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jack neo, 50, fucking a 22 year old model behind his 46 years old wife

Chau Ve Nist

As there is every possibility that Jack Neo has committed a crime of corruption by soliciting sex from young girls in exchange for movie roles, contracts, career moves, etc, George Yeo should have shut his fucking mouth and not interfere in this matter.

If there are any other victims of Jack Neo, they will now feel intimidated that he has the "backing" of a Minister and may fear speaking out lest the full weight of a Minister comes crashing down upon them. Ditto for the police who has received this "nudge-nudge, wink wink" message from George Yeo.

So George Yeo, please shut the fuck up.


One affair being exposed, may attract empathies toward momentary human weakness to temptation. Two or more? To the public masses, that's practically conclusive as personal character flaw, not general human weakness. LKY doesn't exercise final say on who can stand as candidate nowadays. LHL and the PAP branches sort it out. However, he still gets the list and exercise final say on who can't stand.

Moving forward, the PAP might want to consider seriously reviewing their "tea party" process. Rumour has it that Jack Neo had already passed the final stage and had been introduced to the grassroot (Aljunied GRC) as one of the "Chosen". So far, Minister George Yeo and PAP MP Mr Lim Biow Chuan (Marine Parade GRC) have leapt to his defence. If this had happened, later, the PAP would be facing its first ever sex scandal.

It might therefore be a good idea to do an additional round of background checks on the new batch of "Chosen" who will become the future MPs of Singapore. It might not also not hurt to spend some time checking up on existing MPs and maybe even Ministers to make sure that there is no monkey business going on.


george yeo cannot even handle that romanian issue properly. now still wanna stick his nose into jack neo's problem.:cool:


As there is every possibility that Jack Neo has committed a crime of corruption by soliciting sex from young girls in exchange for movie roles, contracts, career moves, etc, George Yeo should have shut his fucking mouth and not interfere in this matter.

If there are any other victims of Jack Neo, they will now feel intimidated that he has the "backing" of a Minister and may fear speaking out lest the full weight of a Minister comes crashing down upon them. Ditto for the police who has received this "nudge-nudge, wink wink" message from George Yeo.

So George Yeo, please shut the fuck up.

Not only that. for a person mandated to be a foreign minister, why is he involved in a domestic issue? And lets not be blinkered and think that its over. In fact the no 2 victim has voiced out of a clear harassment, base on COMMON SENSE LAW.

So now the govt is telling us its forgiveable? WTF. Luckily I dont have a daugther or else the fuckers gonna pay.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Going through the latest updates of the Jack Neo affair, my thoughts:-

(1) tis sudden(?) typhoon blew off course the topical concerns: ionescu coroner court hearings, budget debate, hdb debate etc

(2) obvious Jack is a DOM not averse to luring his prey with preferential treatment in their pursuit of showbiz glory. Old theme old story. All at fault.

(3) Wendy, i still maintain is one confused wannabe. I am not biased against her & unlike some misguided souls here, definitely do not think she is a victim here. Note her blog revelation about wanting to snag an S-league foreign footballer earlier. One psychologist interviewed feel she has some mental illness. Out to show the world that jack is a hypocrite, she reveals all, knowing & willing to suffer the accompanying public shame. Bo chup oredy.

Overall Wendy is immature - see clients' disappointing comments on her no-show model photoshoot session without informing them - irresponsible.
pity her. love-hate Jack Neo. knows he is bullshitting, believes his bullshit & still blames him for bullshitting. Becomes stalker, hang around his Pasir Ris house. Sad. Every one in an extramarital affair will SUFFER.

(4) jack neo while horny like all man has committed many fatal errors:-
a. he is a celeb so bigger target than any sammboy cheongster
b. his moralistic films set him out unwittingly to be a 'role model' however undesired on his part
c. worse his hubris - want to not just fuck but to play Romeo. Going by the girls' account, his rigid tactics, deluge of corny smses, flattery, using showbiz as bait etc. People like jack Neo think they are 'talented' & 'gifted' so, lived in their own fantasy & set their own rules. Disgraceful but commonplace.

(5) affair dragged over 2 years. Not just the threat of suicide kept it gong, jack wants to have cake & eat it too but didn't realise it is an impossibility

(6) mark Lee's comment of wanting to slap his mentor. Hello, don't be so righteous so fast. mark, you have no skeletons in your closet? 一朝得志,语无伦次。

(7) Mrs Neo cited no time to run J-Team so decide to wind-down J-Team. Mark Lee immediately announce he is forming Huang Productions to 'take care' of fellow J-Team people. WTF ?! hero? schemer? white knight or 2-face opportunist ?

(8) Poor Mrs Neo. Forgive hubby, kenna bashed for condoning him, love $ etc Don't forgive him, divorce & sacrifice marriage & family ?! either way, I salute her. may she be blessed with courage, wisdom & strength. What with certainly more exposes coming up...

Also, poor Mr Chong. Wendy's father. heart pain pain. why my daughter like this ?

(9) Like this GEM conversation in the car to airport between Wendy & Mrs Neo reported by Wendy :
Mrs Neo - you Singaporean?
Wendy - yes...
Mrs Neo - you Singaporean you don't know Jack Neo married,got wife & kids meh ?
Wendy - ?!
(10) There may be grounds to suspect fake publicity, but all things considered, to continue subscribing to this belief is beyond common sense.

(11) had enough of puns on possible future movie names like 'this no enough' 'that not horny'. Corny & stale.

(12) who next ? Rayson Tan, Huang Wen Yong, Zheng GePing, James Lye, Moses Lim ? Spore showbiz circle wants to show it is capable of scandals too... sigh!

(13) 99% agree this Foyce Le definitely has sluttiness factor - much more FB material than wendy chong.

(14) For once i agree with chaopappy, Kong Hee & George yeo's involvement is PRICELESS ....

(14) I don't think Jack Neo will show face at Star Awards Gala in April.... how to face his peers for now ?


The girl is the victim. She's young and Jack Neo was/is her boss. What I find shocking is how all our elites rally around Jack Neo.

Cheebye, rally around adulterer but cuss with brimstones and fire gays.

What a fucked up country Sinkapore is.


Alfrescian (Inf)

他妈的,梁智强.有的吃 没叫我!


Alfrescian (Inf)
whoever insinuating I 'rally around jack neo' is as insidious as McCarthy branding anybody who disagree with them a 'commie' - in this case calling me names like pappie shapeshifters & whatfuck names.

I deeply resent this fascist & irrational tar from the likes of chaopappy.

The girl is a victim strictly I cannot conscientiously deny.

That she is naive, confused, immature is no crime & do not excuse jack neo's behaviour.

yet, there is an element of consensual relationship - in so far as both parties at some point must truly believe they are in real romantic love.

In that sense, I find it hard to say it is 100% wholesale exploitation.

In any case, it is just my opinion & i may be wrong.

But fuck it, how does that make me a pappie like the likes of internet brigade, CCB !

Have the guts & intellectual honesty to stick to the nuts & bolts of an argument.

Otherwise to me, chaopappy is no different from raving mad Gopalan Nair who should be pappy's hero in his no-holds-barred hatred of LKY & 154th.


This Mark Lee nonsense is just Jack Neo knowing that he is screwed. So he "hand over" to Mark Lee so that he can still move behind the scenes. I will start telling every tom, dick and harry that if his daughter is with Mark Lee, sure kanna screwed by Jack Neo.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sorry bro, i still believe in god of israel but the jesus one is not true for me. if you read carefully the new testament jesus contradict gods law so much that its really amazing how church can tell new converts otherwise. thats why alot of church preach selective scripture on sunday and pretend to say not enough time to teach all. I detest that deeply. If you read chronologically you will know that jesus is not fulfilling of the messiah prophesy. I challenge anyone with scripture proof.

The Law of god is clear in deutronomy about real or fake prophets who dont promise what god say must come true. Jesus havent come back. so cannot believe full stop.:oIo:

no worry bro, me dont believe in xtian and those begstors! me only believe tua pek kong! peace! huat ah!


The following was posted by Minister George Yeo in blogkaki. Unfortunately it does not mention whether he noticed the tinted windows and curtains in Jack Neo's car. I wonder if Jack Neo is a regular cheongster in China. From what I understand, this kind of "special" MPV is the norm for celebreties and rich people who go and cheong in China.


Rallying around Jack Neo and his family

Jack Neo, his wife and children are going through an ordeal. Reports about
his infidelity will make the rounds and cause pain and embarrassment.
Before the news broke on Saturday evening, Jack called to tell me. He
wanted to tell me himself and not have me learn from newspaper reports.
Giving me the background, he was full of remorse, adding that his wife and
children were angry with him for what he did. I listened to what he said
with great sadness and said he was right to admit wrong and face up to his
responsibility. I was concerned for his wife. When he told me that his
wife was beside him, I asked to speak to her and pledged my full support to

Life is a long and often difficult journey, and what Jack and his family
are going through is what he might have presented in his own movie, except
that this time it is about himself. We are used to having Jack make us
laugh, bring cheer to our daily lives, explain our trials and make them
easier to bear. Let us rally around Jack, his wife and his children at
this time.

George Yeo


i am more disappointed with Mark Lee actually. its jack that give him chance to let him be who he is today. fucking when jack gets into trouble, fucking be the first mediacorp artist to throw stones on him.

who needs enemy when you have such friend


Alfrescian (Inf)
fucking jackass neo really ball less! things happened liao must rally support! must call ministar and mp plus the con man city harvest begster! i thought this is a family problem? why must inform political figure and even pastor? what the fuck pastor can do? to perform exorcism on the poor gal?