good. at least they are aware of the nanking massacre and using it as reference for future actions.
Of course she and all other Japs are well aware of the Nanjing massacre.
Their denial of the Nanjing massacre and other atrocities (biological & chemical weapons experiments on humans, competition on the beheading of prisoners of war, sook chings, death marches, concentration camps, comfort women, etc) committed against Chinese, Koreans, Taiwanese and other South East Asian peoples are just merely their stubborn refusal to acknowledge their inhumane, barbaric and manipulative natures. The internet is open and anytime they can access recorded evidences of these atrocities and there is no way they cannot 'not be aware'. The japs are so paranoid in admitting their guilt that they even changed their history books to whitewash or obliterate references to their atrocities. Time and again, minister after minister also stood up to deny some aspect of their atrocities and then be forced to resign in the face of public (japs' own) outrage. Time and time again also, their political and business leaders openly demonstrated their disregard for the feelings of their war victims by visiting the graves of their A+ war criminals at the Yakusuni shrine.
The nippons are cowards when compared against the Germans who took the courage to acknowledge their atrocities, pay their dues with their lives (lower level Nazi killers only) or compensations to victims and then moved on.