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[Japan] - FENDI staff knelt down to apologize to rich ATB shopper


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
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According to a post by Xiaohongshu blogger @Annie大头泽, she came to Japan for a trip and planned to buy a black wool shawl at Fendi in Ginza. After trying it on, she immediately expressed her intention to buy it. Because the store still had three items in stock, she asked the staff serving her to get a new one for her.

Then another middle-aged male staff suddenly walked up to her, touched the shawl and pulled it off her body and took it away. The female victim said that the male staff did not ask for her opinion when the incident occurred. "He did not explain a word or talk to me during the whole process. He just pulled it away."

The female victim complained to the manager who asked her to go to a less crowded area on the second floor to negotiate. After arriving on the second floor, the manager, the two staff, and a staff translator knelt down in a row to apologize to the female victim. They also said that the middle-aged male staff had earlier consulted the opinion of the other staff who served the female victim before takig the shawl away from her.

The female victim said that the manager told her that there was no CCTV, but in fact there was. When the female victim asked how to file a complaint, the store staff told her that there was no special channel or email to complain, but in fact this behavior is not compliant.

The female victim expressed dissatisfaction with the explanation and persisted until she complained to the FENDI headquarters. Subsequently, the female victim received an apology email from the FENDI headquarters and Ginza Fendi. The Ginza store manager, the male staff who pulled away the shawl and a staff translator showed up at the female victim's hotel lobby to visit and apologise in person.


Four staff kneeled down to apologise


The shawl chosen by the female victim


Official written apology from FENDI


Biscuits gift brought by FENDI staff to female victim at her hotel

內地女東京Fendi購物嬲爆 經理店員4人同下跪認錯 店長登門道歉


I went jeepun, all boutique staff are very mannered. Much better than sinkies store. Wonder why the staff took the shawl away from her. Maybe she orh pisai or haggle for more discount.