All along Palestinian Muslims, Jews and xtians had been living and working side by side peacefully in Palestine. But came the zionist Jews and peace was destroyed. In the first place, jews were supposed to be in decree exile...past 2000 years. They are still waiting for the Messiah. So-called state of Israel is illegitimate. Stolen fm the Palestinians. Even the pious religious orthodox Jews rejected the state of Israel.
and it is kafir anti muslim anti islamic stinkypura which has alone hobnobbed with those criminals
coz let's face it slanties = copy cats, no brains no inventiveness no innovativeness
in low IQ cretin old fart harry lee's mind
since he believe tiny pissrael won against much larger Muslim majority neighbours
learning from them - copy cats that slanties always have been and always will be - was the way to go
that's why to this day stinkypura maintains close ties and buys any garbage unloaded by zionist scammers
another eager customer is ceca
within asean lousy turd world cesspools and whores and harlot exporters like viets thais also purchase zionist weapons
turkey azerbaijan kazakhstan recognize them and buy weapons despite zionists being overtly anti Islamic and being a tool of the kafir west planted in palestine
it is a simple fact that low iQ mediocre donkeys like turks - always a nation of donkeys - are mediocre in every way, not world leader in anything, despite its population ranked at 16/17/18th in world by numbers
same goes for iran. mediocre country that's why chanting death to americunts death to pissrael for 40+ years still don't dare to fight while under sanctions it is iran itself that buckled and signed jcpoa
bunch of losers
lousy buggers
if not for
even lousier countries like indon paki bangla nigeria with more ppl but even more backward incompetent lacking in talent, those morons like iranians turks will stand out as stupid imbeciles on par with ceca
not competitive against ang moh kias in anything whatsoever
also can't stand against slanties chopstick kung-flu chink virus spreaders
fun facts
only 1.3x as big/populous as indon
yankees only 1.5x as big/populous as pakis
ditto for niggers of nigeria
only 2 times as big/populous as bangla
none of these lousy countries got talent to fight defeat yankees globally or in their home turf
such lousy countries
none of them are world leaders in anything
let's compare with switzerland.. a four times bigger "developed" country'd be canada, more or less
there are loads of areas where swiss are absolute world leaders
not least of which is their watchmaking industry
even all 1.4 billion tiongs+ 1.3+ billion ceca virus + 330 million yanks+ japs+ gooks +.... dan lain-lain
also can't outdo swiss watch making expertise knowledge heritage quality
knowing this japs tried to outsmart them by developing digital watches
after initial setbacks, swiss watches still made a comeback
now yanks tried to copy japs with lousy propaganda machine apple watch or other electronic watch knowing fully well they can't compete with swiss watches in quality skills heritage expertise
now that's talent
extreme performance from a teeny tiny country of just 8.5+ m ppl
on top they are world leaders per capita in a wide range of things
sulzer also world's largest marine diesel engine producers
these simple products also can't be developed by mediocre countries like iran or turkey
how ridiculous
norwegians got bergen marine engines
finland got wartsila
i mean teeny tiny countries of what? 5? 5.5 m ppl? can develop them sell them compete in those industries but lousy countries can't develop them in the modern era? seriously dumb
they are called donkeys for a reason
for stinkies as a nation with no heritage of intellectual achievements
rather with a heritage as coolies prostitues whroes harlots stevedores rickshaw pullers opium addicts triad members drug runners secret society loan sharks alcoholic inveterate gamblers peasants
to have built world's biggest and strongest SSCV 273,700 tons able to lift 20,000 tons at one go is simply unmatched too
i hope those
donkeys won't rely on wikipedia for info coz wikipedia run by kafir ang moh kias and jews who write extremist zionist ang moh kia propaganda day and night
wikipedia also says that sscv cost $1 billion but real cost closer to
$1.5 billion
so not only exactness of information is disputed
but also the backstories or other stories that wikipedia conveniently deletes is also a matter of great dispute among various parties
for example 4x stinkypura population would be approximately taiwan or ozzies
we can mention various areas where stinkypura - in absolute terms - outdone ozzies or taiwanese
world biggest largest strongest SSCV - in history - is one
first icebreaker (difficult task) for arctic built in the tropics - also in stinkypura
stinkypura able to invite and operate ang moh kia civilian widebody high bypass ratio turbofan engine factories for rolls royce pratt also ge components and hundred+ suppliers in ecosystem for those companies
can we find same in taiwan or ozzie kangaroo territory?
stinkypura had a history of dominating world HDD production (in past, now they moved offshore), can we find the same in kangaroo land?
seagate r&D still in stinkypura, showa denko media production stinky/melayun not new
ozzies got?
anybody know if tiongs ceca virus asean arabs or others ever refer to taiwanese for their water infrastructure or other problems?
stinkypura parade itself as "global hydrohub"
apart from hyflux in red, many more coys involved in numerous projects in commie tiongkok many asean countries ceca virus (lousy as it is) arab countries oman algeria etc even iran after rouhani assumed power signed deal with stinkies but after yankees reimposed sanctions, coward stinkies ang mohs' ball lickers that they are quickly backtracked
meanwhile taiwanese can't solve their own water crises while surrounded by water on all sides
Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen has called on residents to conserve
water and prepare for shortages as the island faces a drought.
Taiwan did not experience a typhoon in 2020 and faces its most severe
water shortage in 56 years.
Water crisis looms in
Parched Taiwan prays for rain as Sun Moon Lake is hit by drought
The cracked bed of Sun Moon Lake after 18 months of drought. Photograph: AP
Taps are now shut off two days a week, and worse is to come unless action is taken on climate crisis
Helen Davidson in Taiwan
Sun 9 May 2021 07.45 BST
Taiwan’s Sun Moon Lake is so low that parts of it have dried and turned to grass. Jetties that normally float are sprawled awkwardly on dry land, and tour boats are crowded at the tail ends of pontoons still in the water.
Usually one of the island’s most famous tourist destinations, the lake has recently become a star of a different kind. Following the worst drought in 56 years, it is now famous for all the wrong reasons. These days, Instagram influencers photograph themselves
posing in a dust-coloured, dinghy half-buried in a cracked and cratered lakebed.
Earlier this month, the resurfacing of a long-lost mobile phone (which still worked) made international news, while China’s hawkish tabloid, the
Global Times, seized on
the discovery of a suspected Qing dynasty tombstone to bolster the mainland’s claims of sovereignty over Taiwan.
But away from the quirky headlines, the situation is dire. Other reservoirs across central and southern Taiwan are effectively empty, down to 5% or less. Last week, there were reports of mass fish deaths, a
phenomenon seen in Australia’s drought.
Taiwan has had drought before but observers are hoping the severity of this one – which has lasted 18 months, and threatens Taiwan’s economic lifeblood of semiconductor production – is enough to prompt real action on climate change.
Taiwan relies heavily on seasonal typhoons to top up reservoirs, but in 2020 not one made landfall. And it could happen again.
Dr Huang-Hsiung Hsu, executive officer at Academica Sinica’s anthropogenic climate change centre, says studies have suggested “fewer but stronger typhoons, drier springs, fewer rainy days, and stronger precipitation strength in the warming future, in addition to the expected significant temperature rise and heatwaves as everywhere around the world”.
“[This will] mean a higher risk of water shortage and natural disasters such as flooding and landslide.”
He said governments have not been sincere in their commitment to climate crisis policy, and he joined other observers who say the government is not prepared for the future.
lousy as inferior copy cat slanties are, even these lousy ang moh ball-licking stinkies could outdo 4x times as populous/big "developed" countries like aussies, taiwanese
in aggregate in numerous sectors
i think in biotech or pharma, too, lousy copycat countries like stinkypura probably outdoes both taiwanese and aussies
in aggregate
need to check this one
what can lousy countries like iran turkey outdo 4x as big/numerous "developed" country yankees
in aggregate?
in producing saffron in iran?
in producing baklava or kebab in turkey?