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Is it normal to whistle in mrt?




K Shanmugam Sc I am in the mrt now (27 October 24 7.08 pm) and this man sitting opposite me whistled at me. He stopped as soon as I took out my phone but his whistling mouth is proof and mrt cctv can confirm that he was whistling. I do not confront such 欺善怕恶 evil coward criminal bullies anymore.

The police just need to do a 100 men search to tear down their lies and evil filthy conspiracy against me. Everyday everywhere I get sexually harassed by these men using whistle to insult me as slut whore mistress when I am virgin with annulled marriage. Where’s justice?

Update 7.10 pm this evil arrogant man whistled at me again and then stopped again as soon as I pointed my phone at him. Then he disembarked the train.

To all those 助纣为虐 颠倒黑白 people accusing me insane, you are one of the criminals covering up each other’s crimes.


K Shanmugam Sc I am in the mrt now (27 October 24 7.08 pm) and this man sitting opposite me whistled at me. He stopped as soon as I took out my phone but his whistling mouth is proof and mrt cctv can confirm that he was whistling. I do not confront such 欺善怕恶 evil coward criminal bullies anymore.

The police just need to do a 100 men search to tear down their lies and evil filthy conspiracy against me. Everyday everywhere I get sexually harassed by these men using whistle to insult me as slut whore mistress when I am virgin with annulled marriage. Where’s justice?

Update 7.10 pm this evil arrogant man whistled at me again and then stopped again as soon as I pointed my phone at him. Then he disembarked the train.

To all those 助纣为虐 颠倒黑白 people accusing me insane, you are one of the criminals covering up each other’s crimes.

There's a world of a difference between whistling himself and whistling AT you, you fucking delulu slut! He wasn't even looking at you.


There's a world of a difference between whistling himself and whistling AT you, you fucking delulu slut! He wasn't even looking at you.
You 欺善怕恶 助纣为虐 颠倒黑白 Cantonese dog son of slut smearing and harassing me one telling lies again when the whistle by all these evil dirty men are obviously targeting me. Can’t be everyday everywhere got whistle otherwise you know it yet telling blatant lies act innocent Pui!


You need to record a video next time. Still pictures of a dynamic scenario is useless evidence. You are trying to set up the man by falsely accusing him.
Are you blind can’t read what I already wrote clearly it’s not I don’t take video but sneaky evil despicable criminal dogs like you stop whistling as soon as I try to take video not once but twice and mrt cctv can prove I am not falsely accusing anyone unlike you Cantonese dog son of prostitute falsely me one Pui!


Are you blind can’t read what I already wrote clearly it’s not I don’t take video but sneaky evil despicable criminal dogs like you stop whistling as soon as I try to take video not once but twice and mrt cctv can prove I am not falsely accusing anyone unlike you Cantonese dog son of prostitute falsely me one Pui!
then your evidence is as worthless as no evidence.

and by the way, given that you have no evidence, you have defamed him by publicly accusing him on social media.

be smarter. if u have no evidence, shut up. otherwise, u can be sued for defamation.



then your evidence is as worthless as no evidence.

and by the way, given that you have no evidence, you have defamed him by publicly accusing him on social media.

be smarter. if u have no evidence, shut up. otherwise, u can be sued for defamation.

Again you are falsely accusing me is you Cantonese dog son of prostitute accusing me what are. I already wrote clearly mrt cctv is the evidence that I sit there do nothing and was whistled at not once but twice by this man. Pui!


Again you are falsely accusing me is you Cantonese dog son of prostitute accusing me what are. I already wrote clearly mrt cctv is the evidence that I sit there do nothing and was whistled at not once but twice by this man. Pui!
then make a police report and get the cctv footage.

KPKB in this forum and posting on social media accusing him of wolf whistling shows your evil behavior. You are a coward using social media instead of REAL AND TRUE EVIDENCE.

TSK TSK TSK...Very low ses hokkien ah lian behavior


then make a police report and get the cctv footage.

KPKB in this forum and posting on social media accusing him of wolf whistling shows your evil behavior. You are a coward using social media instead of REAL AND TRUE EVIDENCE.

TSK TSK TSK...Very low ses hokkien ah lian behavior
As usual you are always accusing me what you are proven evil coward bully scared of 有权有势Ho Ching with good husband and bully weak vulnerable people like me. Pretend don’t know I report police how many times to no avail with dogs pretend whistle just to relax. I will wait for karma to take care of him just like the one that told police he was whistling when he was whistling to harass me Pui!