PAP wants us to believe that SR Nathan is well liked. Perhaps he is well liked by PAP.
I have seen him many times walking along East Coast beach when he was President. He normally wears a wind breaker and a hat. He walked with his head down perhaps he didnt want to make eye contact with Singaporean joggers and got ignored. I have seen many Singaporeans jogged by him and ignored him but nodded to his security guard. SR Nathan knew that he was not well liked when Singaporeans ignored him in public
SR Nathan may be a $4m a year President. But what did he do for Singaporeans when he was President from 1999 to 2011 and so many Singaporeans were suffering?
SR Nathan was a rich President but to sell that he is well liked is wayang.
Perhaps the well liked Presidents were OTC and WKW.
Will the pap also say that TT is a well liked President?
The pap can try to sell an idea but that does not mean that what the pap sells is the truth.
A man who earns $4m of tax payers' money without doing anything for Singaporeans cant be well liked!