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is innocence the strongest aphrodisiac?


yes if you wish.
do men find a woman's innocence alluring and irresistible?
The older a man gets, the more he finds female innocence alluring and irresistible.

And because it's hard to find such innocence in matured women, especially if they have already seen a real erect penis, worse still, experienced, the older man turns to young teenaged girls and becomes a paedophile.


The older a man gets, the more he finds female innocence alluring and irresistible.

And because it's hard to find such innocence in matured women, especially if they have already seen a real erect penis, worse still, experienced, the older man turns to young teenaged girls and becomes a paedophile.
not a pedo.and will never be. what about 30 years old women?


Old Fart
Innocent and inexperienced types are the best, when we have a bit of time and she is pretty. Can be such a turn on. Many years ago, I had a day out with one of those. Back at my place, she started to undo my zipper whilst lowering herself. I had to stop her, told her I needed to shower or at least wash my didi first. So cute lah!


Innocent and inexperienced types are the best, when we have a bit of time and she is pretty. Can be such a turn on. Many years ago, I had a day out with one of those. Back at my place, she started to undo my zipper whilst lowering herself. I had to stop her, told her I needed to shower or at least wash my didi first. So cute lah!
innocence is a virtue and a chore. like it at times, hate it at times too.