Some buyers have told me: "You don't seem to understand. HSR is coming. So many companies are going into Iskandar. How can my property not do well next time? Medini will BOOM!"
There are many misconceptions. Just consider these:
1. Johor is big. Land is everywhere. If you go around Medini in particular, you will see many uncleared trees and bare lands with no certain developments yet. Developers will always have itchy back sides. They never learn. More condos will be built. Iskandar Residences condo itself is not well-situated in Medini. Sorry I have to be frank here. Go there to convince yourself if you have bought it blindly.
2. HSR will not come tomorrow or 5 years' time. There are teething problems. It's a huge project. In the many years while waiting, are you making or losing money?
3. Companies want to set up in Iskandar clearly because of the lower costs compared to Singapore. Who are your possible tenants in such a big land with oversupply of properties? Obviously, they will also employ cheap workers. Likely Malaysians or for those China companies, their own Chinese guys.
You're looking at Abdullah Norhan or Fatima Kasim who graduated from some Tun Razak or Najib University earning RM3-4k a month working as an administrator or manager. Would they rent your 2-bedroom condo for RM2500 a month? I doubt so.
The Charles Smidt and alike, CEOs of MNCs, will stay in an exquisite 6,000 sq ft landed house with his ang mo wife and kids. Not normal condos.
4. If you are lucky enough, you may get S$500 a month from rental while your bank loan is S$1,200 a month (So you are actually losing money). Anyway, in 1 year, you only make S$6k. (We have not even factored in all other costs you will have to incur.) In 10 years, you make S$60k. Let's extrapolate further. In 20 years, you make only S$120k a year. It's not even half the condo price! Do you feel you can find a buyer for your leasehold condo in 20 years' time?
If you insist, buy it only if you have the cash to spare. Like no one questions a towkay his purchase of a S$100k watch, or S$300k Mercedes Benz. If you are dreaming to make money from an Iskandar condo, think carefully again.
Some will argue: "But Temasek went to invest in Iskandar also! How can the smart Singapore government be wrong?!"
Haha... They are property developers, not buyers like you! Did Ho Ching or Lee Hsien Loong buy condos there? They too want to make money from buyers. But they are not necessarily condo buyers themselves. Distinguish these 2 carefully. Even if they lose money, you do know they are of a different breed of people from you and me? They know how to get back the lost money in other ways.