid to think that a lot of cash or valuables are being carried around.

True. That still does not take away the fact that Malaysia can be quite a dangerous place if one habours a personal vendetta against you!


Moderator - JB Section
Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

True. That still does not take away the fact that Malaysia can be quite a dangerous place if one habours a personal vendetta against you!

This sounds more like a hit ordered on someone and who already knows their daily schedule. Melee (just handheld weapons, not referring to small arms) attacks in public places cannot be prevented in SG as well just that SG may have a better arrest record.

A truly successful assassin is an engineer of the perfect accident and one that is never noticed, never breaking cover unless one absolutely has to. A career show stopper in more ways than one when one gets noticed for any reasons. A hit can be covered under the guise of a botch robbery or lesser crime or even traffic accident.

In fact, if someone rich, well connected or powerful really needs anyone dead, that person can be anywhere in the world and still end up dead. Its just a matter of time as time is normally on the assassin/s side.

It doesn't have to be through violent means as violent methods immediately raises a red flag with authorities, making the next hit or a quick exit harder.

Funds Transfer

Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

This sounds more like a hit ordered on someone and who already knows their daily schedule. Melee (just handheld weapons, not referring to small arms) attacks in public places cannot be prevented in SG as well just that SG may have a better arrest record.

A truly successful assassin is an engineer of the perfect accident and one that is never noticed, never breaking cover unless one absolutely has to. A career show stopper in more ways than one when one gets noticed for any reasons. A hit can be covered under the guise of a botch robbery or lesser crime or even traffic accident.

In fact, if someone rich, well connected or powerful really needs anyone dead, that person can be anywhere in the world and still end up dead. Its just a matter of time as time is normally on the assassin/s side.

It doesn't have to be through violent means as violent methods immediately raises a red flag with authorities, making the next hit or a quick exit harder.

Your points reminded me of an interesting movie that I caught recently. A Hong Kong production that starred Louis Koo.



Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

Its always good to leave some money for the robbers in case they become angry and slab you.

There seems to be this debate:
1. That ordinary folk should unite to foil criminals (eg. by-standers taking a more pro-active role to chase robbers, etc etc) Vs. taking a passive role to avoid getting hurt.
2. That one should always set aside some money for the robber/burglar like an "offering" Vs. carrying/keeping less cash on you/at home.

On one side is to make it difficult for the criminals to make them think 10x about crime. The other seeks to make life easy for them.

Personally, I believe we should never make things easy for criminals. It will promote a culture of crime. It is like a slippery slope. In the long run, it is our children who will suffer an environment that is even more crime-ridden. It is like how the culture of corruption got so entrenched - public officers are encouraged in asking for bribes when it is readily given by the public. It takes 2 hands to clap.

Also, I believe in always making a police report (whether or not the police investigate). This is because a report has the prospect of adding to the statistics. Statistics may be used to pressure the elected govt. Some may say this is all wishful-thinking, but what is there to lose if there's hope of a better tomorrow?
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Moderator - JB Section
Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

Your points reminded me of an interesting movie that I caught recently. A Hong Kong production that starred Louis Koo.

Interesting movie, didn't catch this but from the trailer, they are simplifying some of the ops, making it more palatable but should be a good movie to catch.
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Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

This sounds more like a hit ordered on someone and who already knows their daily schedule. Melee (just handheld weapons, not referring to small arms) attacks in public places cannot be prevented in SG as well just that SG may have a better arrest record.

A truly successful assassin is an engineer of the perfect accident and one that is never noticed, never breaking cover unless one absolutely has to. A career show stopper in more ways than one when one gets noticed for any reasons. A hit can be covered under the guise of a botch robbery or lesser crime or even traffic accident.

In fact, if someone rich, well connected or powerful really needs anyone dead, that person can be anywhere in the world and still end up dead. Its just a matter of time as time is normally on the assassin/s side.

It doesn't have to be through violent means as violent methods immediately raises a red flag with authorities, making the next hit or a quick exit harder.

About 3 years ago, a Sister of a well-known SPR was killed in a daylight robbery outside her house in J.B. Everybody said it was a normal J.B. robbery, but I thought it was just too neat and too clean. To this day, I still think it was a professional "hit."

(p.s--- the Victim was a Malaysian, the celebrity sister, who ives in Singapore, is a P.R.)


Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

I donno how come there are people who are asking me to balik to Spore when I am still holding onto my Malaysia passport. The foreigners maybe have more confidence in the safety of my own country. Or maybe they are used to listening to only the good things?

U seem really upset with JB, your homeland. In this case, why dont you move over to SG, for better quality living and peace of mind?

I am renovating my JB house and will move over soon. I can rent you my 5 room HDB flat at a discounted price of SGD 2,500 per mth. Let me take the risk in your homeland, and you are free to enjoy the security of my homeland, albeit for SGD 2,500 per month. Win-win right?


Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

This time murder by Hitmen in Puchong. But it does seem the deceased got some problems when he was younger with the law

PUCHONG: A taxi driver was gunned down by masked men in front of his family during dinner in a restaurant here.

In the 9.30pm incident in Puchong Batu 14, the victim A. Siva, 36, was having dinner with his wife and eight-year-old daughter when he was shot multiple times.

According to eyewitness accounts, two men wearing ski masks alighted from a car and walked up to Siva before one of them opened fire.

Subang Jaya OCPD Asst Comm Yahaya Ramli said Siva was shot at least four times before the gunmen fled in their car.

“We have the licence plate num*ber of the car but we have to determine if it is a fake,” he said at the scene here yesterday.

Siva was shot in the chest and was rushed to a nearby clinic but he succumbed to his injuries upon arrival.

“We are interviewing the staff at the restaurant and another patron who witnessed the incident,” said ACP Yahaya.

He said police were also checking if the incident was linked to a failed assassination attempt on another man which took place nearby last week.

It is believed that the victim knew the man.

ACP Yahaya said Siva, who was previously detained under the Emer*gen**cy Ordinance, had been working as a taxi driver since his release.

The body was sent to Serdang Hospital for a post-mortem.

Vendatta and Revenge indeed. All this gangsters were let loose once the ISA and Emergency Ordinance abolished. I dont give a shit about them and I think the deceased must have done bad things himself


Moderator - JB Section
Re: Living in JB 3 (Johore)

About 3 years ago, a Sister of a well-known SPR was killed in a daylight robbery outside her house in J.B. Everybody said it was a normal J.B. robbery, but I thought it was just too neat and too clean. To this day, I still think it was a professional "hit."

(p.s--- the Victim was a Malaysian, the celebrity sister, who ives in Singapore, is a P.R.)

Violent, directed crimes attract too much attention and if the perpetrators are not clean/fast enough, they will get caught, its only a matter of time as each murder causes more attention and there will always be slip ups somewhere.

That is why it is the least preferred method as its too high profile and usually a hit in front of the family or near their compound is meant to send a strong statement to the spouse/family.

For a hit to be carried out like what you described, is a little too obvious in the intent even if the death may be really be accidental.

Funds Transfer

Re: JB Crimewatch

We Malaysians Chinese can succeed due to sheer hard work and street smart thinking despite Government do not help much makes us more tough in this dog eat dog world. Average Malaysians are not dissatisfied with Government because they favors Malays but it is because how mediocrity and corruption stop Malaysia from progressing.

Understand from some of my learned Chinese friends that this is the philosophy adopted by them in Malaysia. Not surprising since many Chinese people have also thrived in places where they are minorities; USA, Australia are good examples.

Even in Singapore, where the tolerance level for Mainland Chinese are going downwards, many of them are doing well and extremely entreprenuerial.