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Islamic scholar: ‘The Quran has raised us to be the enemies of the Jews. They are the most evil of creatures.’

syed putra

Even before Israel was founded, arab moslems sided with hitler during WW2 to kill Jews.
Not so.

During the British Mandate, beginning in 1920,[38] and in the early days after independence in 1932, well-educated Jews played an important role in civic life. Iraq's first minister of finance, Sir Sassoon Eskell, was a Jew, and Jews were important in developing the judicial and postal systems. Records from the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce show that 10 out of its 19 members in 1947 were Jews and the first musical band formed for Baghdad's nascent radio in the 1930s consisted mainly of Jews. Jews were represented in the Iraqi parliament, and many Jews held significant positions in the bureaucracy.

Organized Zionist activity began in Iraq in the 1920s. The Jewish population was generally sympathetic toward the movement, although not at that time as a solution for Iraqi Jews.[39] The Zionist organization in Baghdad was initially granted a permit by the British, in March 1921, but in the following year, under the government of King Faisal I, was unable to renew it. Nevertheless, its activities were tolerated until 1929. In that year, after conflict and bloodshed in Palestine during anti-Zionist demonstrations, Zionist activities were banned and teachers from Palestine, who had taught Hebrew and Jewish history, were forced to leave.[39]

In the 1930s, the situation of the Jews in Iraq deteriorated. Previously, the growing Iraqi Arab nationalist sentiment included Iraqi Jews as fellow Arabs,[40] but these views changed with the ongoing conflict in the Palestinian Mandate and the introduction of Nazi propaganda.[41] Despite protestations of their loyalty to Iraq, Iraqi Jews were increasingly subject to discrimination and anti-Jewish actions. In September 1934, following the appointment of Arshad al-Umari as the new minister of economics and communications, tens of Jews were dismissed from their posts in that ministry; and, subsequently, there were unofficial quotas of Jews that could be appointed in the civil service or admitted to secondary schools and colleges.[42] Zionist activity had continued covertly even after 1929, but in 1935 the last two Palestinian Jewish teachers were deported, and the president of the Zionist organization was put on trial and ultimately required to leave the country.[43]


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
In the 1930s, the situation of the Jews in Iraq deteriorated. Previously, the growing Iraqi Arab nationalist sentiment included Iraqi Jews as fellow Arabs,[40] but these views changed with the ongoing conflict in the Palestinian Mandate and the introduction of Nazi propaganda.[41] Despite protestations of their loyalty to Iraq, Iraqi Jews were increasingly subject to discrimination and anti-Jewish actions. In September 1934, following the appointment of Arshad al-Umari as the new minister of economics and communications, tens of Jews were dismissed from their posts in that ministry;

Thanks for agreeing with my views that moslem arabs hated jews before WW2.

syed putra

Since 1919Edit in Egypt too no animosity with jews until israel problem cropped up.
During British rule, and under King Fuad I, Egypt was friendly towards its Jewish population although between 86% and 94% of Egyptian Jews did not possess Egyptian nationality whether they had been denied it or opted not to apply. Jews played important roles in the economy, and their population climbed to nearly 80,000 as Jewish refugees settled there in response to increasing persecution in Europe. Many Jewish families, such as the Qattawi family, had extensive economic relations with non-Jews.[42]

A sharp distinction had long existed between the respective Karaite and Rabbanite communities, among whom traditionally intermarriage was forbidden. They dwelt in Cairo in two contiguous areas, the former in the harat al-yahud al-qara’in, and the latter in the adjacent harat al-yahud quarter. Notwithstanding the division, they often worked together and the younger educated generation pressed for improving relations between the two.[42]
The impact of the well-publicized Arab-Jewish clash in Palestine from 1936 to 1939, together with the rise of Nazi Germany, also began to affect the Jewish relations with Egyptian society, despite the fact that the number of active Zionists in their ranks was small.[47] The rise of local militant nationalistic societies like Young Egypt and the Society of Muslim Brothers, who were sympathetic to the various models evinced by the Axis Powers in Europe, and organized themselves along similar lines, were also increasingly antagonistic to Jews. Groups including the Muslim Brotherhood circulated reports in Egyptian mosques and factories claiming that Jews and the British were destroying holy places in Jerusalem, as well as sending other false reports stating that hundreds of Arab women and children were being killed.[48] Much of the anti-Semitism of the 1930s and 1940s was fueled by a close association between Hitler's new regime in Germany and anti-imperialist Arab powers. One of these Arab authorities was Haj Amin al-Husseini, who was influential in securing Nazi funds that were appropriated to the Muslim Brotherhood for the operation of a printing press for the distribution of thousands of Anti-Semitic propaganda pamphlets.[48]

By the 1940s, the situation worsened. Sporadic pogroms took place in 1942 onwards. The Jewish quarter of Cairo was severely damaged in the 1945 Cairo pogrom. As the Partition of Palestine and the founding of Israel drew closer, hostility towards the Egyptian Jews strengthened, fed also by press attacks on all foreigners accompanying the rising ethnocentric nationalism of the age. In 1947, the Company Laws set quotas for employing Egyptian nationals in incorporated firms, requiring that 75% of salaried employees, and 90% of all workers, must be Egyptian. As Jews were denied citizenship as a rule, this constrained Jewish and foreign-owned entrepreneurs to reduce recruitment for employment positions from their own ranks. The law also required that just over half of the paid-up capital of joint stock companies be Egyptian.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Y dont u google for it?


Btw wld u believe if i tell u the Jews hate christians?

of course the Jews hate the Christians..................the Ashkenazi Jews were from Khazaria...............before it was destroyed by the Christian Rus people that went on to create Russia...........

that's why the Jews kept going after Russia..............the Jews controlled UK and France (after Napoleon's final defeat) and they fought against Russia in the Crimea War.............then later Jewish-created Communism destroyed Imperial Russia.................and over next few decades - murdered over 60 million Christians in Soviet Union........


Alfrescian (Inf)
of course the Jews hate the Christians..................the Ashkenazi Jews were from Khazaria...............before it was destroyed by the Christian Rus people that went on to create Russia...........

that's why the Jews kept going after Russia..............the Jews controlled UK and France (after Napoleon's final defeat) and they fought against Russia in the Crimea War.............then later Jewish-created Communism destroyed Imperial Russia.................and over next few decades - murdered over 60 million Christians in Soviet Union........

Then hw cm xtians still strongly support the Jews? :thumbsdown:

syed putra

Until modern times after 1960s, no such thing as 'palestinian'. No palestinian history, culture, language, country, region, religion, etc.
Ok.it started with immigrant Jews clashing with arabs.
But Palestine is probably a corrupt name for philistine.

A Singaporean

There is no doubt hundreds of years ago religions were all trying to outdo each other in the same of God. Today in the 21th century, Islam believers still behave like they did 1400 years ago ie to kill all non believers etc Is this right?

syed putra

There is no doubt hundreds of years ago religions were all trying to outdo each other in the same of God. Today in the 21th century, Islam believers still behave like they did 1400 years ago ie to kill all non believers etc Is this right?
You mean religionist muslims. They are on the wrong foundation so obviously, the deeper they go into religion to find a solution, the worse the result.


You mean religionist muslims. They are on the wrong foundation so obviously, the deeper they go into religion to find a solution, the worse the result.
In summary there is no religion @all. Everything is unreal n it's all human creation in ancient history. In fact religion has also led to killings n sufferings of people.


Alfrescian (Inf)
In summary there is no religion @all. Everything is unreal n it's all human creation in ancient history. In fact religion has also led to killings n sufferings of people.

No religion also can kill millions. Own citizens.

45 million died in Mao's Great Leap Forward, Hong Kong historian says in new book

