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Is it normal to whistle in mrt?


then make a police report and get the cctv footage.

KPKB in this forum and posting on social media accusing him of wolf whistling shows your evil behavior. You are a coward using social media instead of REAL AND TRUE EVIDENCE.

TSK TSK TSK...Very low ses hokkien ah lian behavior
And why so kind to me in this thread call me ah lian instead of dirty slut chicken prostitute mistress etc all of which are insults you used on me with your Cantonese dog SELF ADMITTTED SON OF DIRTY SLUT ENTITLEMENT? Because you are EVIL COWARD BULLY HAHAHA AS USUAL YOU ALWAYS ACCUSE ME WHAT YOU ARE


And why so kind to me in this thread call me ah lian instead of dirty slut chicken prostitute mistress etc all of which are insults you used on me? Because you are EVIL COWARD BULLY HAHAHA AS USUAL YOU ALWAYS ACCUSE ME WHAT YOU ARE
you still have no evidence. u better prepared yourself to be sued by him. and BTW, your act of publishing someone's photo and accusing him without evidence constitute harassment under the law. good luck. all the best.


You cannot just take photo and publish it when there is no case for this man to answer to the police and public prosecutor .

In other words, you can making baseless allegation and this Malay uncle has the legal right to build his defamation case against you.


you still have no evidence. u better prepared yourself to be sued by him. and BTW, your act of publishing someone's photo and accusing him without evidence constitute harassment under the law. good luck. all the best.
You still telling lies that I have no evidence when every mrt carriage has cctv that captured his whistling and you Cantonese dog son of prostitute pretend don’t know his photo show his ccb whistling mouth. Why I know mrt got cctv? Because I reported police on one bully dog before.


You cannot just take photo and publish it when there is no case for this man to answer to the police and public prosecutor .

In other words, you can making baseless allegation and this Malay uncle has the legal right to build his defamation case against you.
It’s not baseless when more than 1000 men ganged up to whistle and trample me since 2017.

