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Is Singapore the only Chinese-majority country outside of China?


Old Fart
Guess which country would be the first to get eaten by the CCP if the world fails to stop them. And you thought the PAP was bad. :biggrin:

Is Singapore the only Chinese-majority country outside of China?

Michael Jiang, lives in Singapore
Answered Mar 29, 2018

The answer is yes unless you count Taiwan as a country. There are currently no “Chinese” majority country like Singapore. The Chinese in Singapore holds overwhelming 70% of the population. We could call ourself a Chinese country if the Chinese here really wanted to do this but we are not the native here and as Singaporean, we identify ourselves as one people regardless of races and religions.

Most of our ancestors here are from Southern China who escaped wars and famine during the unrest in China.

So we are in fact a distance relative of Chinese in China. To distant and distinguish ourselves from China, our English name in South East Asia are totally different from Chinese in China and other overseas Chinese (non South East Asia group)

The Mainland Chinese and other overseas Chinese used pinyin as their English name whereas our names are derived from the tone of the dialect groups we belong.

Example, Tan is definitely a hokien or teowchew Chinese guy from South East Asia. His Chinese equivalent if he’s born in China or Taiwan, he would have ended up as Chen, 陈。We can easily identify the Chinese from China or Taiwan by looking at their names. Interesting isn’t?

So yeah Singapore is definitely the only Chinese majority country in the world outside China.


Gabriel Chan, Overseas Chinese (華僑)
Answered Oct 26, 2017

Many Southeast Asian countries have lots of ethnic Chinese hiding in plain sight.

Northern Vietnamese are genetically related to Southern Chinese and they and their culture are the ones that dominated the rest of Vietnam.

Some 70% of Thailanders are Chinese, many from Chaoshan region (潮汕) of China and their ancestors spoke Teochew. However, they identify as Thai, not Chinese. Singapore is a special case because the Chinese identity remains strong and because Singapore is a multicultural immigrant society.


Alfrescian (Inf)
SG is too small and insignificant to be a country period.

SG is at most a city. Like that Richmond CA also majority Chinese city outside China.


Not really, Sinkieland is a highly strategic spot in the upcoming US-China war. :wink:

It's not the number of Chinese folks, many of whom were born and bred living here for generations, but rather the degree of infiltration by the Chicoms in the media and in certain industries. Abetted by a feckless and malleable leeder. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Without the Chink, the m&d would be living in slum and sniffing glue as past time hobby. Search your soul and heart and tell me if this is true. At least that was what a Bangla worker told me at a construction site when I chit chat with him. He has been working in many countries, and everywhere the Chink goes, that countries seem to prosper. He wished his country has more chink in bangladesh. A very honest view from him.


Old Fart
Not really, Sinkieland is a highly strategic spot in the upcoming US-China war. :wink:

It's not the number of Chinese folks, many of whom were born and bred living here for generations, but rather the degree of infiltration by the Chicoms in the media and in certain industries. Abetted by a feckless and malleable leeder. :cool:
They have made clear their ambition in the South China Sea. Also, they want to regain their naval dominance like in the old days, and this is a strategic area in the grand scheme of things.


Old Fart
China’s aggressive new move in the South China Sea brings region closer to brink of war
While the eyes of the world are distracted by the coronavirus, something very dangerous is going down in the South China Sea.

There’s a three-way “dangerous, ongoing game of chicken” in the South China Sea.

A maelstrom of warships, coastguard vessels, militia boats and oil rigs is pitting Malaysia, Vietnam and China against each other.
Beijing has upped the ante on its claim over the entire South China Sea in recent months.


Indonesia rejects China's claims over South China Sea
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia said on Wednesday it rejected China’s claims over a disputed part of the South China Sea as “having no legal basis”, after two days earlier protesting to Beijing over the presence of a Chinese coastguard vessel in its territorial waters.


Philippines protests China’s sea claim, weapon pointing
The Philippines has protested China’s declaration that a Manila-claimed region in the disputed South China Sea is Chinese territory, and its aiming of weapons control radar at a Philippine navy ship, the country’s top diplomat said Wednesday.

China’s recent assertive moves in the disputed waterway as the world battles the coronavirus pandemic have been criticized by rival Southeast Asian claimant nations and the United States.


Thailand seeks full implementation of South China Sea declaration
Thailand wants the "full and effective" implementation of China's agreement with Southeast Asian countries to manage tensions in the South China Sea, its prime minister said Friday.

The 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties calls on all parties to exercise "self-restraint" and avoid complicating the maritime dispute over the vital trade route.

"Thailand also attaches great importance to the full and effective implementation of the DOC to foster cooperation in various areas," Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha told a select group of reporters through an interpreter.

"I can assure you that all the ASEAN leaders agree that we all must be restrained."

Beijing, which claims most the South China Sea, has been criticized for building artificial islands replete with a weapons system in the disputed waters despite the DOC.

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Merl Haggard

Alfrescian (Inf)
Without the Chink, the m&d would be living in slum and sniffing glue as past time hobby. Search your soul and heart and tell me if this is true. At least that was what a Bangla worker told me at a construction site when I chit chat with him. He has been working in many countries, and everywhere the Chink goes, that countries seem to prosper. He wished his country has more chink in bangladesh. A very honest view from him.

I would prefer to say if not for LKY and his first team of cabinet ministers and dedicated top civil servants, all of us would still be living in slums.

Were you around when there was no modern sanitation in S'pore and for drinking water you need to collect it from public standpipes.


I would prefer to say if not for LKY and his first team of cabinet ministers and dedicated top civil servants, all of us would still be living in slums.

Were you around when there was no modern sanitation in S'pore and for drinking water you need to collect it from public standpipes.
i wont entirely agree with you that no LKY no modern SG...frankly ,if no British no Sunkieland either ...in fact ,Lim Yew Hock and David Marshall ers were not that bad either ..had the British not left many of the infrastructures LKY could not do much ...even our HDB was the SIT of their period ...in fact Goh Keng Swee was tasked to do another SG in Sri Lanka but failed totally....so the factors that built SG were many

But what I do agree is that LKY and PAP had maintained SG rather well...and not rotting away like Myanmmar or Rhodesia and etc.For that much must give credit where and when is due

Merl Haggard

Alfrescian (Inf)
i wont entirely agree with you that no LKY no modern SG...frankly ,if no British no Sunkieland either ...in fact ,Lim Yew Hock and David Marshall ers were not that bad either ..had the British not left many of the infrastructures LKY could not do much ...even our HDB was the SIT of their period ...in fact Goh Keng Swee was tasked to do another SG in Sri Lanka but failed totally....so the factors that built SG were many

But what I do agree is that LKY and PAP had maintained SG rather well...and not rotting away like Myanmmar or Rhodesia and etc.For that much must give credit where and when is due

David Marshall couldn't do anything for he was in office for only 14 months and then Lim Yew Hock took over for 31/2 years.

Lim Yew Hock was so very corrupt that he sold off our X'mas Island, then the world's biggest phosphate producer to Australia for US$800,000. SIT was his only contribution.

If not for LKY, Lim Kim San, Goh Keng Swee, S Rajaretnam, Toh Chin Chye, Albert Winseimus, Eddie Barkar, Hon Sui Sen and senior civil servants like Ngiam Tong Dow & Philip Yeo, we could still be living in kampongs and my engineer prof, Dr Lau U Dong would not have been awarded the appointment to design the nation's sewerage system in 1962.

Today majority of S'poreans would not be living in HDB flats and we won't have the world class network of expressways which connects all the satellite towns & the whole island.

Before the PIE was put up in 1981, I used to take 3 hours or longer to drive from Nanyang U to Paya Lebar International airport; today all I need is 35 mins to drive from NTU to Changi International airport.


David Marshall couldn't do anything for he was in office for only 14 months and then Lim Yew Hock took over for 31/2 years.

Lim Yew Hock was so very corrupt that he sold off our X'mas Island, then the world's biggest phosphate producer to Australia for US$800,000. SIT was his only contribution.

If not for LKY, Lim Kim San, Goh Keng Swee, S Rajaretnam, Toh Chin Chye, Albert Winseimus, Eddie Barkar, Hon Sui Sen and senior civil servants like Ngiam Tong Dow & Philip Yeo, we could still be living in kampongs and my engineer prof, Dr Lau U Dong would not have been awarded the appointment to design the nation's sewerage system in 1962.

Today majority of S'poreans would not be living in HDB flats and we won't have the world class network of expressways which connects all the satellite towns & the whole island.

Before the PIE was put up in 1981, I used to take 3 hours or longer to drive from Nanyang U to Paya Lebar International airport; today all I need is 35 mins to drive from NTU to Changi International airport.
friend you are just spilling out what was commonly advocated by LKY regime that Lim Yew Hock was a corrupt baba lar ,Francis was a womanizing scounderl lah ..

but bear in mind it was Lim Yew Hock who led an all party delegation to Britain to negotiate freedom in 1956 and it was Lim who successfully won for internal rule leading to our very own constitution ...and Lim strong measures of handling commies and others that the British were convinced to grant us Merdeka

and talking about David Marshall ? ...if not for Marshall Singapore would have never been a Chinese majority nation.It was the very David's work that granted citizenship to half a million of state less Chinese here ..and that he had to negotiate and get apporoval of Chou En Lai who was then the PM of commie China ,second in power to Mao.
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Many Chinese here are convert Epoch/Epork members like you, anti Chinese chauvinist....

Guess which country would be the first to get eaten by the CCP if the world fails to stop them. And you thought the PAP was bad. :biggrin:

Is Singapore the only Chinese-majority country outside of China?

Michael Jiang, lives in Singapore
Answered Mar 29, 2018

The answer is yes unless you count Taiwan as a country. There are currently no “Chinese” majority country like Singapore. The Chinese in Singapore holds overwhelming 70% of the population. We could call ourself a Chinese country if the Chinese here really wanted to do this but we are not the native here and as Singaporean, we identify ourselves as one people regardless of races and religions.

Most of our ancestors here are from Southern China who escaped wars and famine during the unrest in China.

So we are in fact a distance relative of Chinese in China. To distant and distinguish ourselves from China, our English name in South East Asia are totally different from Chinese in China and other overseas Chinese (non South East Asia group)

The Mainland Chinese and other overseas Chinese used pinyin as their English name whereas our names are derived from the tone of the dialect groups we belong.

Example, Tan is definitely a hokien or teowchew Chinese guy from South East Asia. His Chinese equivalent if he’s born in China or Taiwan, he would have ended up as Chen, 陈。We can easily identify the Chinese from China or Taiwan by looking at their names. Interesting isn’t?

So yeah Singapore is definitely the only Chinese majority country in the world outside China.


Gabriel Chan, Overseas Chinese (華僑)
Answered Oct 26, 2017

Many Southeast Asian countries have lots of ethnic Chinese hiding in plain sight.

Northern Vietnamese are genetically related to Southern Chinese and they and their culture are the ones that dominated the rest of Vietnam.

Some 70% of Thailanders are Chinese, many from Chaoshan region (潮汕) of China and their ancestors spoke Teochew. However, they identify as Thai, not Chinese. Singapore is a special case because the Chinese identity remains strong and because Singapore is a multicultural immigrant society.

A Singaporean

China’s aggressive new move in the South China Sea brings region closer to brink of war
While the eyes of the world are distracted by the coronavirus, something very dangerous is going down in the South China Sea.

There’s a three-way “dangerous, ongoing game of chicken” in the South China Sea.

A maelstrom of warships, coastguard vessels, militia boats and oil rigs is pitting Malaysia, Vietnam and China against each other.
Beijing has upped the ante on its claim over the entire South China Sea in recent months.


Indonesia rejects China's claims over South China Sea
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia said on Wednesday it rejected China’s claims over a disputed part of the South China Sea as “having no legal basis”, after two days earlier protesting to Beijing over the presence of a Chinese coastguard vessel in its territorial waters.


Philippines protests China’s sea claim, weapon pointing
The Philippines has protested China’s declaration that a Manila-claimed region in the disputed South China Sea is Chinese territory, and its aiming of weapons control radar at a Philippine navy ship, the country’s top diplomat said Wednesday.

China’s recent assertive moves in the disputed waterway as the world battles the coronavirus pandemic have been criticized by rival Southeast Asian claimant nations and the United States.


Thailand seeks full implementation of South China Sea declaration
Thailand wants the "full and effective" implementation of China's agreement with Southeast Asian countries to manage tensions in the South China Sea, its prime minister said Friday.

The 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties calls on all parties to exercise "self-restraint" and avoid complicating the maritime dispute over the vital trade route.

"Thailand also attaches great importance to the full and effective implementation of the DOC to foster cooperation in various areas," Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha told a select group of reporters through an interpreter.

"I can assure you that all the ASEAN leaders agree that we all must be restrained."

Beijing, which claims most the South China Sea, has been criticized for building artificial islands replete with a weapons system in the disputed waters despite the DOC.

Having the South China Sea under China will bring peace to the region. Otherwise ASEAN countries will be fighting with each other continuously. Just look at Sinkieland and Mudland,Cannot even settle the Johor Straits.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
I would prefer to say if not for LKY and his first team of cabinet ministers and dedicated top civil servants, all of us would still be living in slums.

Were you around when there was no modern sanitation in S'pore and for drinking water you need to collect it from public standpipes.
Wah save it la. Not another no LKY no Singapore rhetoric again.
If no LKY then probably we would have turned out similar like HK. Maybe no so many Hdb Pigeonholes like now but eventually we would have sort our selves out.
Very likely no NS too and less spending on so called defence. And a freer society overall. Not necessarily a bad thing.
We’re lucky Sg succeeded IN SPITE OF LKY

Merl Haggard

Alfrescian (Inf)
friend you are just spilling out what was commonly advocated by LKY regime that Lim Yew Hock was a corrupt baba lar ,Francis was a womanizing scounderl lah ..

but bear in mind it was Lim Yew Hock who led an all party delegation to Britain to negotiate freedom in 1956 and it was Lim who successfully won for internal rule leading to our very own constitution ...and Lim strong measures of handling commies and others that the British were convinced to grant us Merdeka

and talking about David Marshall ? ...if not for Marshall Singapore would have never been a Chinese majority nation.It was the very David's work that granted citizenship to half a million of state less Chinese here ..and that he had to negotiate and get apporoval of Chou En Lai who was then the PM of commie China ,second in power to Mao.


Please do not compare S'pore's hero, Francis Seow with that corrupt scum Lim Yew Hock!

First time I hear that David Marshall fought for S'pore Chinese citizenship. It was rubber tycoon Tan Lark Sye who fought the British for citizenship for stateless S'pore Chinese and for the Chinese language to be one of S'pore's official languages.

Tycoon Tan was the founder of Nanyang university the first Chinese university ever built outside mainland China. In 1953 he personally donated S$5 million to its building fund, as well as 523 acres of freehold land for its campus on behalf of the Hokkien Huay Kuan where he was its Chairman.

Mr Tan supported the Barisan Socialis in the 1963 GE and for that LKY branded him as a communist and stripped him off his S'pore citizenship and banished him to Ipoh.

Mr Tan died in 1972 and the blardy govt waited until last Oct to vindicate him and Education Minister Ong Ye Kung named a road in NTU as Tan Lark Sye Walk.
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View attachment 77170

Please do not compare S'pore's hero, Francis Seow with that corrupt scum Lim Yew Hock!

First time I hear that David Marshall fought for S'pore Chinese citizenship. It was rubber tycoon Tan Lark Sye who fought the British for citizenship for S'pore Chinese and for the Chinese language to be one of S'pore's official languages.

Tycoon Tan was the founder of Nanyang university the first Chinese university ever built outside mainland China. In 1953 he personally donated S$5 million to its building fund, as well as 523 acres of freehold land for its campus on behalf of the Hokkien Huay Kuan where he was its Chairman.

Mr Tan supported the Barisan Socialis in the 1963 GE and for that LKY branded him as a communist and stripped him of his S'pore citizenship and banished him to Ipoh.

Mr Tan died in 1972 and the blardy govt waited until last Oct to vindicate him and Education Minister Ong Ye Kung named a road in NTU as Tan Lark Sai Walk.
sorry to tell you that you are getting a bit off tangent pal ...why don't you search the net ?

just search under lim yew hock contributions and equally David Marshall contributions too

Two people stands out for the Chinese to take root in Singapore and Malaysia ...David Marshall in Singapore and Tunku Abdul Rahman in Malaysia ...Both non chinese ,without them chinese would be a minority in Singapore and Chinese would be most likely stateless in Malaysia akin to Brunei, where even 3rd or 4th generation of Chinese born and bred in Brunei still remains stateless

Merl Haggard

Alfrescian (Inf)
Wah save it la. Not another no LKY no Singapore rhetoric again.
If no LKY then probably we would have turned out similar like HK. Maybe no so many Hdb Pigeonholes like now but eventually we would have sort our selves out.
Very likely no NS too and less spending on so called defence. And a freer society overall. Not necessarily a bad thing.
We’re lucky Sg succeeded IN SPITE OF LKY

No LKY and his compulsory land acquisition act, today Yishun is still owned by Mr Lim Nee Soon, Chong Pang Est owned by his son Lim Chong Pang, Pasir Ris owned by Ang Keong Lan and all the land at Changi airport owned by Samuel Quek.

Merl Haggard

Alfrescian (Inf)
sorry to tell you that you are getting a bit off tangent pal ...why don't you search the net ?

just search under lim yew hock contributions and equally David Marshall contributions too

Two people stands out for the Chinese to take root in Singapore and Malaysia ...David Marshall in Singapore and Tunku Abdul Rahman in Malaysia ...Both non chinese ,without them chinese would be a minority in Singapore and Chinese would be most likely stateless in Malaysia akin to Brunei, where even 3rd or 4th generation of Chinese born and bred in Brunei still remains stateless

Even Tengku also gave up with that rogue Tun Lim Yew Hock, as Malaysia's High Commissioner to Aust when he disappeared with a call girl for more than month.

On his return Tengku sacked him stripped off his Tun.


View attachment 77170

Please do not compare S'pore's hero, Francis Seow with that corrupt scum Lim Yew Hock!

First time I hear that David Marshall fought for S'pore Chinese citizenship. It was rubber tycoon Tan Lark Sye who fought the British for citizenship for stateless S'pore Chinese and for the Chinese language to be one of S'pore's official languages.

Tycoon Tan was the founder of Nanyang university the first Chinese university ever built outside mainland China. In 1953 he personally donated S$5 million to its building fund, as well as 523 acres of freehold land for its campus on behalf of the Hokkien Huay Kuan where he was its Chairman.

Mr Tan supported the Barisan Socialis in the 1963 GE and for that LKY branded him as a communist and stripped him off his S'pore citizenship and banished him to Ipoh.

Mr Tan died in 1972 and the blardy govt waited until last Oct to vindicate him and Education Minister Ong Ye Kung named a road in NTU as Tan Lark Sye Walk.

woooh ,history do get hidden deeply these days....however there is an excerpt of what chou en lai told david marshall what his conditions are for ethnic chinese to be given singapore citizenship ...these days you have to search chou en lai to know David Marshall


Even Tengku also gave up with that rogue Tun Lim Yew Hock, as Malaysia's High Commissioner to Aust when he disappeared with a call girl for more than month.

On his return Tengku sacked him stripped off his Tun.
awww,come on ! as if politician are tea tottlers and goody good shoes ? who never fall for women ?

goh Keng swee ? bakar ?

all have their weakness...tunku abdul Rahman was the worst among the lot ...who wine ,dine ,womanised and gambled openly