It is obvious that you are a moron bumchumming Jews and hoping to gain some favours from them for your nonstop apple polishing.
Judaism does not even have 20 million followers. With weird perversions such as Metzizah B'peh how the hell can they even claim to be originals of anything except sodomy or perversions?
Islam is the oldest religion as Prophet Adam (PBUH) was the first human being and first prophet on Earth, and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the last/final Prophet to have received revelations.
Adam was the first prophet, all agree because Bible gives the evidence. Judaism, Christianity and Islam may discuss the topic, there are errors sweep in all religions. Bible in Hebrew is the only book that are uncorrupted. When translators translate they introduce errors in every translation. KJV in English is the only translation is closer to the original translation of Hebrew and Aramaic.
According to the Bible,
John the Apostle who was one of the 12 disciples of Jesus who was the youngest of all is considered the last prophet who clearly seen and written about throne of God, Armageddon and the judgement to every one. Out of 12 disciples of Christ, John was the
most beloved apostle, very closer to Jesus’ inner circle more closer than other 11 disciples. Apostle in Bible is more powerful than Prophet as Apostles were given more authority over all powers of satanic world. As i was given the same authority, I am also part of such
innermost circle with Jesus whom i love more than anyone else on earth. But none of you know of my alligiance to Christ or God the Father whom i have access to talk any time any where.
apostle Kohn was not popular yet because whatever he prophesied is going to happen in the near future. These events from Revelation chapter 4 to Rev 22 are future events which are very clear. There is no pastor in Christendom knew how to interpret these chapters as satan confused all of them. God Himself asked me if there is a one man on earth who understood these events correctly.I tried my level best but i could not find one man who understood this in an unadulterated way. I spoke to more than 2500 Bible scholars, Bishops from all over USA, all of them failed the test. That is why God gave me a pulpit or a stage to show who God is and who is NOT.
Shakespeare once said,
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely
They have their
exits and their
And one man in his time plays many parts,
This is going to
come true in my life as i am getting prepared taking the world as my stage for all of you to see. Even President of USA cannot grown up my level spiritually
to take up this stage to deliver his speech all at once simultaneously.
Please know that no religion can violate Bible as it is the only book which discusses Eternal Past to Eternal Future. Bible never give a clue on Mohammad as a prophet.
Where is the evidence in Bible because of such confusions, i requested God to bring back Muhammad back for all to see on stage as well. I will
unmask who is
Allah and who is
Muhammad as both of them will be taking the stage at the
most spectacular event. i will clear the air and bring a truth, all to see and hear them speaking. If God willing, i will give you a chance to talk to them and clear all your doubts as well.
LKY is expected to arrive as well as he once said even if you lower me in death bed, i will wake up. Though he cannot do that himself, God has promised me that he will come to testify his allegations to his 2G, 3G leaders. At the moment there is none has access to LKY. No religion or bomoh can communicate to him. If anyone clais he can talk to LKY, it is error by satan. Even satan doesnot have access to LKY’s soul. Wait for him to speak on stage.
Stay tuned for the the
most spectacular event which is planned to take place
@Speakers Corner in SG. I knew this 15 years ago but now i am revealing as the time and hour comes closer.