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Is PAP reading SBF? NS could be shortened says govt.


National Service could be shortened 'by a few weeks': Defence Minister Ng
Yahoo Newsroom – 42 minutes ago

The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) is looking to hire more regulars to conduct full-time National Service training, said Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen in Parliament on Thursday.

This, in turn, could result in NSF training being more effective, efficient and possibly shorter, he added.

As many as 1,100 more regulars could be hired to fill this vital role. He said the changes would most likely impact NSF training and not In-Camp Trainings (ICTs).

But Dr Ng was quick to say the time savings will be "a few weeks" at most.


SBF's call to move to all professional army is having an effect on government. Slowly but surely , an end to National Slavery is coming. We will not stop until slavery is abolished.


Alfrescian (Inf)
National Service could be shortened 'by a few weeks': Defence Minister Ng
Yahoo Newsroom – 42 minutes ago

The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) is looking to hire more regulars to conduct full-time National Service training, said Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen in Parliament on Thursday.

This, in turn, could result in NSF training being more effective, efficient and possibly shorter, he added.

As many as 1,100 more regulars could be hired to fill this vital role. He said the changes would most likely impact NSF training and not In-Camp Trainings (ICTs).

But Dr Ng was quick to say the time savings will be "a few weeks" at most.


SBF's call to move to all professional army is having an effect on government. Slowly but surely , an end to National Slavery is coming. We will not stop until slavery is abolished.

Fuck him lar... Just want to win vote like DPP and KMT in Taiwan... Their NS from 2 years reduce to 1 year just to get people to vote them... Politicians... Phui...:biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
National Service could be shortened 'by a few weeks': Defence Minister Ng

A few weeks? Might as well don't shorten. :rolleyes:

Cut reservist training to 5 cycles, fuck low key ICT, fuck operational readiness.

SGTs and below serve till 30 years old max, officers serve till 35 years old max. Gongkias who want to volunteer for more ICTs are welcome to do so.


Shorten NS for locals but lengthen NS for PRs who are given perks like citizens. You want perks, you serve more months or years.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Any clown can be an instructor.

A week out of OCS, I was training recruits without knowing what the hell I was talking about. :p

Scrooball (clone)

As many as 1,100 more regulars could be hired to fill this vital role. He said the changes would most likely impact NSF training and not In-Camp Trainings (ICTs).

But Dr Ng was quick to say the time savings will be "a few weeks" at most.

Ng needs to be fucked. Hire 1,100 regulars but save only a few weeks?


for people that completed ns + nsmen liability, a few weeks means nothing.

for people that haven't serve, a few weeks is better than nothing.

I belong to that unique batch where if you pass your ippt (nafa test?) before enlistment, you will go to 3 month bmt. my time got 3, 4 & 5 month bmt.

and if you kena 3 month bmt, you will have 1 month discount from your ns stint. that time before enlistment I feel that 1 month discount is no big deal. but during ns, I change my mind. 1 month discount is equivalent to 30days of extra leave. the earlier I leave ns, the better it is.


Alfrescian (Inf)
But Dr Ng was quick to say the time savings will be "a few weeks" at most.

SBF's call to move to all professional army is having an effect on government. Slowly but surely , an end to National Slavery is coming. We will not stop until slavery is abolished.

NS is not going away anytime soon.
If the material impact of this initiative is to reduce NS men's participation by "a few weeks", Ng has totally misunderstood the sentiment of reservists and regulars.
This will make him even more hated and despised by NS men, not less.
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As many as 1,100 more regulars could be hired to fill this vital role. He said the changes would most likely impact NSF training and not In-Camp Trainings (ICTs).

But Dr Ng was quick to say the time savings will be "a few weeks" at most.

Ng needs to be fucked. Hire 1,100 regulars but save only a few weeks?

That is the productivity standard for you in SAF. may be they want to get some grant for PIC


Alfrescian (Inf)
NS is not going away anything soon.
If the material impact of this initiative is to reduce NS men's participation by "a few weeks", Ng has totally misunderstood the sentiment of reservists and regulars.
This will make him even more hated and despised by NS men, not less.

He and Mindef/SAF had already been deliberately obtuse and condescending about 'showing appreciation for NSmen' when they gave away those vouchers and SAFRA memberships, do you honestly think they care about your sentiments? :rolleyes:



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
A few weeks? Might as well don't shorten. :rolleyes:

Cut reservist training to 5 cycles, fuck low key ICT, fuck operational readiness.

SGTs and below serve till 30 years old max, officers serve till 35 years old max. Gongkias who want to volunteer for more ICTs are welcome to do so.

Until they do away with national slavery, this might be a workable idea.

Why are the commandos and NDU on 5 ICT while the rest serves the full cycle?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Shorten NS for locals but lengthen NS for PRs who are given perks like citizens. You want perks, you serve more months or years.

This is too harsh, I personally recommend new citizens to be live target at range, this will bring much more realism into training.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Any clown can be an instructor.

A week out of OCS, I was training recruits without knowing what the hell I was talking about. :p

Nothing my have changed, you still don't know what you're talking about. :biggrin:


1 year? We are talking about abolish!

Reform NS abolish. We don't want the 3rd generation and descendants to serve army. Fly kite. VTO LHL will abolish Leegime bully Singapore males for past 50 years.

no 1 year no talk.


Alfrescian (Inf)
in other words, regulars' time and resources could be put to better use than idling around drinking coffee at toast box chains. :rolleyes:

was in sg last year and kept cumming across officers in number 3 drinking kopi at cafés in the afternoon. and they were there for over an hour talking cock.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
There some of my ideas
1. Reduce SAF budget by 20~30%
2. Reduce reservist to about 5 time in life time or age 32max.
3. Reduce the NS time by another 3 month to 6 month.
4. Those serve NS will have extra $20k grant to buy HDB for their time 2 year in NS.

Of course SG cannot be obolish NS for now but we must start with phases.


of course the PAP is reading. And of course the ISD, SPF, CID & ICA... all of them have people reading this forums. :wink: