I take this opportunity to say again that when it is undesirable or impossible in certain circumstances for people to take same stance against famiLEE LEEgime, it would still be good to strategically place the famiLEE LEEgime in the center of the contention to be bashed from both angles.

When people fight against famiLEE LEEgime all from the same stance, it is also alike putting all the eggs in a single basket, that all advantages and weakness are commonly shared. It made things easier on the famiLEE LEEgime's side to calculate and counter and strategizies. When punches are thrown at the famiLEE LEEgime from all sorts of different angles, they face hostilities from front and back plus left and right. When the parties attacking famiLEE LEEgime are not in agreement, it is harder to predict their moves and timing as well as directions and angles.

Try to work together against the famiLEE LEEgime 1st, if impossible, then put the famiLEE LEEgime in center again to be punched from different (or opposite) angles. e.g. the pro and anti gay groups can simultaneously whack famiLEE LEEgime instead of whacking each other.
Groups against the famiLEE LEEgime don't have to be a part of each other, and can be even individuals. The results will still snow ball along and the millages even in opposing directions will still add up against famiLEE LEEgime.
It is thus very very hard for the famiLEE LEEgime to stop so many different groups.
4 Singaporeans began to protest in front of CPF board 4 years ago, look at it now - famiLEE LEEgime had been forced to LEEgalize Speakers Corner protests, and hundreds led by Tan Kin Lian the ex-CUNT man protested on and on. They are not even any opposition at all. :p famiLEE LEEgime is FIXED for sure.
Charged TBT so what? Still the campaign is growing and enlarged.
Does every activist have to take part in everything? I had NEVER had any TBT T-shirt although stupid LEEgime arrested and charged me for TBT.

All sorts of people and groups are activated now. How are they going to be stopped? These people and groups are not acting together as one - not at all! And this IS the BEST part.:p
Regarding the JBJ T-shirts, so far, I had claimed my cost dollar to dollar from the Reform Party using all the original receipts from the supplier. I never mark up one cent for myself. But I am in agreement with Mr. Ng that if others wish to buy directly from me, I may supply but to ensure that they don't under cut the price Reform Party is selling. So far I sold only few to friends beside Reform Party which got the bulk supply.
The 3rd version which is a dry-fit polo is very nice, and even foreign political friend had asked for it.

Polo goes @S$25