Anyone encountered or familiar with Jap email address?
I received a Jap guy email and asked me to reply. The problem is @ and underscore were not clearly written, e.g. yamato ato
So i sent as [email protected] and [email protected] - and both bounced back. Beside email address no longer in use, any other reason?
I also encountered another guy use a star symbol to place before yahoo and note that:
star symbol = at
So i assumed at = @
I'm wondering, Jap keyboard unable to enter @ ?
I received a Jap guy email and asked me to reply. The problem is @ and underscore were not clearly written, e.g. yamato ato
So i sent as [email protected] and [email protected] - and both bounced back. Beside email address no longer in use, any other reason?
I also encountered another guy use a star symbol to place before yahoo and note that:
star symbol = at
So i assumed at = @
I'm wondering, Jap keyboard unable to enter @ ?
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