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Is it possible for a TV to switch on by itself?


I just woke up and whilst walking to kitchen via the hall to get some water, the TV in the hall is on. :eek:

I don't remember watching TV last night.

I came back home from work, showered, and went to bed.

is it possible for a TV to turn on by itself? :thumbsdown:


Alfrescian (Inf)
if smart tv is plugged in and connected to internet, yes if you set the clock to switch itself on.


is it possible for a TV to turn on by itself?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Xiaomi TV talks too if it's on standby mode. Sometimes certain words just triggers it and it talks back or switch on itself. But usually if you think there is something there is, as when u think it u've already created it.

It's call 'thought forms'. (ghosts) .... They dissipate over time usually. People who are creative or 'cheeky' likes to 'disturbed' or mock other people usually over think and have this fear of being alone or the dark.

ʾAllāhu ʾakbar !

Have fun ! lol........


TV is transceiver set can be hacked... good luck motherfucker what have you done offended PAP CIA....


I just woke up and whilst walking to kitchen via the hall to get some water, the TV in the hall is on. :eek:

I don't remember watching TV last night.

I came back home from work, showered, and went to bed.

is it possible for a TV to turn on by itself? :thumbsdown:

smart tv what.................on itself and save you time and trouble................good what.............

Byebye Penis

An old Samsung 55" TV that isn't a Smart TV.

I was thinking if your TV might be triggered by your Starhub box signals or rest-mode software upgrades. My TV does auto on (from standby mode) if I on my blu-ray player or Starhub box first.

ok let's narrow down the troubleshooting. Since your TV is not smart, there is no need to leave it on to maintain wifi settings or other settings to enjoy quick boot-up. For the rest of this week, every night u off the wall plug after watching TV. I used to do this when I was young too.

If the TV still auto-on, you just donate it to @JohnTan 's RC or PA branches, to let them sing karaoke since KTVs can resume.
If nothing happens, then move on.