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Serious Japan's and Taiwan's COMBINED Armed Forces are STRONGER than the PRC's, according to the Swiss bank, Credit Suisse! haha

Do you AGREE with Credit Suisse?

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    Military strength indicator 2.jpg
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  • Military strength indicator.jpg
    Military strength indicator.jpg
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Also, for those of you who are not aware, Japan is actually a "De facto nuclear state":
("Nuclear latency or a nuclear threshold state is the condition of a country possessing the technology to quickly build nuclear weapons, without having actually yet done so. Because such latent capability is not proscribed by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, this is sometimes called the "Japan Option" (as a work-around to the treaty), as Japan is considered a "paranuclear" state, being a clear case of a country with complete technical prowess to develop a nuclear weapon quickly, or as it is sometimes called "being one screwdriver's turn" from the bomb, as Japan is considered to have the materials, expertise and technical capacity to make a nuclear bomb at will.")



太晚 dont hv iron melting furnace so dont make gunboats... buy from US is a laughing stock..

Buy arms from US is a scam from angmoh snake oil sales man..

Look at this US losing Vietnam war to Social democracy N Vietnam...



Make my toes laugh more please...

This was losing a war spin as withdrawal.... hehehe

The biggest difference is not the hardware or the numbers it's the fact that PLA can't fight for nuts.

They excel only when it comes to shooting their own unarmed citizens.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
No one or two countries can take China ever.

Maybe if 3/4 of the world join forces still your total armies is not even up to 50% of it's army plus the rest of the population will take up arms to defend themselves even if you've defeated China's army.

China alone is more than 1/4 of the world population not counting those deep off the mountains which is unaccountable. China if truly awaken is unstoppable hence there's always 'plans' to keep it down.


Not today will China lose in War with one and only world no. 1 enemy US.

China has 20+ iron melting furnaces much more than US. How many carriers and gunboats do China want to build is up to them, and in record speed.

The best way to defeat the Chinese army is to divide and conquer. Spend some money at the right place and the whole brigade will switch side. Tried and tested since ancient times.
Look at Chinese history since when they can fight as an united force ?


Every country was destroyed through divide and conquer. Nothing special move on...

The best way to defeat the Chinese army is to divide and conquer. Spend some money at the right place and the whole brigade will switch side. Tried and tested since ancient times.
Look at Chinese history since when they can fight as an united force ?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Anyway this is barking up the wrong tree. The real super power is NASA and their hidden fleet is way beyond earth's technologies and it's not controlled by USA.