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your one sentence very powderful and to the point!
I'm surprised a Sinkie like you understood the joke. Well done

your one sentence very powderful and to the point!
No one went to Delta Company because Delta Company was for those Chinese educated, 3 SMC.
I cannot recall Juliet, but one schoolmate who went to 1 SMC, was a 2LT and an instructor at Juliet.
He came to Kilo Company to visit me. Good friend, and did not pull rank.
During my time in SAFTI, there were no recruits doing their 3 months BMT
only after they passed out from BMT then posted to SAFTI for section leader, OCS,
SMM, PTI, SMI, Snipper, School of military small arms, School of military special weapons
also OCS for woman and many other training schools.
I was working in the HQ coy. The officers also had to take their IPPT test.
I had to carry a type-writer to the field to record all their results, no cheat,
Mindef officers were there to supervise.
If a soldier was court marshall, i had to be in the court to update his document
and sent him to TDB straight away.
I believe now the clerk just need to carry a lap top.
Which coy were you during 4SMC? U joined during senior term or went through the full 9 mths?
Met a Perm Sec's Assistant who got promoted CPT (NS) to MAJ(NS)
I completed SISL, and was a CPL at 8 SIR, then went to Bravo Company, 4 SMC senior term.
Then you must know these few Coy mates in your Coy: Amolat Singh (now a lawyer) and former Assoc Prof (deseased) Ananda Raja in NUS (Sociology Dept) , (the brother of a PAP MP).
I was in A Coy. A small test for you: Who was the sword of honour in the 4SMC?
Ko Chee Wah, a Rafflesian from the Class of 1971, rugby player, who attended and graduated from university, before serving NS.
Is that A. Singh a SGT leading the 84 mm RG team, and is A. Raja a CPL there?
Let me test you: What is the name and nickname of the infamous CSM of Charlie Company? (to be fair, he, a SGT at that was more than fair to me, as well as treated like his comrade, often inviting me to the Sergeants Mess for beer. he and I kept in touch after I ROD (as it was used at that time). Several years ago, when I went to SG for a visit, I phoned him when he was a MWO as an instructor at SAFTI
Any of your names here are Lam Chun See and Peter?
Ko Chee Wah, a Rafflesian from the Class of 1971, rugby player, who attended and graduated from university, before serving NS.
Is that A. Singh a SGT leading the 84 mm RG team, and is A. Raja a CPL there?
Let me test you: What is the name and nickname of the infamous CSM of Charlie Company? (to be fair, he, a SGT at that was more than fair to me, as well as treated like his comrade, often inviting me to the Sergeants Mess for beer. he and I kept in touch after I ROD (as it was used at that time). Several years ago, when I went to SG for a visit, I phoned him when he was a MWO as an instructor at SAFTI
Are you asking me? no, I am not called any of those names.
Correct, You spelt his surname correctly too (Ko), I am sorry I am not able to recall the name of the infamous CSM of Charlie Coy. I was in A Coy, did both the junior and senior terms, meaning went through the whole 9 months of the SMC. There was a Commando Officer who was an instructor at C Coy, but can't remember his name.
My OC's name was Neo Lam Tong. My batch of Platoon mates, many were returned scholars, for eg Chan Seng Onn who is now a High Court Judge, (But he did not complete his SMC, later he was medically exempted from NS).
Because a guy named lam chun see has a blog talking about his safti experience.
He was probably in your batch.
Apparently LHY was from C coy 3rd SMC.