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is it true that as one grows older, he or she has lesser interest and zest to have more friends?


Yes and No.

Yes, it's a common phenomenon.

No, it's not because the old farts choose not to have more friends. Old farts would like to have more friends, but the young generations boh hew them, labelling them as "boomers". Old farts are being discriminated in today's society, which is why they either laze around in kopitiams and hawker centres, or get murdered by their spouses or children.

The old farts when they were young, discriminated the senior old farts like what the younger generations are doing to them now.

Aging is not scary; it's karma that is scary.
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Yes and No.

Yes, it's a common phenomenon.

No, it's not because the old farts choose not to have more friends. Old farts would like to have more friends, but the young generations boh hew them, labelling them as "boomers". Old farts are being discriminated in today's society, which is why they either laze around in kopitiams and hawker centres, or get murdered by their spouses or children.

The old farts when they were young, discriminated the senior old farts like what the younger generations are doing to them now.

Aging is not scary; it's karma that is scary.
sometimes, i wonder if the 老巫婆 here has family or friends. like she cannot get along with her brother, her brother's wife and her ex colleagues. so her only avenue to talk to people is this forum and she fucks everyone that simply disagreeing with her.


sometimes, i wonder if the 老巫婆 here has family or friends. like she cannot get along with her brother, her brother's wife and her ex colleagues. so her only avenue to talk to people is this forum and she fucks everyone that simply disagreeing with her.

It's an old trick that if you want to pursue someone for love but at the same time you are full of pride, instead of humbling yourself to seek friendship or company, you attack the target and make them chase after you.
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It's an old trick that if you want to pursue someone for love but at the same time you are full of pride, instead of humbling yourself to seek friendship or company, you attack the target and make them chase after you.
may i know who is she pursuing here in this forum?

KingFook Sr

It's an old trick that if you want to pursue someone for love but at the same time you are full of pride, instead of humbling yourself to seek friendship or company, you attack the target and make them chase after you.
Old folks know that quality trumps quantity ... so they spend time treasuring remaining friends and family.


You 生在福中不知福。
not me or u lah. she curses me to death everyday in a murderous tone and lingo. but u can see the difference when she curses others like eatshitndie in a milder lovable form. she want rich older man. i am just a poor young man she can bohew me one


not me or u lah. she curses me to death everyday in a murderous tone and lingo. but u can see the difference when she curses others like eatshitndie in a milder lovable form. she want rich older man. i am just a poor young man she can bohew me one
You are a 小鲜肉.

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Old Fart
aging sounds scary
It's not scary. It's a privilege to grow old. Some people do not even get the chance. I am proud to be a silver fox, with a handful of loyal friends. I don't really have young or new friends because they are always too filled with awe for me and my accomplishments to be comfortable in my presence. I suppose you could call them fans.:biggrin:
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It's not scary. It's a privilege to grow old. Some people do not even get the chance. I am proud to be a silver fox, with a handful of loyal friends. I don't really have young or new friends because they are always too filled with awe for me and my accomplishments to be comfortable in my presence. I suppose you could call them fans.:biggrin:
your writing style always very cool. i like! :laugh:


It is a natural process to lose more and more friends as we grow older.
Our natural mind will tell us to let go.
Only those trying to go against nature will still try to stick to many old friends and even try to make new friends. But it will be frutal becos they will not find real true friends and they were just lying to others and themselves that they have many friends.
Those seniors joining those seniors activities, support groups etc are not friends - it's merely acquaintance but they thought is friends.
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It is a natural process to lose more and more friends as we grow older.
Our natural mind will tell us to let go.
Only those trying to go against nature will still try to stick to many old friends and even try to make new friends. But it will be frutal becos they will not find real true friends and they were just lying to others and themselves that they have many friends.
Those seniors joining those seniors activities, support groups etc are not friends - it's merely acquaintance but they thought is friends.

This is very similar to the psychology of candidates stepping out of the examination hall.

The candidate who believes he did well in the examination will head straight home to prepare himself for the next examination.

The candidate who believes he did badly in the examination will rush to find out from his friends if they did just as badly.

So the good old fart keeps to himself and minds his own business.

The bad old fart will start looking for fellow losers and seek comfort from one another.


This is very similar to the psychology of candidates stepping out of the examination hall.

The candidate who believes he did well in the examination will head straight home to prepare himself for the next examination.

The candidate who believes he did badly in the examination will rush to find out from his friends if they did just as badly.

So the good old fart keeps to himself and minds his own business.

The bad old fart will start looking for fellow losers and seek comfort from one another.
Very well established and linked psychology.
What about old fart who kept to themselves in the real world and come sbf to find comfort? :eek::o-o::cool:


This is very similar to the psychology of candidates stepping out of the examination hall.

The candidate who believes he did well in the examination will head straight home to prepare himself for the next examination.

The candidate who believes he did badly in the examination will rush to find out from his friends if they did just as badly.

So the good old fart keeps to himself and minds his own business.

The bad old fart will start looking for fellow losers and seek comfort from one another.
The dialogue between two wise men sees the fruitful exchange of ideas and experiences. The dialogue between two fools is where inferiority complex endeavours to seek comfort in each other’s perceived shortcomings.

愚昧人與愚昧人的對話, 是自卑試圖在彼此的缺陷里尋找安慰​

歷練的交流產生智慧, 自卑的互相安慰產生愚昧的同溫層