Bro to be fair to the mono intake, they are the sort who will work and even die for you if you manage to earn their respect. If not, good luck to you.
My PC was an A level dunman boy, posted to mono intake. I only joined the unit after their AIT but by then this PC had already commanded the respect of his ah bengs and mat rocks. He led from the front, always suffered with the men, treated them fairly but was firm as hell in the field. He would treat them like his younger brothers during admin time in camp, always hanging out and talking with them rather than hiding out in his officer bunk playing PlayStation.
He made it easy for the sec coms to lead the men and the platoon was one of the most cohesive in the battalion. It's not some half fcuk battalion, they achieved recon 2A in their time before ORD.
LkY was like that. He's was the rare leader who could inspire loyalty from the ground as well as his peers.