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jack neo, 50, fucking a 22 year old model behind his 46 years old wife


I doubt there was any plan. All Opp parties were probably as bombed and shell shocked as the Old Man.

That was probably part of the plan. Unfortunately, JN felt the urge and started something with a new, yet un-named woman (from Wendy Chong's interviews). The caused a premature exposure of the scandal.


If you familar with the PAP "tea party" process, all canidates go through a fairly rigourous background check. The two possible hypothesis and consequences are:

1) GY did not know The conseqeunce of this would be that the rigourous "tea party" checking is pretty much useless. JN with his 11 women almost slipped through. If that can get through, then surely almost anything can get through.

2) GY knew In this case GY knew not only about Wendy but the other girls as well. As he needed a king card to win the election, he was prepared to look the other way.

I am inclined to believe hypothesis 2) is correct as it seems inconceivable to me that GY did not know given the size and scale of JN's affairs.

Also if 1) is correct, it would mean that the Opposition has a better intelligence gathering apparatus than the PAP, a highly unlikely occurance.

actually, i doubt the resources of our national agencies like ISD and CID will be wasted to find "intel" on tea party members when they have more pressing matters on their hands.

Queen Seok Duk


Jack is juxtaposing himself with the prophets and apostles in the Bible who faced persecutions for preaching the gospel. Worse still, he could be imagining himself to be 'Job' in the Old Testament.

Jack doesn't seem to know the difference between 苦難 and 報應

Of course Jesus will not abandon him. Jesus wants to chastise him.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I am with GMS who feels GY is merely consoling a fellow blogkaki.

With due respect to all the other learned bros,
all these talk -
of JN as a possible PAP candidate;
GY personal sympathy for Mrs Neo &
call to JN to learn from his mistake &
for singaporeans to rally around him & his family
(this naive part is really asking for it :biggrin:);
All the politically dull PAP MP's comments on JN;
All these means PAP endorse JN -

all these talk are pure conjecture,
wishful thinking & terribly delusional ....

I am glad none of the Opp Leaders worth their salt has publicly repeated or adopted such a far-fetched hypothesis .....



From Chinatown, Geylang, Boat Quay, Orchard Tower, Petain Road, Changi,

Chicken Farms, KTVs, Healt Spas, Massage Parlours....

PRCs, Viets, Korea, Russia, S'pore, Malaysia, even Africa pussies...


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I am with GMS who feels GY is merely consoling a fellow blogkaki.

That is of course a valid hypothesis. However based on the empirical evidence which has surfaced (he had been walking around Aljunied GRC the same way Goh Meng Seng has been hiking around in Tampines), the probability of it being true is about the same the probability that JN only had 1 affair (based on his latest interview).

If you are keen to know what is planned for Aljunied GRC, you should ask yourself which Minister has been seen doing walking exercise in Aljunied GRC. By all measures, he is probably one of the most powerful king card in the deck.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Whatever was the plan for Aljunied, it's over. Jack Neo could never be fielded now even if that was intention earlier. Flipping the scribbled piece over behind the drawing board and starting anew, even George Yeo himself may be asked to hand over the brush and palette to someone else.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
MORE and more stories and sordid events to divert the peoples' minds....now everyone talks about JN as if he is a saint !!!

what are the real issues now ???

erection is coming...but nobody is going to press the button and say let's do it!!! wait..the ground is not sweet...no it's getting sweeter day by day with more promises...wait, now is the time!!!...let's go!!!

viagraised everyone at the polls!!!

Chau Ve Nist

Hello, if yr gf in a personal private fight with you, ends up in the same situation, goes to the Police and make a report that you wanted to murder her, you expect the Police and the AG to swallow it hook sinker and line? It's her words against his. How flimsy can yr evidence get? Lol. Do you know anything about law?

If the police comes across newspaper reports about a failed plan to murder the octogenarian, do you think they will investigate or wait for a formal report to be lodged?

No one reported the good pastor to the security organs in the Ministry of Home Affairs before he was called up by the ISD for a cup of tea.

Ditto when the police step in to warn and subsequently investigate Chee and gang for their criminal plans for protests and for screening movies simply from reading postings on the SDP's websites. No reports had to be made for them to swing into action.

A very serious allegation of attempted murder has been made and knowledge of that very serious allegation is widely available in the public domain.

Whether the police decide to swallow or spit out the hook, line and sinker and the "flimsy" evidence is beside the point. That can come only after they have carried out their investigation.

With your knowledge of law and politics in Singapore, do you think the police are reluctant to act because of this paedophile's political connection?


Alfrescian (Inf)
A very serious allegation of attempted murder has been made and knowledge of that very serious allegation is widely available in the public domain.

Even if taken verbatim, it's not an allegation of attempted murder. It's an allegation of proposed suicide pact. The counterparty to the attempted pact refused, no accident or death occured. What to do?

Chau Ve Nist

Hearsays and verbal claims are overwhelmingly abundant all over the place. If the police investigates everything, the size of the police force would have to be bigger than the army. However, if the hearsay reaches the Attorney-General and he deems it serious enough, he may order investigation and subsequent prosecution.

Would a newspaper report about an attempted murder qualify as hearsay or would that be sufficent for the authorities to launch investigations?

Media report about TT Durai resulted in the authorities probing him and ended with him behind bars.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Would a newspaper report about an attempted murder qualify as hearsay or would that be sufficent for the authorities to launch investigations?

Media report about TT Durai resulted in the authorities probing him and ended with him behind bars.

You still don't understand. At law, proposed suicide pact and attempted murder are different. TT Durai even more different if you bring him into this. His case is purely financial.


If you run the govt here, I'll fear for my basic freedoms and for my life.
What an ignoramus!

Would a newspaper report about an attempted murder qualify as hearsay or would that be sufficent for the authorities to launch investigations?

Media report about TT Durai resulted in the authorities probing him and ended with him behind bars.

Chau Ve Nist

Even if taken verbatim, it's not an allegation of attempted murder. It's an allegation of proposed suicide pact. The counterparty to the attempted pact refused, no accident or death occured. What to do?

You still don't understand. At law, proposed suicide pact and attempted murder are different. TT Durai even more different if you bring him into this. His case is purely financial.?

Here is the quote from the girl again.


“I was at Raffles Town Club and had a huge fight with him because I suspected that he was meeting another girl. He was very angry and anxious and threatened to open the window and jumped off. Fortunately, the window did not open……There was once when he was angry with another guy going after me and we had a quarrel over it. He ran to East Coast Park and drank a lot of beer. I went from Yishun to East Coast to find him and asked him to return home. He sped along the road and hit a bus.Though I asked him to slow down, he still continued speeding to end his life together with mine,” Wendy Chong, Shin Min Daily

Doesn't sound like the girl was a willing "suicide" partner in a "sucide pact". It was the jackass trying to kill himself and take the unwilling girl along with him.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Here is the quote from the girl again.


“I was at Raffles Town Club and had a huge fight with him because I suspected that he was meeting another girl. He was very angry and anxious and threatened to open the window and jumped off. Fortunately, the window did not open……There was once when he was angry with another guy going after me and we had a quarrel over it. He ran to East Coast Park and drank a lot of beer. I went from Yishun to East Coast to find him and asked him to return home. He sped along the road and hit a bus.Though I asked him to slow down, he still continued speeding to end his life together with mine,” Wendy Chong, Shin Min Daily

Doesn't sound like the girl was a willing "suicide" partner in a "sucide pact". It was the jackass trying to kill himself and take the unwilling girl along with him.

Sure it doesn't sound it to me or you, but she has to lodge a police report and prove it in a court of law.

Chau Ve Nist

If you run the govt here, I'll fear for my basic freedoms and for my life.
What an ignoramus!

Don't be daft. Try to come up with something more substantive. While Ramseth's understanding of what the girl said differs from mine, at the very least he came up with something substantive.

OTOH, all you can come up with are some daft, childish rebuttals befitting that of a juvenile moron. Are your silly comments suppose to cause me some sort of grief or pain? How old are you?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
a woman's scorn is worse than the fury from hell..

so uncles who play play with syts please be damned careful....

don't leave behind your soiled briefs and stained shots....

don't estimate the power of these syts...they can make your life an utter misery..

Chau Ve Nist

Sure it doesn't sound it to me or you, but she has to lodge a police report and prove it in a court of law.

I know for a fact that the police in other jurisdiction (even neighbouring Malaysia for example) do initiate investigations based on media reports and do not wait for reports to be lodged, particularly for serious cases. And as you yourself said earlier, it happens in Singapore as well if directions comes from the AG. That means no police report needs to be lodged for an investigation to take palce.

Appearance in a court of law will only come about if and after an investigation is carried out and the allegations can be substantiated following which charges are laid.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I know for a fact that the police in other jurisdiction (even neighbouring Malaysia for example) do initiate investigations based on media reports and do not wait for reports to be lodged, particularly for serious cases. And as you yourself said earlier, it happens in Singapore as well if directions comes from the AG. That means no police report needs to be lodged for an investigation to take palce.

Appearance in a court of law will only come about if and after an investigation is carried out and the allegations can be substantiated following which charges are laid.

Exactly. So far there's no reaction from the A-G. On the pro-active side (instead of waiting for A-G action) no police report has been lodged.


The explanation has already been given to you and yet you associate all kinds of irelevant issues.

Btw, I'm old enough to be yr father.

Don't be daft. Try to come up with something more substantive. While Ramseth's understanding of what the girl said differs from mine, at the very least he came up with something substantive.

OTOH, all you can come up with are some daft, childish rebuttals befitting that of a juvenile moron. Are your silly comments suppose to cause me some sort of grief or pain? How old are you?