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Is it common nowadays to make out with platonic friends of opposite gender?

Singapore Dancing Spirit


What is Platonic friendship or relationship?​

It is an idiom of expression that means the friendship is mutual but non sexual.

This is common nowadays ever since homosexual or lesbian became popular.

Example Modi is a hardcore gay. He rejected his wife within few days of his marriage. He never have children as he will not grt arlised if he come across a good looking woman.

Similatly Subder Pichai Google CEO married with 2 kids. But now they are into LGBT lifestyle. Meaning he sleeps with men, she with women. All these folks cannot survive going forward. Even teir kids are affected. .


Alfrescian (Inf)
Platonic relationship is impractical. Men can only have a volcanic relationship with women. Our kukujiao is like an active volcano with loads of hot lava waiting to be released at all times....


Alfrescian (Inf)
Platonic relationship is impractical. Men can only have a volcanic relationship with women. Our kukujiao is like an active volcano with loads of hot lava waiting to be released at all times....
what about a volcanic relationship with this gilf?