Hi there,
Sorry was busy with my work and Nusa Sentral renovation (for future capital appreciation) thus no time to log in..
I can type 3 pages for this topic, but may be just give a few key points from my personal perspective:
1) first of all, I am vested heavily - so view may be biased

2) I truly positive about Iskandar and Malaysia as whole - in a long run. If anyone offer me a country to own, I will pick Malaysia over many SEA countries....Full of natural resources, oil and even gold belts.....how to harvest? that is another story.
3) Newspaper reporting and those shouting analysts almost always wrong....if we can follow them and be rich, why so little millionaires since so many people reading newspaper?? so I almost will ask people to do the opposite of what the newspapers and crowd say.
4) Will there be slowing down....sure not as fast as before, but no problem as I am taking a longer term view. Malaysia takes time to develop, so the lock in period is actually good excuse for me to wait...

This is also why I only visit the site 2-3 times, coz no hurry mah....

5) Singapore population 5mil, 1.5mil PR.......If the transportation and other systems improve, many many Sporean/PR would want to move to JB, leave the expensive landed and luxury condo to the rich foreign buyers to play....we welcome them still. And the rich actually starts to buy...Singapore prices will U turn soon.
6) JB 30mil ....just need 5% of them improve their life and we have another 1.5Mil potential upgraders.....and these new upgraders usually will look for Lifestyle improvement...just like Singapore last time..5Cs...condo, clubhouse, and imagining sipping cold drinks next to swimming pools will make them snap up good looking condos.
7) Then the location, even if the market really grow slower, still need to grow from the edges out.....so if you have a central location like Medini, and a great location like central of Medini and next to Kota Iskandar, next to Puteri Harbour....then I am really no worry...that's why I am happy that IR is surprisingly close to these 2 key points.....I heard Kota will employ 10000 government officials when fully operations?? nvm, 5000 also can...
8) Please don't hantam me, I am a big picture person and super positive , ...so some of the facts and figures may not be very accurate....Only my view, hehe