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Interior design group loses defamation suit against clients who left bad reviews on Google, design website


SINGAPORE — The Fineline group of interior design companies has failed in its attempt to sue a married couple over allegedly defamatory remarks made against it in online reviews.

Mr Koh Shou Wen and Ms Erin Chua had engaged Fineline Unique in 2017 to carry out renovation work at their new condominium apartment in Sembawang.

They took to Google Reviews and Hometrust, an interior design e-marketplace, to express their unhappiness.

The group took legal action against the couple, saying it had been wrongly accused of being “unreliable, negligent, unprofessional and wholly incompetent” and had suffered losses.

District Judge Lim Wee Ming threw out the defamation lawsuit in June. Mr Koh and Ms Chua have since reposted their reviews after an interim injunction was lifted.

In his grounds of decision issued on Sept 11, the judge accepted the couple’s defence that Fineline had caused delays and defects, failed to oversee the work and provided inconsistent documentation.

Read more at https://www.todayonline.com/singapo...t-against-clients-who-left-bad-reviews-google


Alfrescian (Inf)
For online reviews, read only the 2-star, 3-star and 4-star reviews/ratings. They are closer to the truth.