This guy (in the video) has a problem - he will never be a millionaire! He is too wise and has too much compassion for his fellow men.
His main points are true:
1) 8 hours day was won over for workers to work as human, not as a machine.
2) extra hours may mean nothing; if things can be done in 6 hours, why take 8 hours....12 hours.
I know Jack Ma has been invited for talks quiet often, but I believe he may not be right most of the times with his ideas. Alibaba is now into selling "cloud computing", but I just can't understand how such an idea can make money. It may end up as our bike sharing, but the unraveling may take much longer.
Huawei may overtake Alibaba in the end. Huawei's leader Ren seems a smarter person.
Chan Rasjid.