If you already counted 50,000, what so difficult to point out one for discussion ?
Here's what others have pointed out. Save my time.
There are people (including abysmally ignorant village atheist drifteri) who quote the Jehovah Witnesses' claim that the Bible has 50,000 errors, taking as established fact any charge they read against the Bible
without the slightest effort to verify it.
Deedat makes this claim as well,
and uses only 4 examples to substantiate the claim. Since many people (including abysmally ignorant village atheist drifteri) use Deedat's material when they debate Christians it might be helpful here to go through them briefly:
1) The change by the RSV from using the word "virgin" (bethulah) to "young woman" (almah) in Isaiah 7:14 is Deedat's first example. This is not an error, but merely an issue of translation and interpretation. "Young woman" is a literal rendering of the word, though it always means an unmarried young woman. That is why some versions use the word "virgin," which helps put the meaning in it's context.
2) The change of the word in the RSV of John 3:16 from "begotten Son" to "only Son" as his second example is much the same issue. The original Greek word means "unique." Either way there is no difference between "only" and "begotten."
3) Deedat's third example is 1 John 5:7. Deedat naively continues that it is only this verse which supports the doctrine of the trinity. He would do well to read Matthew 28:19 and others which support this doctrine quite well.
4) Deedat's final example is rather odd, as he claims that none of the authors of the canonical Gospels recorded a single word about the ascension of Jesus. Yet, all four knew of it. John makes 11 references to it, Luke writes about it specifically in Acts 1:9, and both Matthew and Mark regularly speak of the second coming of Jesus from heaven. One wonders how Jesus could come from heaven if he had not first ascended there in the first place.
Deedat concludes with what he believes are two instances of tampering of the Biblical text: the Mark 16:9-20 and the John 8:1-11 passages. Most modern translations keep these passages in the text with an explanatory note stating that in some of the oldest manuscripts these verses do not appear. The problem is that in other old manuscripts these passages do appear. Thus the translators are by no means tampering with the text but are merely bringing our English translations as close as possible to
the original text. These then are the only examples of the 50,000 errors which he quotes from the J.W.'s. Obviously he has an enormous task to come up with the supposed 49,996 other errors; a task I indeed wouldn't envy.
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