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Is Sg a toxic country?


Local Chinese population all ancient China mindset, that's why you see Malays and Indians more hardworking than Chinese anything they are willing to learn and do and not rely on parents forever


Unwanted side effect of too many Jiuhu cosplay as Sinki here:smile:
Is Sg a toxic country? Everyone I go, ppl will always try to bring u down, to pwn u, to find fault and point fingers at u even when u didn't do anything at all and just leading your own life. And I also realised, locals here don't help each other but rather the opposite, they will purposely try to find fault with u and make ur life unnecessarily difficult.


Alfrescian (Inf)
in terms of toxicity, sinkies can juz rook @ hongkies ...

sinkies r progressing in ze same direction as hongkies ...

hongkies r juz oni a step ahead of sinkies ...