What else could give Chow Ang Moh a DIRECT HEAD-ON IMPACT that is MOST EFFECTIVE AND MOST CORRECTIVE, which absolutely nothing else would work better.
I thank Islam and fully appreciate what they are and what results they achieved in SOLVING AND CORRECTING the Evil Poisoning Misleading and Misguidance from the CHOW ANG MOH.
They are the most effective and beautifully working solution to fix Ang Moh. Perfect solution I will call it.
I will highly cheer for glory and victory of Islam and strongly support them. But I go to Chinese Temple instead of Mosques. I don't mind to donate my money to selected Mosques in appreciation.
Allah Hu Arkbar! Fix the Chow Ang Moh! I will sponsor and support your victory!
Here is a simple fact.
1. None of the following communities - natives of Oceania, Americas, Sub-saharan Africa, CECA, Tiong, other chopsticks, or ASEAN natives
ever ruled over Ang Mohs on Ang Moh turf
for centuries at a stretch.
Heck, none of them ruled for 50 years over Ang Mohs on Ang Moh territory.
Meanwhile, Spain alone was ruled by various Muslim groups for 800 years and Granada was the leading light of science, astronomy, engineering, architecture, economy, philosophy, diplomacy and so on for over 800 years.
In comparison, Yankeeland has not
existed as a country for 300 years,
The much vaunted British empire did not
last 300 years.
The much crowed about Mongol savages also did not last 200 years.
The Ottoman Empire from its very beginning as a small tribe to its final dissolution did
not last 650 years.
And yet Muslim rule over Spain alone lasted 800 years.
Muslim rule over CECA lasted 1000 years. As affirmed by their current saffron terrorist PM, who considers it part of 1200 years of CECA slavery. 1000 years under Muslims and 200 years under Ang Moh Brits.
It is to be expected that after the dissolution of the Soviets the next targets for Yankees and the West was going to be Muslims.
What is not expected.
Kafir bastards from all around the world
blindly parroting their ang moh masters' narratives.
Incl stinkyura.
Even Tiongs and Russkies.
Yanks proclaimed "You are either with us or with the terrorists". No middle ground.
Whole world incl Tiongs Russkies, Iranians Pakis Turks Arabs CECA Euros Japs Gooks dan lain-lain sided with Yanks.
Today Yanks negotiate with the very same Taliban.
The whole world should
never under any circumstance pay
any heed whatsoever to Yankee lives, property, territory or existence, for that matter.
They can be obliterated from the map for all we care, the peoples of oldest civilizations, lasting several millenia (over 7 to 10
thousand years old) should not cave in to the arbitrary demands of a pagan country of refugees and riff-raffs that's
not even 300 years old. Yet.