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Is it possible for a TV to switch on by itself?


Since your TV is not smart, there is no need to leave it on to maintain wifi settings or other settings to enjoy quick boot-up. For the rest of this week, every night u off the wall plug after watching TV. I used to do this when I was young too
That's sounds troublesome. The switch is buried somewhere behind the 55" TV...


Although the thread is from a year ago, the curiosity you expressed about your TV turning on by itself remains relevant. While it's uncommon, there could be several reasons for such unexpected behavior. TVs may experience glitches or respond to remote signals unintentionally. Checking settings and connected devices can provide insights.
For those interested in exploring discussions and solutions related to tech mysteries, https://multitechverse.com/ is a valuable resource. Despite the passage of time, the platform continues to host conversations that help enthusiasts understand and resolve such intriguing tech occurrences.
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When I was young, my TV always wanna play with me...


It's absolutely possible.
Some remote control of TV can on amp..some can on fan vice versa.
It's all about transceivers capacitors resistors etc components.