Your 葵花寶典 is here:There are many double head snakes sinkies.
Eg gansiokbin posted here that she voted for oppies but she voted for pap and she did an immediate correction to it and caught panties down by me.
And for the past she had been writing to praise pap in St forum. So obviously she is a lying slut.
Even I myself is a double head snake becos all the while I voted oppies but now I'm abit hesitatant becos pap gave me a lot of handouts. The handout I'm talking about is not about cdc vouchers and usave or gst vouchers. It is much more than that.
If oppies is in charge, likely all my freebies will be confiscated.
However, becos even I were to vote for oppies, pap is going to still be the gov.
Hence my final vote should still be to any oppies just to keep pap busy and in check.
I don't know about other double head snakes and there are just too many of them. Easily more than 50% of voters are double head snakes.
And sometimes people doesn't even know themselves that they are snakes.