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Chitchat It's advertisement time again




Is the old slut getting ready to parade her cb at Jurong East? Best is whistle, spit and gangrape Gansiokbin the phuachowcheebye
she probably gone for a walk in her jurong neighborhood to harass unsuspecting men and falsely accusing them of whistling at her, then she can craft a story with her mobile phone pictures and lo and behold, she manufactures "evidence" and "proof" that she's a victim of harassment when the truth is she is the harasser.


she probably gone for a walk in her jurong neighborhood to harass unsuspecting men and falsely accusing them of whistling at her, then she can craft a story with her mobile phone pictures and lo and behold, she manufactures "evidence" and "proof" that she's a victim of harassment when the truth is she is the harasser.
Standard slut behavior. She will meet someone who will give her a punch one day, grab her hair and slam her against the wall, rip out her bra, twist her nipples, wedgie her panties and oar her cheebye hard!


Standard slut behavior. She will meet someone who will give her a punch one day, grab her hair and slam her against the wall, rip out her bra, twist her nipples, wedgie her panties and oar her cheebye hard!
high possibility if she continues her harassment of people around her neighborhood